
From FFXI Wiki
Bard Icon.png This player is a level 75 Bard
White Mage Icon.png This player is a level 75 White Mage
Thief Icon.png This player is a level 75 Thief
Red Mage Icon.png This player is a level 52 Red Mage

Etain is a Tarutaru Female playing on the Fenrir Server. Playing since May 2004, she is currently leveling her fourth job to 75, and is looking ahead to start seriously working on crafting and moving towards upgrading/collecting Salvage armor.

She's been a member of several linkshells over the course of her FFXI career, the most notable of them being OneWingedAngels, FatelessDreamers, SecretCowLevel, Magitek, Lagsave, and Shenanigans.

Etain attended the Final Fantasy XI Fan Festival 2006 in Santa Monica, CA.

She currently resides in New Jersey and is in the planning stages of a March 2008 wedding. She's employed for a night program in a NJ High School, and is planning to go back to school to finish her Music Education degree within the next few years.

A Bardlet's Tale
FFXIAH Profile
LS Community Profile

Currently Working On

In the process of leveling Red Mage to level 75.

Slowly working on crafting, attempting to get Bonecraft from 53 to 100.

Saving for a Blau Dolch and the eventual upgrade of a Marduk's Jubbah.


Etain currrently runs Dynamis with the linkshell SecretCowLevel. She has previously ran with BombToss (received Bard's Cuffs, Roundlet, and Slippers as well as flagged Bastok and San d'Oria with them) and the short-lived linkshell Lemmings. Etain has invested over 100 runs with "SCL", and has earned over 190 points thus far in her membership. Dynamis continues to be one of her favorite FFXI events to participate in.


Zone Flagged?
Dynamis - Bastok Check.gif
Dynamis - San d'Oria Check.gif
Dynamis - Windurst Check.gif
Dynamis - Jeuno Check.gif
Dynamis - Beaucedine Check.gif
Dynamis - Xarcabard Check.gif
Dynamis - Buburimu Check.gif
Dynamis - Qufim Check.gif
Dynamis - Valkurm Check.gif
Dynamis - Tavnazia Check.gif

Relic Armor Obtained

Bard White Mage Thief
Head August 28, 2005 October 11, 2006 March 21, 2007
Body April 15, 2006 June 2, 2007 June 27, 2007
Hands August 14, 2005 September 22, 2007 December 1, 2007
Hands Plus One October 14, 2007 --- ---
Legs June 14, 2006 July 8, 2006 February 6, 2008
Legs Plus One December 27, 2006 --- ---
Feet September 11, 2005 February 3, 2007 August 29, 2007
Accessory December 9, 2006 October 6, 2007 ---


HP/MP Stats Combat Magic Others
HP 2/8 STR 0/5 Dagger 8/8 Singing 3/8 Critical Hit 1/4
--- --- Marksmanship 0/8 Wind 1/8 Spell Interrupt 0/4
--- --- Sword 0/4 --- ---

Bard White Mage Thief
Lullaby Recast 5/5 Cure Cast Time 4/5 Triple Attack 2/5
Minuet Effect 4/5 Regen Effect 2/5 ---
Foe Sirvente 3/3 Devotion 1/3 Feint 0/3
Nightingale 1/3 Shellra V 0/3 Aura Steal 0/3
Troubadour 1/3 Martyr 0/3 Assassin's Charge 0/3
Adventurer's Dirge 1/3 Protectra V 0/3 ---


Etain runs Salvage with the successful Salvage linkshell, LagSave.

To date, Etain has defeated Long-Bowed Chariot, Armored Chariot, Battleclad Chariot and Long-Armed Chariot.

She has completed Marduk's Tiara, Marduk's Dastanas, and Skadi's Jambeaux.

Progress/Pieces Obtained

Marduk Skadi
Head Marduk's Tiara ---
Body Anu's Doublet, Ea's Doublet Njord's Jerkin
Hands Marduk's Dastanas Njord's Gloves
Legs Njord's Trousers, Freyr's Trousers
Feet Anu's Gaiters Skadi's Jambeaux

Wanted Items


White Mage Thief
Head Yigit Turban Pahluwan Qalansuwa
Body --- ---
Hands Yigit Gages Pahluwan Dastanas
Legs Yigit Seraweels ---
Feet Yigit Crackows Pahluwan Crackows

Nyzul Isle

White Mage Thief
Head Goliard Chapeau Denali Bonnet
Body Goliard Saio Denali Jacket
Hands --- Denali Wristbands
Legs --- Denali Kecks
Feet Check.gif Check.gif


White Mage Thief
Weapon --- Bartholomew's Knife
Head --- ---
Body --- Hecatomb Harness
Hands Zenith Mitts ---
Legs --- ---
Feet --- ---


White Mage Thief
Head Nashira Turban Homam Zucchetto
Body Nashira Manteel Homam Corazza
Hands --- Check.gif
Legs Nashira Seraweels Homam Cosciales
Feet --- Check.gif



Loquacious Earring, Sheikh Gages, Nereid Ring, Vilma's Ring, Astute Cape

White Mage

Prudence Rod, Perdu Wand, Hedgehog Bomb, Healer's Cap+1, Loquacious Earring, Aqua Ring, Prism Cape


Blau Dolch, Sirocco Kukri, Ziska's Crossbow, Love Torque, Ethereal Earring, Brutal Earring, Rogue's Armlets+1, Sniper's Ring, Jaeger Ring, Assassin's Cape, Barbarossa's Zerehs