Getting There
The Fight
- Can use Draw In.
- Casts Burn, Blaze Spikes, Fire IV, Firaga II, Firaga III, Flare II.
- Has Additional effect: Poison on melee hits.
- Gains a Regen effect when Blaze Spikes is active.
- Uses Chainspell at 89%, 69%, 49%, 29% and 9%.
- When active, will chain spells as well as TP moves (including Gates of Hades when under 25% HP).
- Will howl at random times throughout the fight.
- The following sequence of actions will occur after a howl: Ululation - Firaga III - Magma Hoplon - Howl (ends sequence)
- Starting at 25% HP, Gates of Hades will replace Firaga III in the sequence.
- Has a 60 minute rage timer.