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Teleportation Guide
(The Scratch Version)
The goal of this guide is to create an easy to use, handy resource for teleportation around Vana'diel. Teleportation was a key element of travel even at the launch of the game, and with the additions made in each expansion pack and version update, it's become very daunting to remember each and every option available to get to a place. Even worse, some teleportation options specific to content are actually inferior to teleportation options added later! I'm hoping to help clarify the absolute best way to get from Point A to Point B in this guide.
Part 1: Types of Teleportation
Home Points
Home Points were added as a travel method in the December 2013 Version Update. Once touched and registered, they allow for instant transportation to any previously registered Home Point. The system allows you to save up to nine Home Points in a Favorited menu, and you can organize Home Point listings by region or by expansion pack. Home Point teleportation within the same region are free, while other regions incur a gil fee. This fee is greatly mitigated with the possession of the key item Rhapsody in White.
BG Wiki already has a fantastic guide about home point teleports and their location, so I won't be duplicating it here. However, this guide will assume that you have every homepoint. If you do not have them already, make it a point to grab all of them possible. I will edit this section at a later time to include the harder-to-reach Home Points, such as Newton Movalpolis.
Survival Manuals
Survival Guides work in a similar fashion to Home Points, with the major difference being their placement favoring zone lines or region outposts, and there being at most one per zone, compared to some zones that can have 5 different Home Points. Continuing the similarities, a fee is imposed for travel between Survival Guides (also reduced by Rhapsody in White), and you must touch one before being able to teleport to it. Just like before, BG Wiki's page detailing Survival Guides and their positions is a wealth of knowledge for these items, and again, this guide assumes you have them all. The more difficult to reach guides, like Arrapago Reef's semi-useful guide, will be detailed at a later date.
Middle Lands Proto-Waypoints and Geomagnetic Founts
Introduced in the hype-up quest before Seekers of Adoulin launched, this provided several new (and somewhat weirdly wonderful) one-way teleportation options around the Middle Lands. They used to be unlocked in a building quest line, starting with Proto-Waypoints in towns, then "near" Geomagnetic Founts, and finally "far" Geomagnetic Founts, but as of an undetermined Version Update, you can now find and activate these Waypoints and Founts in any order, so long as you have started the quest.
These offer some utility in interesting cases, and can be used to reach somewhat out-of-the-way areas easily. Do note that the Proto-Waypoints between towns are practically obsolete due to Home Points, and that Geomagnetic Founts are one-way trips. As always, you must register each one before use. BG Wiki's page on these warps give a good idea of where to find each one. This guide will point out the useful ones to have based on content. Consider getting them.
Also, Meriphataud Mountains' warp puts you on top of a cactus tree. It's wonderful.
Unity Warps
With the addition of Unities, players were given a wealth of nostalgic beasts to slay in ilevel format, along with a new method of transportation. Barring a very small handful of monsters, each warp is available upon joining a Unity, and each warp is one-way that costs Unity Accolades. You do not need to have the appropriate Unity Records of Eminence active to use these warps. These warps are not as well documented as the previous ones on BG Wiki, but you can see a list of available zones by viewing the zones that contain unity NMs. Each zone listed can be teleported to.
Voidwatch Warps
Abyssea Maws
Outpost Warps (almost completely invalidated)
Player Magic
Key Item Shenanigans and Shortcuts
Part 2: Junctions
The real challenge of teleportation is not in finding the closest warp type to you and using it, it's combining the all warps you have for quick, effortless transit. With this in mind, finding the most useful Junctions between one warp type to another is key. Far too often have I seen party members use a Home Point warp to get to a place in 10 minutes, that could have been reached in 10 seconds had they used a different warp type.
The Junctions I list are not the end-all-be-all, but are based on the distance from one type to another. A direct example is that every major city has a Home Point relatively close to a Survival Guide, but Northern San'd Oria has a Home Point and Survival Guide mere yalms apart, with minimal movement required to 'junction' between the two. In addition to this, all junctions being considered are relative to Home Points, as with a Warp Ring, you are always close to a Home Point.
Northern San'd Oria Home Point #1 <=> Northern San'd Oria Survival Guide
Norg Home Point #2 <=> Norg Proto-Waypoint
Southern San'd Oria Home Point #1 <=> Urbiolaine