User:Samnosuke/Guides/Apollyon SW

From FFXI Wiki
Version 1.0
Updated 10/26/07

Area: Apollyon South West

  • Zone Information
    • Apollyon South West is reached via the Crag of Dem.
    • You can only open one chest on the first two floors, but all chests on the third.
    • The conditions for making the chests appear are different on each floor.
    • This zone is best suited for a melee heavy setup.

Suggested Consumables

  • Tanks: Sushi, Reraise, 40~Shihei, 1-2 Poison Potions
  • Melee: Meat, Reraise, 1-2 Poison Potions
  • Mages: Ginger Cookies, Reraise

ApollyonSW Floor1.jpg

First Floor

  • Normal Enemies: Fir Bholg x10 (Fomor)

  • There are two Fomor of each race.
  • The race of the person that selects the zone will spawn the chests and vortex.
  • If possible do not have a Hume enter first, the Hume Samurai Fomors are the hardest.
  • Link and aggro by sound.
    • Groups of 6: Kill only the two Fomor necessary to get the chests and vortex. Take the time chest.
    • Groups of 10+: If you have a THF you can farm a few extra races before you take the time chest and move up.

ApollyonSW Floor2.jpg

Second Floor

  • Normal Enemies: Jidra x8 (Treants), Arboricole Beetle, Arboricole Crawler, Arboricole Hornet, Arboricole Opo-opo, Arboricole Raven, Arboricole Spider, Apollyon Sapling

  • You will find 7 Treants on this floor with foliage on their branches and 1 Treant without, the barren Treant will open the vortex.
  • The barren Treant is noticeably harder than the rest.
  • Killing any of the other 7 Treants will result in a random mob spawning on top of it. These are guaranteed to drop coins.
  • To get the time item and restore chests to appear you must kill all 7 of the easier Treants and the mobs they spawn on death.
  • Aggro by sight.
    • Groups of 6: Kill only the barren Treant and advance to the next floor.
    • Groups of 10+: Unless you have at least 12 people do not waste time killing the 14 mobs required here to get the chests to spawn. You will have time to kill a few for the coins however.

ApollyonSW Floor3.jpg

Third Floor

  • Normal Enemies: Armoury Crate x7 (Mimics)

  • All chests here look like restore chests and can either be a Mimic or the time/item/restore chest.
  • If you click a chest and it is not a Mimic, the chest will act as if it were the real chest all along. So have your mages gather around each chest in case you hit the restore chest.
  • You may open all chests on this floor.
  • The Mimics will use a move called Death Trap which is a very large AoE stun and poison. This is stunnable.
    • Groups of 6: Kill Mimics until you get the vortex no matter what. If you have extra time you can farm the Mimics for coins and try to get the chests, but you will want to have a 20 minute cushion on the last floor.
    • Groups of 10+: Same as above, but you can make do with 15 minutes for the last floor.

ApollyonSW Floor4.jpg

Fourth Floor

  • Normal Enemies: Air Elemental x3, Dark Elemental x3, Earth Elemental x3, Fire Elemental x3, Ice Elemental x3, Light Elemental x3, Thunder Elemental x3, Water Elemental x3

  • In order to get the final chest you must kill the correct group of Elementals.
  • FFXIclopedia is WRONG, the group of Elementals that spawn the chest is RANDOM. It is NOT based on the day you move up to the fourth floor, nor the day you enter the Limbus area.
  • You must kill all 3 Elementals in the group to get the chest.
  • Pulling one Elemental will cause the other 2 of its kind to aggro you, but different groups of Elementals will not link with each other, nor do they aggro.
  • All groups should camp on the vortex to watch for the chest drop.
    • Groups of 6: Get lucky with the chest drop.
    • Groups of 10+: Kill as fast as possible until you get the chest, then farm the remaining elementals for coins until you have a minute left and then hit the chest.

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