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Offense Support


This delay-reducing stat is the first priority in offense-focused buffs. It doesn't scale linearly: it becomes more effective the more you have.

Top 5 Trusts for Haste:

  • King of Hearts
    • Great for quick fights against fodder mobs where you want Dia III applied ASAP. Good in party setups where there's a Haste from a WHM to overwrite. Since he doesn't use Haste/Refresh on other party members, tank trusts may not be as effective: no problem if you are tanking, otherwise try using August or Valaineral who don't need their spell recast as much and can restore their own MP. Be careful when spamming Fusion or Light skillchains which can cause KoH to dump all his MP on Firaga IV.
  • Joachim
    • Great for capping magic haste with March when you have a Haste II. Reliably casts Advancing March, but uptime may drop due to healing priority. Keep him in the backline, or he'll be switching to Regen songs when he takes damage.
  • Koru-Moru
    • Great backline RDM for putting Haste/Flurry + Refresh on the whole party, Dia III, and Dispel. Koru-Moru won't overwrite Haste, which is useful for a COR or RNG who doesn't want Flurry II.
  • Arciela
    • Situational support that can use Addle instead of Dia III. Can provide Attack Bonus and Defense Bonus buffs, but the duration is short. Like KoH, overwrites Haste with Haste II. Counters Sleep with her /PLD sleep resist trait and a special AoE healing TP move. Buff uptime suffers from a slight delay in casting, since she needs to change stances.
  • Ulmia
    • This BRD is only responsible for songs, and maintains buffs more efficiently. Can double march, allowing for a 40% Magic Haste total alongside a WHM Haste: enough to cap on jobs with their own job ability haste such as DNC, DRG, DRK, SAM. Her song choice is more complicated than just looking at %MP, which can make it difficult to control which songs are active: I've even gotten +Attack songs on BLU against High Defense Low Evasion mobs.

Other Haste notes Use Barstonra, Earth Carol, or Flabra Runes to resist Slow. Higher tier versions of Slow overwrite Haste, and Haste can overwrite lower-tier Slow. Haste samba will not take effect if there are other on-hit effects such as Rughadjeen's Algol fire damage, Auspice, or En-spells.

The trusts are not capped on equipment haste automatically. The Citrullus or Blue Wyvern cheers are probably meant to cap their haste, so I'm assuming they have 20% haste after you get Rhapsody in Fuschia which provides +20 to all base stats for trusts.

Capping Haste

  • Haste is 80% to cap, using base-2 numbers 80% would round up from 819.2 to 820/1024.
  • Magic Haste has a 43.75% cap or 448/1024.
  • Equipment Haste has a 25% cap or 256/1024.
  • Job Ability Haste has a 25% cap or 256/1024
  • Ways to cap Magic Haste include:
    • Sylvie's Haste 150/1024 + Indi-Haste 295/1024: PLD, RUN, and NIN.
      • This is only 0.3% short of cap: the difference between Haste 150/1024 and Hastega 153/1024.
    • Haste II 307/1024 + Cornelia 20%
    • Haste II 307/1024 + Victory March from Trust 155/1024
    • Cornelia 20% + Victory March 155/1024 + Advancing March 108/1024
  • Job Ability Haste levels for capping Haste include:
    • 11.2% JA Haste 115/1024 with capped Magic Haste 448/1024.
    • 15% JA Haste 153/1024 + 40% Magic Haste (Haste + Victory March + Advancing March) 413/1024
    • Capped JA Haste 256/1024 + Haste II 307/1024

In this table: Each column is a separate buff slot. You can have 1 from each slot up to their respective cap (Magic 448 / Job Ability 256 / Equipment 256).

x/1024 Advancing March (Magic) Victory March (Magic) Haste/Haste II/Flurry II (Magic) Indi-Haste (Magic) Cornelia's Sphere (Magic) Haste Samba (Job Ability) Cheer Effects (Equipment Haste)
307 Arciela, KingOfHearts
<Haste II> (Self+Master Only)

ArcielaII, KoruMoru
<Haste II or Flurry II> (All PT)

<Phototropic Wrath> (AoE)
295 Sylvie
200 Cornelia
155 Joachim, Ulmia
150 ShikareeZ, Ingrid, Cherukiki, FerreousCoffin, KarahaBaruha, Ygnas, Apururu(UC), Pieuje(UC), Sylvie(UC)

<Stag's Call>
150? Maat
108 Joachim, Ulmia
102 Mayakov
51 Mumor, UkaTotlihn Citrullus, Blue Wyvern <Trust>
25 Ionis <Player>
10 Green Wyvern <Player>

Dual Wield Cheatsheet

Dual Wield
Dual Wield formula: (1-DW) * (1024 - EquipmentHaste - MagicHaste - JAHaste)/1024 = 0.2

Magic Haste Thresholds

  • 15% Victory March 155/1024 or Haste 150/1024
  • 25% Victory March + Advancing March 263/1024
  • 30% Haste II 307/1024 or Haste + Victory March 305/1024
  • 40% Haste + Victory March + Advancing March 413/1024
  • Cap% Haste II + Victory March 448/1024
Magic Haste (%) Magic Haste (%) (+ Mumor/Uka or Subbed DNC Haste Samba 51/1024) Magic Haste (%) (+ Mayakov or DNC Merited Haste Samba 102/1024)
0% 15% 25% 30% 40% Cap 0% 15% 25% 30% 40% Cap 0% 15% 25% 30% 40% Cap
DW Job Tier
T1(10) 64 57 50 46 33 26 62 54 45 41 23 14 60 51 40 34 10  0
T2(15) 59 52 45 41 28 21 57 49 40 36 18  9 55 46 35 29 5  0
T3(25) 49 42 35 31 18 11 47 39 30 26 8  0 45 36 25 19  0  0
T4(30) 44 37 30 26 13  6 42 34 25 21 3  0 40 31 20 14  0  0
T5(35) 39 32 25 21 8  1 37 29 20 16  0  0 35 26 15 9  0  0
T6(40) 34 27 20 16 3  0 32 24 15 11  0  0 33 24 13 7  0  0

The Cornelia Special

  • 20% = Cornelia 204/1024 (or 204.8/1024?)
  • 35% = Haste + Cornelia 354/1024 or Victory March + Cornelia 359/1024
  • Cap% = Haste II + Cornelia 448/1048 or Victory March + Advancing March + Cornelia 448/1048
Magic Haste Magic Haste (+ Mumor/Uka or Subbed DNC Haste Samba 51/1024) Magic Haste (+ Mayakov or DNC Merited Haste Samba 102/1024)
0% 20% 35% Cap 0% 20% 35% Cap 0% 20% 35% Cap
DW Job Tier
T1(10) 64 54 41 26 62 51 34 14 60 47 25  0
T2(15) 59 49 36 21 57 46 29  9 55 42 20  0
T3(25) 49 39 26 11 47 36 19  0 45 32 10  0
T4(30) 44 34 21  6 42 31 14  0 40 27 5  0
T5(35) 39 29 16  1 37 26 9  0 35 22 0  0
T6(40) 34 24 9  0 32 21 4  0 30 17  0  0

Martial Arts Cheatsheet

Martial Arts
Martial Arts capping formula: ( WeaponDelay + MATraitDelay - MartialArtsGear ) * (1024 - EquipmentHaste - MagicHaste - JAHaste) / 1024 = (480 + WeaponDelay) * 0.2
  • Example Martial Arts Tier 9 (270 delay), Capped Equipment Haste (256) and Magic Haste (448).
    • (WeaponDelay + 270 - MartialArtsGear) * (1024 - 256 - 448 - 0) / 1024 = (480 + WeaponDelay) * 0.2
    • (WeaponDelay + 270 - MartialArtsGear) * 0.3125 = (480 + WeaponDelay) * 0.2
    • (WeaponDelay + 270 - MartialArtsGear) = (480 + WeaponDelay) * 0.2 / 0.3125
    • (WeaponDelay + 270 - MartialArtsGear) = (480 + WeaponDelay) * 0.64
    • WeaponDelay + 270 - MartialArtsGear = 307.2 + 0.64*WeaponDelay
    • (1.0 * WeaponDelay - 0.64 * WeaponDelay) + (270 - 307.2) = MartialArtsGear
    • 0.36*WeaponDelay - 37.2 = MartialArtsGear
    • ilvl 119 Spharai with +116 Delay: 0.36 * 116 - 37.2 = 4.56 Martial Arts needed from Gear
  • Magic Haste Thresholds
    • 15% Victory March 155/1024 or Haste 150/1024
    • 25% Victory March + Advancing March 263/1024
    • 30% Haste II 307/1024 or Haste + Victory March 305/1024
    • 40% Haste + Victory March + Advancing March 413/1024
    • Cap% Haste II + Victory March 448/1024
  • Let D = WeaponDelay, the added delay of the weapon:
    • For most knuckles, D=96. You can do an quick estimate by moving the decimal point 2 places to the right.
Magic Haste
0% 15% 25% 30% 40% Cap
MA Job Tier
T0(480) D*0.7333+352.0 D*0.6686+320.9320 D*0.5945+285.3386 D*0.5557+266.7592 D*0.4231+203.0873 D*0.36+172.8
T1(400) D*0.7333+272.0 D*0.6686+240.9320 D*0.5945+205.3386 D*0.5557+186.7592 D*0.4231+123.0873 D*0.36+92.8
T2(380) D*0.7333+252.0 D*0.6686+220.9320 D*0.5945+185.3386 D*0.5557+166.7592 D*0.4231+103.0873 D*0.36+72.8
T3(360) D*0.7333+232.0 D*0.6686+200.9320 D*0.5945+165.3386 D*0.5557+146.7592 D*0.4231+83.0873 D*0.36+52.8
T4(340) D*0.7333+212.0 D*0.6686+180.9320 D*0.5945+145.3386 D*0.5557+126.7592 D*0.4231+63.0873 D*0.36+32.8
T5(320) D*0.7333+192.0 D*0.6686+160.9320 D*0.5945+125.3386 D*0.5557+106.7592 D*0.4231+43.0873 D*0.36+12.8
T6(300) D*0.7333+172.0 D*0.6686+140.9320 D*0.5945+105.3386 D*0.5557+86.7592 D*0.4231+23.0873 D*0.36-7.2
T7(280) D*0.7333+152.0 D*0.6686+120.9320 D*0.5945+85.3386 D*0.5557+66.7592 D*0.4231+3.0873 D*0.36-27.2
T8(275) D*0.7333+147.0 D*0.6686+115.9320 D*0.5945+80.3386 D*0.5557+61.7592 D*0.4231-1.9127 D*0.36-32.2
T9(270) D*0.7333+142.0 D*0.6686+110.9320 D*0.5945+75.3386 D*0.5557+56.7592 D*0.4231-6.9127 D*0.36-37.2
Magic Haste (+ Mumor/Uka or Subbed DNC Haste Samba 51/1024)
0% 15% 25% 30% 40% Cap
MA Job Tier
T0(480) D*0.7144+342.8954 D*0.6388+306.6243 D*0.5489+263.4714 D*0.5005+240.2341 D*0.3263+156.6316 D*0.2387+114.5576
T1(400) D*0.7144+262.8954 D*0.6388+226.6243 D*0.5489+183.4714 D*0.5005+160.2341 D*0.3263+76.6316 D*0.2387+34.5576
T2(380) D*0.7144+242.8954 D*0.6388+206.6243 D*0.5489+163.4714 D*0.5005+140.2341 D*0.3263+56.6316 D*0.2387+14.5576
T3(360) D*0.7144+222.8954 D*0.6388+186.6243 D*0.5489+143.4714 D*0.5005+120.2341 D*0.3263+36.6316 D*0.2387-5.4424
T4(340) D*0.7144+202.8954 D*0.6388+166.6243 D*0.5489+123.4714 D*0.5005+100.2341 D*0.3263+16.6316 D*0.2387-25.4424
T5(320) D*0.7144+182.8954 D*0.6388+146.6243 D*0.5489+103.4714 D*0.5005+80.2341 D*0.3263-3.3684 D*0.2387-45.4424
T6(300) D*0.7144+142.8954 D*0.6388+126.6243 D*0.5489+83.4714 D*0.5005+60.2341 D*0.3263-23.3684 D*0.2387-65.4424
T7(280) D*0.7144+122.8954 D*0.6388+106.6243 D*0.5489+63.4714 D*0.5005+40.2341 D*0.3263-43.3684 D*0.2387-85.4424
T8(275) D*0.7144+117.8954 D*0.6388+101.6243 D*0.5489+58.4714 D*0.5005+35.2341 D*0.3263-48.3684 D*0.2387-90.4424
T9(270) D*0.7144+112.8954 D*0.6388+96.6243 D*0.5489+53.4714 D*0.5005+30.2341 D*0.3263-53.3684 D*0.2387-95.4424
Magic Haste (+ Mayakov Haste Samba 102/1024)
0% 15% 25% 30% 40% Cap
MA Job Tier
T0(480) D*0.6925+332.3964 D*0.6031+289.4884 D*0.4918+236.0695 D*0.4295+206.1727 D*0.1905+91.4466 D*0.0606+29.0642
T1(400) D*0.6925+252.3964 D*0.6031+209.4884 D*0.4918+156.0695 D*0.4295+126.1727 D*0.1905+11.4466 D*0.0606-50.9358
T2(380) D*0.6925+232.3964 D*0.6031+189.4884 D*0.4918+136.0695 D*0.4295+106.1727 D*0.1905-8.5534 D*0.0606-70.9358
T3(360) D*0.6925+212.3964 D*0.6031+169.4884 D*0.4918+116.0695 D*0.4295+86.1727 D*0.1905-28.5534 D*0.0606-90.9358
T4(340) D*0.6925+192.3964 D*0.6031+149.4884 D*0.4918+96.0695 D*0.4295+66.1727 D*0.1905-48.5534 D*0.0606-110.9358
T5(320) D*0.6925+172.3964 D*0.6031+129.4884 D*0.4918+76.0695 D*0.4295+46.1727 D*0.1905-68.5534 D*0.0606-130.9358
T6(300) D*0.6925+152.3964 D*0.6031+109.4884 D*0.4918+56.0695 D*0.4295+26.1727 D*0.1905-88.5534 D*0.0606-150.9358
T7(280) D*0.6925+132.3964 D*0.6031+89.4884 D*0.4918+36.0695 D*0.4295+6.1727 D*0.1905-108.5534 D*0.0606-170.9358
T8(275) D*0.6925+127.3964 D*0.6031+84.4884 D*0.4918+31.0695 D*0.4295+1.1727 D*0.1905-113.5534 D*0.0606-175.9358
T9(270) D*0.6925+122.3964 D*0.6031+79.4884 D*0.4918+26.0695 D*0.4295-3.8273 D*0.1905-118.5534 D*0.0606-180.9358

Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy

Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy
This hit rate modifier will be the 2nd priority in dealing damage. Rather than percentages, it is modified by fixed values which equate to about +1% hit rate for every +2 accuracy. Hit Rate will cap at 95% for two-handed and one-handed off-hand weapons, and at 99% for one-handed main-hand weapons.

Top 5 trusts for Accuracy. These are my picks based on a balance of consistency, potency, duration, and party role.

  • Joachim
    • Great for a consistent source of accuracy. Reliably casts Madrigal, but uptime may drop due to healing priority. Keep him in the backline, or he'll be switching to Regen songs when he takes damage.
  • Uka Totlihn
    • Great for a consistent source of evasion down. Some base accuracy is required to use Quickstep successfully, though.
  • Koru-Moru
    • Great backline RDM who situationally applies Distract II to enemies with high evasion. His Dispel will be useful against enemies that use Evasion Boost such as Beetles or Greater Birds.
  • Qultada
    • This support/DD with Hunter's Roll can provide a 6 minute accuracy bonus. Since he always pushes for a lucky number or 11, you'll get at least 40 accuracy if he doesn't bust. With the roll's job bonus for having RNG in the party, you may find summoning Semih Lafihna useful for that in combination with her own Defense Down and Evasion Down effects. With some practice, Qultada's weapon skills can be an advantage rather than an annoyance.
  • Sylvie (UC)
    • Good secondary healer. Indi-Precision is a potent buff for the jobs she'll use it on.

Other than Accuracy, your hit rate is influenced by your combat skill and DEX, making skill-up food, skill-up cheer effects, and Sakura good leveling alternatives for raising hit rate.

Trusts do not have access to the Accuracy Boost status itself, so Accuracy Down can't override your buffs. Use Barstonra, Earth Carol, or Flabra Runes to resist Accuracy Down and DEX Down. Between songs, rolls, colures, steps, and other effects, you can stack almost all of the Accuracy boosts available. Support Trusts will use Accuracy buffs conditionally based on your own accuracy. If you want to increase the accuracy of a Trust, full-time auras (Kuyin Hathdenna, Cornelia), default behaviors (Uka Totlihn, Joachim, Ferreous Coffin), AoE Food, or monster cheers would be most effective.

In this table: Each column is a separate buff or debuff slot. Effects in the same column overwrite each other.

Sword Madrigal Blade Madrigal Archer's Prelude Distract II Evasion Down DEX up AGI down Frost Ice Shot Indi-Precision Cornelia's Sphere Kuyin's Sphere Hunter's Roll Conspirator Quickstep Enlight Cheer Effects AoE Food
150 50~150 JakohWahcondalo(UC), RomaaMihgo
95 Prm. Mn. Stewpot
10% (90+) Blazing Wyrm
90 Marine Stewpot
80 Homemade Food
65 55~65 Qultada
<w/ RNG>
56 Sylvie
50? Joachim, Ulmia Ulmia
50 50 Ovjang <Knockout> 40~50 Qultada <No RNG>
49 15~49 JakohWahcondalo(UC)
48 Prz. Ang. Stewpot
5% (45+) Lizard, Alabaster Lizard, Blue Sea Monk, Slime
45? Joachim, Ulmia Loach Soup
44 24~44 UkaTotlihn
40? SemihLafihna
<Stellar Arrow>
40 IronEater
<Shield Break>
35 KoruMoru, Rainemard
32 FerreousCoffin
30 Cornelia Loach Gruel, Prm. Ang. Stewpot
28 27~28 KuyinHathdenna
3% (27+) Mini Slime <Trust>
23 1~23 Ygnas
<Phototrophic Wrath>
18 10~18 Abquhbah
<Salaheem Spirit>
16 Balamor
15 Angler Stewpot, Loach Slop
9 3~9 KukkiChebukki
8 Prz. Sfd. Stewpot
7 Monberaux
<Mix: Samson's Strength>
Blue Wyvern <Player>
6 Prm. Sfd. Stewpot
5 Seafood Stewpot
4 Luzaf
3 Behemoth Cub, Green Wyvern

Attack/Defense Ratio "pDIF"

By raising Attack or lowering Defense, you're changing the ratio of Attack/Defense which results in a physical damage multiplier between approximately 0.25 and 4.0.

Top 5 trusts for Attack/Defense ratio:

  • King of Hearts
    • Great for quick fights against fodder mobs where you want Dia III applied ASAP. Good in party setups where there's a Haste from a WHM to overwrite. Since he doesn't use Haste/Refresh on other party members, tank trusts may not be as effective: no problem if you are tanking, otherwise try using August or Valaineral who don't need their spell recast as much and can restore their own MP. Be careful when spamming Fusion or Light skillchains which can cause KoH to dump all his MP on Firaga IV.
  • Koru-Moru
    • Great backline RDM for putting Haste/Flurry + Refresh on the whole party, Dia III, and Dispel. Koru-Moru won't overwrite Haste, which is useful for a COR or RNG who doesn't want Flurry II.
  • Qultada
    • Qultada is harder to use due to random weaponskill usage, but he enhances Dia with Light Shot and aims for high percentage Roll buffs with a 6-minute long duration. For Confrontation-type battles, you can pre-buff on fodder then swap him out.
  • Sylvie (UC)
    • Sylvie alone can cap pDIF for some players via Fury + Frailty. Uses different Geomancy spells for some jobs, so you may not get the buffs you wanted on RDM. :(
  • Flaviria (UC)
    • Flaviria's Angon (Ability) is a Defense Down effect that's guaranteed to hit, unlike similar effects applied by spells or TP moves. Trusts in general have difficulty applying status effects for lack of magic accuracy on old versions of WS, making Flaviria the more reliable Defense Down trust.

Your most consistent sources of pDIF support are going to be Dia and Chaos Roll since most of these abilities have shorter buff durations relative to their uptime. Trusts are missing Box Step, an Atk aura, and a Minuet BRD. Use Barwatera, Water Carol, Sulpor Runes to resist Attack Down and STR Down.

Debuffs scale non-linearly, so even smaller amounts like Light Shot's -2.7% debuff can add the equivalent of +16% attack.

  • Dia III + Defense Down ~= +81% atk (-45% def)
  • Dia III + Defense Down + Indi-Frailty ~= +135% atk (-57.5% def)
  • Dia III + Defense Down + Indi-Frailty + Light Shot ~= +151% atk (-60.2% def)

In this table: Each column is a separate buff or debuff slot. Effects in the same column overwrite each other. Values in red are debuff percentages and are weighed according to the equivalent buff ratio. (i.e. -25 def = 100/75 = 133.3/100)

Berserk, Endark, and Last Resort are different personal buffs that can be used alongside the others below.

Dia Light Shot Defense Down Indi-Frailty Valor Minuet Attack Boost STR up VIT down Choke Wind Shot Indi-Fury Chaos Roll Warcry Cheer Effects AoE Food
41% 34.7%~41% Qultada <w/ DRK>
37.5% Sylvie(UC)
33.3% (-25%) SemihLafihna
<Lux Arrow>

Iron Eater
<Armor Break>

<Tachi: Ageha>

Lion, Lion II
<Powder Keg>

<Sharp Eye>
31.2% 25%~31.2% Qultada <no DRK>
25% (-20%) KoruMoru, KingOfHearts <Dia III>

<Salamander Flame>
Flaviria(UC) <Angon>

Naja, Naja(UC)

Gessho <Rinpyotosha (Howl)>
15% Lilisette <Sensual Dance>

<Guiding Light>

<Phototrophic Wrath>

<Stag's Call>
14.2% (-12.5%) Sylvie(UC)
11.5% Rongelouts


Abquhbah, Klara, Volker
11.2% (-10.1%) Naja(UC)
10.4% Joachim, Ulmia
~9% 83 Prz. Beef Stewpot
7% King Behemoth
6.6% ArkHM
6% Pachypodium, Behemoth
~6% 61 Prm. Beef Stewpot
5% Sheep, Ram, Karakul, Sea Monk, Coeurl, Lynx, Korrigan, Clot
~4% ? BabbanMheillea 43 Prz. Wt. Stewpot
40 Homemade Food, Beef Stewpot
3.4% (-2.7%) Qultada
3% Coeurl Cub
~3% Balamor Prm. Wt. Stewpot
~2.2% Abquhbah
<Salaheem Spirit>

<Samson's Strength>
~1% Luzaf
<1% 3 Bugard, Blue Wyvern, Green Wyvern <Player>

2 Slime, Clot, Wyvern <Player>
1 Mini Slime, Dragon Hatchling <Player>

Attack-Modded WS

Attack-Modded WS
Weapon skills that include an Attack adjustment allow you to adjust equipment for other stats like multi-hit, but can also be useful for capping Attack against more powerful enemies or in parties where you're short on buffs.

Other factors include the Ignores Defense skills, weapon skills with fixed damage, or weapon skills without a dSTAT. Since the Trusts themselves are in the equivalent of entry-level gear, these are the weapon skills that can result in good performance from an attack role Trust. This doesn't necessarily mean these are the best weapon skills to use when enemies check high or equal defense; other factors like fTP, number of hits, and critical hits are also useful in that situation. The list below is here to complete the list of Attack-related features.

  • Top 4 trusts in this category include:
  • Flaviria (UC)
    • Spams WS preferring Camlann's Torment, alongside Berserk, Angon, and good damage traits like the DRG-specific WSD Boost trait.
  • Zeid II
    • Only uses Ground Strike. Last Resort and any absorbed buff with DRK's high tier Attack Bonus and Smite traits make Zeid one of the most popular damage trusts, but you need to start skillchains to increase his WS frequency.
  • Matsui-P
    • This triple-threat not only does powerful ninjutsu + elemental magic, but selects good weaponskill options too. Main reason he's not #1 is that he should really use his Mana Wall for survivablity instead of making excuses about subjob level.
  • ArkGK
    • Able to self-skillchain Fudo, then keep building TP to keep skillchaining with anyone else around. When he can't, he'll set up Konzen-ittai for you.

Attack Modifier WS Ignores Defense WS no dSTAT
Attack Mod Used by Trusts Note Ignores Defense % Used by Trusts Note dStat Used by Trusts Note
Ascetic's Fury 1.5? -- Apex Arrow 15+ by TP -- Amount Ignored varies by TP Cloudsplitter 0 ArkMR
Blade: Kamu 1.3125~3.0 Matsui-P Also ignores Defense 25% Armor Piercer 50 -- Herculean Slash 0 Leonoyne
Detonator 2.0 Qultada Camlann's Torment 12.5+ Flaviria (UC) Amount Ignored varies by TP Infernal Scythe 0 --
Dimidiation 1.25 Amchuchu One Inch Punch 0+ Maat Amount Ignored varies by TP Shining Blade 0 --
Empyreal Arrow 2.0 Makki-Chebukki, Najelith Piercing Arrow 0+ Margret Amount Ignored varies by TP Seraph Blade 0 Curilla, Rahal, Areuhat, Rongelouts
Ground Strike 1.75 Rughadjeen, Zeid, Zeid II Quietus 10+ Robel-Akbel Amount Ignored varies by TP Shining Strike 0 --
Howling Fist 1.5 Maat, Zazarg Split Shot 0+ Elivira Amount Ignored varies by TP Seraph Strike 0 Ingrid
Iron Tempest 1.0~1.5 by TP -- Wheeling Thrust 50+ Shikaree Z Amount Ignored varies by TP
Mandalic Stab 1.75 --
Retribution 1.5 --
Steel Cyclone 1.5 Iron Eater, Invincible Shield (UC)
Spinning Slash 1.5 --
String Clipper 1.25 Mnejing
Tachi: Gekko 2.0 ArkGK, Ayame, Noillurie, Tenzen
Tachi: Kasha 1.67 ArkGK, Ayame, Ayame(UC), Gilgamesh, Noillurie, Tenzen
Tachi: Yukikaze 1.5 ArkGK, Ayame, Noillurie, Tenzen
True Strike 2.0 Cid, Naja Salaheem, Mihli Aliapoh, IngridII All hits crit including off-hand
Viper Bite 2.0 N/A

Fast Cast

Fast Cast
Top Trust in this category:
  • Amchuchu. Valiance is the only trust buff known to give Fast Cast (50%).

Cheer Effects

  • Lunar Wyrm Cheer (+20% to Trusts)

Magic Accuracy

Magic Accuracy
Magic Accuracy is something difficult to quantify, as it's not possible to check with /checkparam. A lack of Magic Accuracy can severely reduce the damage of magic and duration of enfeebles, see: Resist.

Top 5 trusts for Magic Accuracy. There are only 5 trusts nominated in this category anyway. Partipation awards all around.

  • Mumor
    • Great for a consistent source of magic evasion down. Some base accuracy is required to use Feather Step successfully, though.
  • Star Sibyl
    • Her unique aura combines Magic Attack Bonus with Magic Accuracy (+19 to each).
  • Sylvie (UC)
    • Good secondary healer. Indi-Focus or Indi-Languor are a potent buffs for the jobs she'll use it on. Indi-Acumen will be used if your magic accuracy is sufficient, which can help measure whether you have enough.
  • Kayeel-Payeel
    • This bursty damage dealer has a weaponskill that combines Magic Evasion Down + Magic Defense Down effects. Uses Freeze II and Burst II, which reduce magic evasion of their elements by an unknown amount.
  • Rainemard
    • He seems to use Frazzle II only as needed to land Distract, meaning you'd need to fail checks for both accuracy and magic accuracy for him to cast it.

Other than Magic Accuracy, your magic hit rate is influenced by the corresponding mage stat (INT, MND, CHR) and magic skill, making skill-up food, skill-up cheer effects, and Moogle good leveling alternatives for raising magic hit rate.

Trusts do not have access to these Magic Accuracy effects: Warlock's Roll, Klimaform, Intension, Tier II Enspells.

In this table: Each column is a separate buff or debuff slot. Effects in the same column overwrite each other.

Frazzle II Magic Evasion Down Indi-Focus Indi-Languor Cornelia's Sphere Star Sibyl's Sphere Feather Step Cheer Effects AoE Food
95 Prm. Mn. Stewpot
90 Marine Stewpot
55 Sylvie (UC)
? Kayeel-Payeel
<Tartarus Torpor, Freeze II, Burst II>
41 Sylvie (UC)
35 25~35
30 Cornelia Mumor
19 Star Sibyl
10 Djinn, Lunar Wyrm
2 Cluster, Djinn

Magic Attack

Magic Attack
By raising Magic Attack or lowering Magic Defense, you're modifying a magic damage multiplier.

Top 5 trusts for Magic Attack:

  • Monberaux
    • A solid all-around healer who also applies a random effect every 60 seconds, 2 of the 5 are favorable for magic damage: the All Stats Up buff and Magic Attack Bonus. (The other options are Magic Defense, deal 666 damage, or Regen).
  • Star Sibyl
    • Her unique aura combines Magic Attack Bonus with Magic Accuracy (+19 to each).
  • Lion
    • This damage dealer can apply a Magic Defense Down with Powder Keg, which is guaranteed after a Detonation skillchain, but weapon skills with multiple properties may have problems. May be difficult to land, expect it to land with half-duration of 30 seconds.
  • Sylvie (UC)
    • Good secondary healer. Indi-Focus or Indi-Languor are a potent buffs for the jobs she'll use it on. Indi-Acumen will be used if your magic accuracy is sufficient, which can help measure whether you have enough.
  • Arciela
    • This support will give you Haste, Refresh, and Attack/Defense buffs with a short duration.

In this table: Each column is a separate buff or debuff slot. Effects in the same column overwrite each other. Values in red are debuff percentages and are weighed according to the equivalent buff ratio. (i.e. -25 def = 100/75 = 133.3/100)

Magic Defense Down Indi-Acumen Star Sibyl's Sphere Magic Attack Boost Cheer Effects
33.3% (-25%) Lion, Lion II
<Powder Keg>

Naja Salaheem (UC)

<Tartarus Torpor>
21% Sylvie(UC)
20% Monberaux
<Mix: Elemental Power>

<Guiding Light>
19% Star Sibyl
15% Lilisette
<Sensual Dance>
12% Sylvie(UC)
10% Bomb
8% Slime
5% Cockatrice, Ziz
2% Bomb

Misc Offense Support

Misc Offense Support
Double Attack:
  • Qultada. Fighter's Roll provides additional TP/sec, used by default when MP and EXP rolls are not needed. Gets a bonus if a WAR is in party, which includes WAR trusts.
  • Elder Adenium Cheer, Pachypodium Cheer : 2% DA to trusts.
  • Wyvern Cheer: 3% DA to trusts.
  • Green Wyvern Cheer: 5% DA to trusts.

Critical Hit chance: Good options if your favorite weaponskill has the potential to critical hit.

  • Mayakov. Provides crit rate through Feather Step. Also a good source of Attack Speed through Haste Samba, or potentially healing with Drain Samba.
  • Lilisette II. Rousing Samba lowers enemy crit evasion. Lilisette's crit rate is very high also: you'll see players in Domain Invasion use this trust to earn a high evaluation score and earn more eschan beads.
  • Areuhat. Able to use Blood Rage (60s) every 5 min.
  • Invincible Shield (UC): Blood Rage (30s) every 5 min. Can also use Warcry, as seen in the PDIF section.

TP Bonus:

  • Invincible Shield (UC): Warcry (30s) is enhanced with Savagery merits for a +500 TP Bonus.

TP Gain:

  • Selh'teus: Rejuvenation provides a good source of HP, MP, and TP restoration in response to AoE damage or Sleep.
  • Ayame (UC): Can transfer up to 3000TP with Shikikoyo after you or your pet uses a weaponskill every 5 min.

Resistance Down:

  • Invincible Shield (UC): With the Tomahawk ability, he can reduce physical damage resistance on Skeletons, Slimes, and Elementals.
  • Ingrid: Banish spells will flatten the physical damage resistance on Undead.

Circle Effects:

  • Rughadjeen: Holy Circle will increase your damage dealt to Undead.
  • Shikaree Z: Ancient Circle will increase your damage dealt to Dragons.


  • Ygnas: Can provide Enlight to the party, adding some extra damage and accuracy temporarily.

Magic Burst Bonus:

  • Ayame (UC): Sengikori enhances magic burst damage once every 3 minutes

Cumulative Magic

  • Teodor: Uses -ja and -ga spells to magic burst.
  • Mumor II: Uses -ja spells to magic burst after using her aura to recover HP/MP.

Movement Speed

  • Jumbotender Cheer (2% movement speed)

Weapon Skill Damage+

  • Tiny Bugard Cheer (+3% WSD to trusts)
  • Rabbit Cheer, Bugard Cheer (+5% WSD to trusts)
  • Pequetender Cheer (+8% WSD to trusts)

Defense Support



This avoidance stat can reduce the amount of curing needed, noticeably reducing the MP costs for healing against higher level enemies. Evasion rate will cap at 80% for players. Similar to accuracy, it uses fixed values instead of percentages where every +2 evasion or -2 accuracy down equates to about +1% evasion rate. Avoidance checks occur after Intimidation and Paralysis checks in order: Evasion -> Guard / Parry (based on weapon type) -> Shadows / Blink / Third Eye -> Counter

Top 5 trusts for Evasion. These are my picks based on a balance of consistency, potency, duration, and party role.

  • Gessho
  • ArkHM
  • Valaineral

Other than Evasion, your evasion rate is influenced by your evasion skill and AGI.

Trusts do not have access to any of the Evasion Boost status effects except MNK's Dodge. Phantom Roll (Ninja's), Avatar's Favor (Garuda), Ecliptic Howl (Fenrir), Mambo (Song), Indi-Voidance, and Feather Barrier / Warm-Up (Blue Magic) are ways to increase you or your party's evasion.

In this table: Each column is a separate buff or debuff slot. Effects in the same column overwrite each other.

Blind Accuracy Down AGI up DEX down Frost Ice Shot Cheer Effects AoE Food
7% (63+) Elder Mandragora
6% (54+) Mandragora
5% (45+) Raptor, Red Raptor
30 ArkHM, Gessho
<Kurayami: Ni>
<Pocket Sand>
12 6~12 Abquhbah
<Salaheem Spirit>
11 Balamor
6~11 KukkiChebukki
5 Monberaux
<Mix: Samson's Strength>
Beef Stewpot, Crab Stewpot, Seafood Stewpot
4 Luzaf
3 Loach Slop


Magic Evasion

Magic Defense


Enmity Redirection

TP Reduction

Misc Defense Support



You're intended to pick a healer based on spells or abilities you need in a particular situation. The healer trusts are poorly diversified, instead of different priorities or merits or other equipment set bonuses, they just took away a few spells so there wouldn't be a one-size-fits-all healer. There are a few who come close. Here is a list of the different healers and some ideas about the situations they're suited for.

  • Monberaux
    • Doesn't use magic, so no MP issues and not impaired by Silence. Has AoE status removal, resistance to all status ailments via Resist Sleep+Tenacity traits, random support effects every 60 seconds, can restore MP to a party member every 90 seconds.
    • Best suited for: General Use, MP restoration, AoE Status Removal, Magic Defense, countering Sleep.
  • Ygnas
    • Saves MP by healing with efficient but low throughput cures, making him better suited as a backup healer on intensive fights. Has an AoE ability that provides 30% or more Haste, which is useful at low levels where you don't have Haste II, but be prepared for him to use AoE damage as well.
    • Best suited for: Leveling, back-up healing, MP restoration (w/ Arciela), AoE pulls.
  • Apururu (UC)
    • Apururu is one of the 3 healers that has access to Curaga spells, but is the only one who stands at a distance which allows her to avoid AoE Sleep effects and recover the party all at once. She is one of the WHMs who will cast Haste on you and other melee fighters except NIN. At lower levels, Haste can useful for preventing certain Slow effects but above level 96 when Haste II is available, Apururu's behavior can prevent Haste II/Flurry II from being cast by other trusts which can synergize or anti-synergize depending on your job and the other trusts you're using. Apururu runs out of MP faster due to poor cure efficiency, frequently casting Haste, and high cost Curaga spells. However, Apururu makes up for those deficiencies with the Convert ability, and Devotion which is like giving another party member a mini-Convert.
    • Best suited for: General Use, MP restoration, countering Sleep.
  • Yoran-Oran (UC)
    • Yoran-Oran does one thing and does it really well, he is an incredibly efficient healer in terms of cure effects. With a maximum 50% Cure potency and Afflatus Solace adding Stoneskin to cures, you're getting about 80% more curing per Cure (Comparing Yoran-Oran's 1410 HP + 300 Stoneskin Cure VI to Apururu's 941 HP Cure VI). Yoran-Oran is also efficient in terms of MP: he has the BLM Converse MP and Max MP Boost traits with an additional +15% MP bonus. Since Nott restores a percentage of max MP, his Nott weaponskill restores at least 15% more MP than other trusts so it doesn't need to be used as often.
    • Best suited for: General Use, heavy damage battles.
  • Ajido-Marujido
    • Ajido-Marujido is a BLM that can assist with curing and provides the Slow and Paralyze status effects which can help reduce incoming damage. Apururu (UC) gains a 25% Cure Potency boost with him in the party, which can be worthwhile if you don't mind him monopolizing her Devotion ability by casting high tier nukes on cooldown.
    • Best suited for: Leveling, back-up healing, enfeebling, synergy (w/ Apururu).
  • Curilla
    • The first tank trust that was implemented, she's relatively underpowered and her tactics are somewhat outdated. As the commander of the Temple Knights, an order of primarily White Mages, she's a Paladin with a focus on curing ability. However, later trusts like Valaineral (post-rework) and Ark Angel EV fill the restoration tank role better. Since Curilla doesn't have as many spells to cast as other tanks, she'll stand closer to the mobs and is easier to reposition with mobs that have larger hitboxes.
    • Best suited for: Back-up healing, synergy (w/ Rainemard), large enemies with conal attacks.
  • Mihli Aliapoh
    • Best suited for:
  • Prishe
    • Best suited for:
  • Prishe II
    • Best suited for: Back-up healing, heavy AoE damage battles.
  • Nashmeira
    • Best suited for:
  • Nashmeira II
    • Best suited for:
  • Joachim
    • Best suited for:
  • Selh'teus
    • Best suited for:
  • Uka Totlihn
    • Best suited for:
  • Mumor
    • Best suited for:
  • Rahal
    • Best suited for:
  • Noillurie
    • Best suited for:
  • Rughadjeen
    • Best suited for:
  • Kupipi
    • Best suited for:
  • Excenmille
    • Best suited for:
  • Karaha-Baruha
    • Best suited for:
  • Cherukiki
    • Best suited for:
  • Fablinix
    • Best suited for:
  • Mayakov
    • Best suited for:
  • Valaineral
    • Best suited for:
  • Ark Angel EV
    • Best suited for:
  • August
    • Best suited for:
  • Trion
    • Best suited for:
  • Halver
    • Best suited for:
  • King of Hearts
    • Best suited for:
  • Shikaree Z
    • Best suited for:
  • Ingrid
    • Best suited for:
  • Ingrid II
    • Best suited for:
  • Koru-Moru
    • Best suited for:
  • Adelheid
    • Best suited for:
  • Ferreous Coffin
    • Best suited for:
  • Pieuje (UC)
    • Best suited for:
  • Iroha II
    • Best suited for:
  • Arciela
    • Best suited for:
  • Sylvie
    • Best suited for:
  • Sakura
    • Best suited for:

In this table: Each column is a separate buff or debuff slot. Effects in the same column overwrite each other. Values in red are debuff percentages and are weighed according to the equivalent buff ratio. (i.e. -25 def = 100/75 = 133.3/100)

Cure Potency AoE Cure Regen Erase Haste Nott Moonlight Auto-Refresh Barspell Resist Ailments
33.3% (-25%) Lion, Lion II
<Powder Keg>

Naja Salaheem (UC)

<Tartarus Torpor>
21% Sylvie(UC)
20% Monberaux
<Mix: Elemental Power>

<Guiding Light>
19% Star Sibyl
15% Lilisette
<Sensual Dance>
12% Sylvie(UC)
10% Bomb
8% Slime
5% Cockatrice, Ziz
2% Bomb


Skillchains are a strong source of damage in underbuffed melee groups or groups utilizing casters for magic burst.

The majority of trusts are categorized as melee damage dealers, and you have a vast array of choices when it comes to trusts that extend skillchains. Their default behavior for closing skillchains is to use a compatible weaponskill at random.

If you're leveling with Shantotto II, it won't matter which skillchain you do since Shantotto's magic burst damage is high enough to one-shot normal enemies even using magic they're resistant to.

3 step Skillchain with Trust

3-step examples
3-step Light and Darkness skillchains are the most efficient in terms of skillchain damage, with an extra 50% skillchain damage and 10% magic burst damage compared to a 2-step. If you can defeat an enemy with a single 2-step skillchain, you should. However, for enemies with higher HP, consider these other factors for doing 3 step skillchains with a Trust.
  1. Timing. Compared to self-skillchains, you'll have an extra 3-9 seconds to build TP while the trust is doing their step. Or compared to doing a skillchain with Ayame, you'd need to wait for Ayame to gain TP before you use your weaponskill. With a 3-step, you can do the first weaponskill 3-10 seconds before the next party member's TP is ready.
  2. Damage Type. A higher proportion of damage will be elemental damage, which can scale better due to enemy resistances.
  3. Variety. You'll have more options for starting skillchains than with a self skillchain, and you can put your stronger weaponskills at the final step.
  4. Magic Bursts. Longer skillchains lead to more magic burst windows and higher magic burst bonus.
  5. Additional Effects. By choosing a trust that closes your skillchain with a weaponskill that applies an effect you don't have, that gives you a way to apply that effect consistently.

In this table: The Skillchain Closers sections below can be used to calculate your own skillchains. The following are examples for each weapon type.

Weapon Type Step 1 Trust (Step 2) Step 3 Skillchain Type
Dagger Evisceration Mnejing (String Shredder) Evisceration Distortion > Darkness
Maximilian (Fast Blade / Vorpal Blade)
Rudra's Storm Rahal (Swift Blade) Rudra's Storm Darkness > Darkness
LheLhangavo (Asuran Fists)
Maximilian (Swift Blade)
Wild Flourish Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki) Shark Bite Fusion > Light
Ingrid (Seraph Strike / Judgment)
Sword Red Lotus Blade ArkGK (Tachi: Kasha) CDC Gravitation > Darkness
Red Lotus Blade Lion (Powder Keg) OR
Lion (Pirate Pummel)
Savage Blade Gravitation > Fragmentation
Savage Blade Fusion > Light
Red Lotus Blade Gessho (Happobarai) Savage Blade Fusion > Light
Abquhbah (Combo)
Aldo (Shockstorm Edge)
Cid (True Strike / Critical Mass)
Fablinix (Goblin Rush)
IngridII (Merciless Strike)
LheLhangavo (Raging Fists)
ShikareeZ (Raiden Thrust / Skewer)
Najelith (Cyclone)
Ingrid (Seraph Strike / Judgment)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
CDC Tenzen (Amatsu: Hanaikusa) Savage Blade Fusion > Light
Ingrid (Hexa Strike)
Fablinix (Goblin Rush)
Axe Decimation Luzaf (Leaden Salute) Ruinator Gravitation > Darkness
Mistral Axe Gessho (Shibaraku) Ruinator Gravitation > Darkness
Aldo (Iniquitous Stab)
Luzaf (Leaden Salute)
Maximilian (Swift Blade)
ShikareeZ (Impulse Drive)
Ovjang (Sixth Element)
KarahaBaruha (Lunar Bay)
Katana Blade: Hi ArkEV (CDC) Blade: Hi Darkness > Darkness
ArkGK (Tachi: Fudo)
LionII (Walk the Plank)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Mudo)
Blade: Ku Mnejing (String Clipper) Blade: Ku Distortion > Darkness
Maximilian (Fast Blade / Vorpal Blade)
Blade: Ku LheLhangavo (Dragon Kick) Blade: Shun Fragmentation > Light
ZeidII (Ground Strike)
Maat(UC) (Hollow Smite)
Blade: To Gessho (Happobarai) Blade: Shun Fragmentation > Light
SemihLafihna (Sidewinder)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
InvincibleShield(UC) (Raging Rush)
Club Immanence (Fire) Gessho (Happobarai ) Black Halo Fusion > Light
Abquhbah (Combo)
Aldo (Shockstorm Edge)
Cid (True Strike / Critical Mass)
Fablinix (Goblin Rush)
Ingrid (Seraph Strike / Judgment)
Ingrid II (Merciless Strike)
Iroha (Amatsu: Fuga / Amatsu: Hanadoki)
Iroha II (Amatsu: Hanadoki)
Lhe Lhangavo (Raging Fists)
Lion II (Pirate Pummel)
Morimar (Into the Light / Camaraderie of the Crevasse)
Shikaree Z (Raiden Thrust / Skewer)
Najelith (Cyclone)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
Barbed Crescent ArkGK (Tacho: Kasha) Black Halo Fusion > Light
Abquhbah (Combo)
Cid (True Strike / Hexa Strike / Fiery Tailings / Critical Mass)
Fablinix (Goblin Rush)
Ingrid (Inexorable Strike / Merciless Strike)
Iroha (Amatsu: Hanadoki / Amatsu: Fuga)
Iroha II (Amatsu: Suien / Amatsu: Hanadoki)
Lion II (Pirate Pummel / Powder Keg)
Morimar (Into the Light / Camaraderie of the Crevasse)
Najelith (Empyreal Arrow / Cyclone)
Selh'teus (Luminous Lance / Revelation)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
Delta Thrust Gessho (Happobarai) Black Halo Fusion > Light
Abquhbah (Combo)
Aldo (Shockstorm Edge)
Cid (True Strike / Critical Mass)
Fablinix (Goblin Rush)
Ingrid (Seraph Strike / Judgment)
Ingrid II (Merciless Strike)
Iroha (Amatsu: Hanadoki / Amatsu: Fuga)
Iroha II (Amatsu: Hanadoki)
Lhe Lhangavo (Raging Fists)
Shikaree Z (Raiden Thrust / Skewer)
Najelith (Cyclone)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
Flash Nova Lilisette II (Whirling Edge) Realmrazer Fragmentation > Light
Mildaurion (Vortex)
Semih Lafihna (Sidewinder)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
H2H Victory Smite LilisetteII (Whirling Edge) Asuran Fists Distortion > Darkness
Luzaf (Grisly Horizon)
ZeidII (Ground Strike)
KarahaBaruha (Howling Moon)
Howling Fist ArkEV (Vorpal Blade) Asuran Fists Distortion > Darkness
Mnejing (String Clipper)
Rahal (Fast Blade / Seraph Blade / Savage Blade)
Areuhat (Seraph Blade / Vorpal Blade / Savage Blade / Hurricane Wing)
Maximilian (Fast Blade / Vorpal Blade)
ShantottoII (Lesson in Pain)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Jinpu)
Victory Smite Fablinix (Goblin Rush) Victory Smite Light > Light
ShikareeZ (Wheeling Thrust)
Ingrid (Hexa Strike)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Kasha)
Arcuballista Gessho (Happobarai) Victory Smite Fusion > Light
Abquhbah (Combo)
Critical Mass)
Fablinix (Goblin Rush)
IngridII (Merciless Strike)
Iroha (Amatsu: Hanadoki / Amatsu: Fuga)
IrohaII (Amatsu: Hanadoki)
LheLhangavo (Raging Fists)
ShikareeZ (Raiden Thrust / Skewer)
Ingrid (Seraph Strike / Judgment)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
Great Katana Tachi: Kasha Iroha (Amatsu: Gachirin) Tachi: Fudo Light > Light
IrohaII (Amatsu: Gachirin)
LilisetteII (Dancer's Fury)
ZeidII (Ground Strike)
Maat(UC) (Hollow Smite)
Tachi: Kasha KarahaBaruha (Lunar Bay) Tachi: Gekko Gravitation > Darkness
Tachi: Yukikaze Gessho (Happobarai) Tachi: Kasha Fragmentation > Light
IrohaII (Amatsu: Hanadoki)
SemihLafihna (Sidewinder)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
InvincibleShield(UC) (Raging Rush)
Great Sword Empyreal Arrow ShikareeZ (Impulse Drive) Torcleaver Gravitation > Darkness
Ground Strike Mnejing (Shield Subverter) Dimidiation Light > Light
Areuhat (Dragon Breath)
Cid (Hexa Strike / Fiery Tailings / Critical Mass)
Fablinix (Goblin Rush)
IngridII (Inexorable Strike)
IrohaII (Amatsu: Gachirin)
Selh'teus (Luminous Lance / Revelation)
Najelith (Empyreal Arrow)
Ingrid (Hexa Strike)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Kasha)
Torcleaver Fablinix (Goblin Rush) Ground Strike Fusion > Light
Tenzen (Amatsu: Hanaikusa)
Ingrid (Hexa Strike)
Uppercut Gessho (Happobarai) Ground Strike Fusion > Light
Aldo (Shockstorm Edge)
IrohaII (Amatsu: Hanadoki)
LionII (Pirate Pummel)
ShikareeZ (Raiden Thrust / Skewer)
Ingrid (Seraph Strike / Judgment)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
Great Axe Upheaval Iroha (Amatsu: Gachirin) Ukko's Fury Light > Light
IrohaII (Amatsu: Gachirin)
LilisetteII (Dancer's Fury)
ZeidII (Ground Strike)
Maat(UC) (Hollow Smite)
Upheaval Maximilian (Swift Blade) Steel Cyclone Gravitation > Darkness
KarahaBaruha (Lunar Bay)
Steel Cyclone Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Kasha) Steel Cyclone Gravitation > Darkness
Fell Cleave KarahaBaruha (Sunburst / Starburst) Steel Cyclone Gravitation > Darkness
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Ageha)
Steel Cyclone ArkGK (Tachi: Kasha) Ukko's Fury Fusion > Light
Cid (Hexa Strike / Fiery Tailings / Critical Mass)
Fablinix (Goblin Rush)
IngridII (Inexorable Strike)
IrohaII (Amatsu: Suien)
LionII (Pirate Pummel / Powder Keg)
Selh'teus (Luminous Lance / Revelation)
Najelith (Empyreal Arrow)
Ingrid (Hexa Strike)
Raging Rush Gessho (Happobarai) Upheaval Fragmentation > Light
LilisetteII (Whirling Edge)
Mildaurion (Vortex)
SemihLafihna (Sidewinder)
Ovjang (Slapstick)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)
Polearm Camlann's Torment Fablinix (Goblin Rush) Camlann's Torment Light > Light
ShikareeZ (Wheeling Thrust)
Ingrid (Hexa Strike)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Kasha)
Stardiver Mnejing (String Clipper) Impulse Drive Distortion > Darkness
Maximilian (Fast Blade / Vorpal Blade)
Skewer Amchuchu (Sickle Moon) Impulse Drive Distortion > Darkness
ArkEV (Vorpal Blade)
Mnejing (String Clipper)
Rahal (Fast Blade / Seraph Blade / Savage Blade)
Areuhat (Seraph Blade / Vorpal Blade/ Savage Blade / Hurricane Wing)
Maximilian (Fast Blade / Vorpal Blade)
ShantottoII (Lesson in Pain)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Jinpu)
Vorpal Thrust Amchuchu (Sickle Moon) Impulse Drive Distortion > Darkness
ArkEV (Vorpal Blade)
Rahal (Fast Blade / Seraph Blade / Savage Blade)
Areuhat (Seraph Blade / Vorpal Blade / Savage Blade / Hurricane Wing)
Maximilian (Fast Blade / Vorpal Blade)
ShantottoII (Lesson in Pain)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Jinpu)
Impulse Drive Gessho (Happobarai) Wheeling Thrust Fragmentation > Light
Rahal (Savage Blade)
IrohaII (Amatsu: Hanadoki / Amatsu: Gachirin)
ZeidII (Ground Strike)
SemihLafihna (Lux Arrow / Sidewinder)
Ovjang (Slapstick)
Maat(UC) (Hollow Smite)
Staff Shell Crusher ArkGK (Tachi: Kasha) Rush Gravitation > Darkness
LionII (Powder Keg)
Morimar (Arduous Decision)
KarahaBaruha (Sunburst / Starburst)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Ageha)
Hysteric Assault Amchuchu (Sickle Moon) Shattersoul Distortion > Darkness
ArkEV (CDC / Vorpal Blade)
Rahal (Fast Blade / Seraph Blade / Savage Blade)
LilisetteII (Whirling Edge / Dancer's Fury)
Luzaf (Grisly Horizon / Bisection)
Maximilian (Fast Blade / Vorpal Blade)
ZeidII (Ground Strike)
Full Swing Gessho (Happobarai) Volt Strike Fusion > Light
Aldo (Shockstorm Edge)
IrohaII (Amatsu: Hanadoki)
LionII (Pirate Pummel)
ShikareeZ (Raiden Thrust / Skewer)
Ingrid (Seraph Strike / Judgment)
Ayame(UC) (Tachi: Koki)

Skillchain Openers

Opening skillchains
Desired Your WS property
Skillchain Detonation Compression Transfixion Scission Liquefaction Impaction Induration Reverberation
Higher level SC Level 4 Darkness Level 4 Light
Darkness Luzaf, MatsuiP, Mildaurion, Aldo(UC), Naja(UC) Light MatsuiP, Mildaurion, TenzenII, Maat(UC)
DarknessAyame, Luzaf, Mildaurion, TenzenII, Aldo(UC), Naja(UC)
DarknessLuzaf, MatsuiP, Maximilian, Mildaurion, Naja(UC)
Light MatsuiP, Mildaurion, Maat(UC), Naja(UC)
Light Ayame, MatsuiP, Mildaurion, Naja(UC)
Gravitation Ayame, Luzaf
Distortion Ayame, Luzaf
Fusion Ayame
Fragmentation Ayame
Same level SC Detonation Compression Transfixion Scission Liquefaction Impaction Induration Reverberation
Gravitation Mildaurion, Naja(UC)
Distortion Mildaurion, Maat(UC), Naja(UC)
Fusion Ayame, Luzaf, Mildaurion, TenzenII, Aldo(UC), Naja(UC)
Fragmentation Luzaf, Maximilian, Mildaurion, Naja(UC)
Detonation Ayame, Luzaf, Maximilian, Mildaurion, Naja(UC) Compression Luzaf Transfixion Ayame, Luzaf, Naja(UC) Scission Luzaf Liquefaction Ayame, Luzaf, Maximilian, Mildaurion Impaction Mildaurion, Naja(UC) Induration Ayame, Mildaurion, Naja(UC) Reverberation Luzaf, Maximilian, Mildaurion

Skillchain Closers

Closing Level 1 skillchains
Desired Skillchain
Starting WS
Property Detonation Compression Transfixion Scission Liquefaction Impaction Induration Reverberation None
Scission Scission None Gessho, Abquhbah, Aldo, Cid, Fablinix, IngridII, Iroha, IrohaII, LheLhangavo, Selh'teus, ShikareeZ, ZeidII, Najelith, SemihLafihna, Ingrid, InvincibleShield(UC), Maat(UC)
GravitationArkGK, Ayame, Gilgamesh, LionII, Luzaf, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, KarahaBaruha, Ayame(UC)
Scission Amchuchu, ArkEV, Mnejing, Rahal, Areuhat, Gilgamesh, LilisetteII, Luzaf, Maximilian, Mildaurion, Noillurie, Tenzen, Ovjang, ShantottoII
Scission Amchuchu, ArkEV, Mnejing, Rahal, Areuhat, Gilgamesh, LilisetteII, Luzaf, Maximilian, Mildaurion, Noillurie, Tenzen, Ovjang, ShantottoII None ArkGK, Selh'teus, ZeidII, SemihLafihna, KarahaBaruha, InvincibleShield(UC), Maat(UC)
Fusion Gessho, Abquhbah, Aldo, Ayame, Cid, Fablinix, Gilgamesh, IngridII, Iroha, IrohaII, LheLhangavo, LionII, Morimar, ShikareeZ, Najelith, Ingrid, Ovjang, Ayame(UC)
Detonation Detonation Transfixion Transfixion None ArkEV, Rahal, Iroha, IrohaII, LilisetteII, Maximilian, Mildaurion, ZeidII, Ingrid, Ayame(UC), Maat(UC)
Detonation Mnejing, Abquhbah, Aldo, Areuhat, ArkGK, Cid, Fablinix, IngridII, LheLhangavo, Luzaf, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, Najelith, Ovjang, InvincibleShield(UC) Transfixion Amchuchu, Gessho, Aldo, Gilgamesh, LionII, Luzaf, Selh'teus, ShikareeZ, Tenzen, Najelith, SemihLafihna, ShantottoII, KarahaBaruha
Detonation Mnejing, Abquhbah, Aldo, Areuhat, ArkGK, Cid, IngridII, LheLhangavo, Luzaf, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, Najelith, SemihLafihna, Ovjang, InvincibleShield(UC) Liquefaction Liquefaction None Amchuchu, ArkEV, Gessho, Rahal, Gilgamesh, IrohaII, LilisetteII, LionII, Maximilian, Mildaurion, Selh'teus, ShikareeZ, Tenzen, ZeidII, Ingrid, ShantottoII, KarahaBaruha, Ayame(UC), Maat(UC)
Liquefaction Fablinix, Iroha, LheLhangavo
Detonation Mnejing, Abquhbah, Aldo, Areuhat, ArkGK, Cid, IngridII, LheLhangavo, Luzaf, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, Najelith, Ovjang, InvincibleShield(UC) Liquefaction Fablinix, Iroha, LheLhangavo, Reverberation Reverberation None Amchuchu, ArkEV, Rahal, Gilgamesh, Selh'teus, ShikareeZ, ZeidII, Ingrid, ShantottoII, Ayame(UC), Maat(UC)
Reverberation Gessho, Aldo, ArkGK, Iroha, IrohaII, LilisetteII, LionII, Mildaurion, Noillurie, Tenzen, Najelith, SemihLafihna, Ovjang, KarahaBaruha, InvincibleShield(UC)
Compression Compression Reverberation Gessho, Aldo, ArkGK, Iroha, IrohaII, LilisetteII, LionII, Mildaurion, Noillurie, Tenzen, Najelith, SemihLafihna, Ovjang, InvincibleShield(UC) None Abquhbah, Cid, Fablinix, IngridII, LheLhangavo, Selh'teus, ShikareeZ, ZeidII, Ingrid, Maat(UC)
Compression ArkGK, Gilgamesh, LionII, Luzaf, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, KarahaBaruha
Distortion Amchuchu, ArkEV, Mnejing, Rahal, Areuhat, Gilgamesh, LilisetteII, Luzaf, Maximilian, Mildaurion, Noillurie, Tenzen, Ovjang, ShantottoII, Ayame(UC)
Compression ArkGK, Gilgamesh, LionII, Luzaf, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, KarahaBaruha Impaction Impaction None Rahal, Selh'teus, ZeidII, ShantottoII, Maat(UC)
Impaction Amchuchu, ArkEV, Mnejing, Abquhbah, Aldo, Areuhat, Cid, Fablinix, Gilgamesh, IngridII, Iroha, LheLhangavo, LionII, Maximilian, Morimar, ShikareeZ, Najelith, Ingrid
Fragmentation Gessho, Aldo, ArkGK, Ayame, Iroha, IrohaII, LilisetteII, LionII, Mildaurion, Noillurie, Tenzen, Najelith, SemihLafihna, Ovjang, Ayame(UC), InvincibleShield(UC)
Impaction Amchuchu, ArkEV, Gessho, Mnejing, Abquhbah, Aldo, Areuhat, Cid, Fablinix, Gilgamesh, IngridII, Iroha, IrohaII, LheLhangavo, LionII, Maximilian, Morimar, ShikareeZ, Najelith, Ingrid, Ovjang, Induration Induration None Rahal, LilisetteII, Luzaf, Mildaurion, Selh'teus, ZeidII, SemihLafihna, ShantottoII, KarahaBaruha, Ayame(UC), Maat(UC)
Induration Mnejing, ArkGK, IrohaII, Noillurie, ShikareeZ, Tenzen, InvincibleShield(UC)
Closing Level 2 skillchains
Desired Skillchain
Starting WS None
Property Incompatible WS
None Gessho, Mnejing, Abquhbah, Cid, Fablinix, IngridII, Maximilian, Selh'teus, ShikareeZ, Ingrid, Ovjang
DarknessArkEV, Aldo, ArkGK, LilisetteII, LionII, Luzaf, Mildaurion, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, ShantottoII, KarahaBaruha, Ayame(UC), InvincibleShield(UC)
Fragmentation Amchuchu, Rahal, Areuhat, Gilgamesh, Iroha, IrohaII, LheLhangavo, LilisetteII, Mildaurion, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, ZeidII, Najelith, SemihLafihna, ShantottoII, InvincibleShield(UC), Maat(UC)
None Amchuchu, ArkEV, Abquhbah, Iroha, LilisetteII, ZeidII, Ayame(UC), InvincibleShield(UC), Maat(UC)
Darkness Gessho, Rahal, Aldo, Gilgamesh, LheLhangavo, Luzaf, Maximilian, Mildaurion, ShikareeZ, SemihLafihna, Ovjang, ShantottoII, KarahaBaruha
Fusion Mnejing, Aldo, Areuhat, ArkGK, Cid, Fablinix, Gilgamesh, IngridII, IrohaII, LionII, Mildaurion, Morimar, Noillurie, Selh'teus, ShikareeZ, Tenzen, Najelith, SemihLafihna, Ingrid, ShantottoII
None ArkEV, Mnejing, Abquhbah, ArkGK, Cid, Fablinix, IngridII, LionII, Selh'teus, Ingrid, Ayame(UC)
Gravitation Gessho, Rahal, Aldo, Gilgamesh, LheLhangavo, Luzaf, Maximilian, Mildaurion, ShikareeZ, SemihLafihna, Ovjang, ShantottoII, KarahaBaruha
Light Amchuchu, Rahal, Areuhat, Gilgamesh, Iroha, IrohaII, LheLhangavo, LilisetteII, Mildaurion, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, ZeidII, Najelith, SemihLafihna, ShantottoII, InvincibleShield(UC), Maat(UC)
None Amchuchu, Gessho, Rahal, Abquhbah, Iroha, LheLhangavo, Maximilian, Ovjang, Maat(UC)
Distortion ArkEV, Aldo, ArkGK, LilisetteII, LionII, Luzaf, Mildaurion, Morimar, Noillurie, Tenzen, ZeidII, SemihLafihna, ShantottoII, KarahaBaruha, InvincibleShield(UC)
Light Mnejing, Aldo, Areuhat, ArkGK, Cid, Fablinix, Gilgamesh, IngridII, IrohaII, LionII, Mildaurion, Morimar, Noillurie, Selh'teus, ShikareeZ, Tenzen, Najelith, SemihLafihna, Ingrid, ShantottoII, Ayame(UC)
Closing Level 3 skillchains
Starting WS Desired Skillchain
Property Level 4 Darkness Level 4 Light
Darkness Gessho, Aldo, Luzaf, Mildaurion, Tenzen, SemihLafihna, Ovjang, ShantottoII, KarahaBaruha
Light Light Amchuchu, ArkEV, Mnejing, Areuhat, ArkGK, Cid, Gilgamesh, IngridII, Iroha, IrohaII, LionII, Mildaurion, Morimar, Noillurie, Selh'teus, Najelith, ShantottoII, InvincibleShield(UC), Maat(UC)

Unity Recommendations

  • Join whichever Unity is last place. You'll receive a bonus of +20% Capacity Points, +50% Unity Accolades, and the Unity chat isn't full all the time. You can change Unities every week, after the ranking results are tallied. That's all you need to know.
Your first Unity Leader (levels 1-49)
You need to be level 10 to join a Unity, and complete as many as 10 Unity and Daily objectives to get access to the Unity Leader trust, at which point you may be well past level 20. The leaders all get access to their empyrean weapon skill by level 50, there is more differences in ability at the levels before the first level cap.

If Trust is supposed to be about the bonds of friendship, you may wonder how you can do that with these characters you've never even heard of! Descriptions of who the heck are these people anyway will be included.

  • Flaviria: ★★★★★ Shut up and take my accolades!
    • She wears sunglasses at night, so she can so she can keep track of the visions in her eyes.
  • Yoran-Oran: ★★★★★ His priority and specialty is that he cures, and cures efficiently. With a +50% Cure Potency, Afflatus Solace, boosted MP, and BLM sub, you don't have to worry about resummoning him as much as other healers, he's the perfect trust for being lazy. Yoran-Oran is one of the pacifist trusts: he won't be doing enfeebling effects, damage, or buffs outside of Protect/Shell. This counts against him in small group settings, where party members who cover more than one role are valuable.
    • Tarutaru Rice, Balsamic, Yagrush: These are the ingredients for the perfect little white mage. But Professor Shantotto accidentally added another ingredient to the concoction: 4LEAF MANDRA BUD. And Yoran-Oran was born!
  • Apururu: ★★★★☆ One of the first trusts you'll get access to that can use Haste. Haste is a buff that gets much better the more you have of it, and at these levels, you usually won't have any equipment Haste, so the Haste spell amounts to an extra auto-attack every 30 seconds and a few seconds off of spell recasts. Sounds pretty lousy, right? But if you're returning from 2005 or earlier, you may recall Slow effects from things like Sticky Thread, Horror Cloud, or Filamented Hold could basically be ignored. Those effects are more potent now, around 20% Slow(?), so the real advantage of Haste at level 40 is to block applications of low-tier Slow to your tank, since at 40 you might start exping in Crawlers' Nest. Great choice of Unity if you're going to be fighting Crawlers, Dolls, Wyverns, Skeletons, Demons, Flytraps, and Aern. Since Apururu only uses Haste on you and certain melee jobs, you could put some mages in the party to reduce Haste upkeep. Apururu also has Curaga, which is a counter to AoE Sleep effects. Apururu is a pacifist and won't be using Slow or Paralyze.
    • Apururu works at the Manustery, one of The Five Ministries of Magic in Windurst, where she maintains the Cardians and worries about her brother Ajido-Marujido's reckless attempts to save Windurst by seeking out forbidden magic.
  • Silvie: ★★★★☆ You're getting Regen or Refresh based on your job. Indi-Refresh kicks in at level 30, right about when your Destrier Hat bonus stops. The geo buff stacks with the 1-hour Regen or Refresh you can get from Survival Guides by spending Tabs. I prefer the Indi-Refresh option for skilling up, especially if it enables you to heal. Even if it doesn't, Valaineral can sustain healing at higher levels with Indi-Refresh.
    • Silvie is like, one of the pacifists or something, and totally doesn't cast, like nukes or like, enfeebling magic on enemies or whatevs, apparently because like she's not very like, good at it. She's from the Far West, and if you're ever like, visiting Adoulin and interested in becoming a Geomonger, you should totally help Sylvie with her studies!
  • Invincible Shield: ★★★☆☆ One of first trusts you can get that closes skillchains. He's beefy for a DPS, could backup tank in a bad situation.
    • Invincible Shield is the Conflict overseer for Bastok, which is the friendly PvP games between the 3 nations. Some adventurers wonder if his shield is really invincible, because they can still see it. His Galkan name is Ginuva. When you read Ginuva's Theory, his "book" on battle tactics, you'll gain 50 experience points. If that doesn't sound impressive, that's because it's not!
  • Naja Salaheem: ★★★☆☆ Blunt damage is best if you're often fighting skeletons. Naja can build TP faster than anyone at these levels, so if you have multiple party members trying to close skillchains, Naja can keep up with all of them. Defense Down effect might be good too.
    • Naja is the leader of the greatest mercenary company in Aht Urhgan, or else! She never misses an opportunity to make gil. Anyone on the receiving end of her little friend is sure to regret it.
  • Jakoh Wahcondalo: ★★★☆☆ If you needed Treasure Hunter early on for quest items, like the ever-annoying Fetichism and subjob quests, this could be a good choice temporarily until you unlock Nanaa Mihgo. Needs over 1 minute to build up 2000 TP for a weapon skill, so optimally you'd position for Sneak Attack and Trick Attack at the same time. However, the benefits for figuring out the Trust positioning here is not great: Dancing Edge is best used at 1000 TP since the extra TP goes toward accuracy, not damage.
    • Jakoh is the Chiefainess of Kazham, a mithran village on the northern edge of Elshimo. She was in Tavnazia, like Aldo, during the Crystal War. She was able to evacuate aboard a merchant ship, but then the explosion that destroyed the peninsula capsized the ship. Gilgamesh, a sailor on his way to Norg, rescued her and the rest, as they say, is history.
  • Ayame: ★★☆☆☆ The non-Unity Ayame is better at these levels, and you can't use both Ayame trusts at the same time.
    • Ayame is Bastok's most popular Iron Musketeer, the elite group directly under the President. Although she's the youngest of the group, she's entrusted with more important tasks causing a bit of a rivalry with Naji, the glorified doorman. This Unity Leader wields the katana she trained with as a child under the tutelage of Gilgamesh.
  • Pieuje: ★★☆☆☆ Lower MP pool than the tarutaru, but maintaining Haste on all party members, 40mp every 2 minutes each, is not cheap. Could be favored if using a NIN trust to tank, since they won't need to be cured as much. Be sure to summon him first, since his TP/MP gain is melee dependent. You could lighten the burden with special aura trusts like Kupofried. For Dancers, be aware that his Auspice unlocked at level 55 will prevent Samba activation.
    • Pieuje is one of the Kingdom's princes, head of the Temple Knights, defensive arm of San d'Oria. This mage is more careful and strategic than his hot-headed brother, Trion.
  • Aldo: ★☆☆☆☆ Not much capability at these levels, and prevents you from using the other Aldo trust while summoned.
    • He's THAT Aldo, the one from the opening movie. He's all growed up, and wants to join you in killing sm'orcs to avenge Emeline.
  • Maat: ★☆☆☆☆ Not much capability at these levels, and prevents you from using the other Maat trust while summoned.
    • The old moogle-head is a Jeuno resident who all adventurers will get to know if they want to unlock their full potential, provided they have what it takes to survive his unusual training regimen.