Wake the Puppet

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Wake the Puppet
 Staging Point:  Periqia
 Start NPC: Lageegee in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9/L-10)
 Assault Rank: Second Lieutenant
 Objective: During a previous mission to eradicate the Undead Swarm presence from Periqia, the Imperial forces were forced to abandon several Mark-II automatons upon their retreat. You are to infiltrate the area, locate the machines, and aid in their return to Al Zahbi.
 Mission Orders: Retrieve the Mark-IIs
 Time Limit:  30 minutes  Recommended Lv.  Lvl. 70
 Assault Points:
  • 1 Member: 1200
  • 2 Members: 1200
  • 3 Members: 1200
  • 4 Members: 1080
  • 5 Members: 960
  • 6 Members: 840


Level Name Zone Aggro Link Drops Steal Spawns
EP Wight Periqia Yes No None


  • Wights are too low of level to aggro max-level players, unless players rest nearby.
  • Wights will aggro puppet NPCs.
  • As long as you have the most enmity, you may have the puppets engage on an enemy and run them back to the start for an easy win.


In order to complete this mission, return at least 4 puppets to the starting NPC, Adeeha.

  • Puppets spawn in the 4 dead end rooms at (H-6), (F-8), (J-8), (H-10).
    • 2 puppets will spawn in each of 3 rooms; the 4th room will be empty.
  • The area is initially empty of Wights; they will only spawn when a puppet is active.
  • When a puppet is located, it can be activated by emoting /salute, targeting the puppet. The puppet will then treat the player as its master.
    • A player may only be master of one puppet at a time.
    • A puppet may only have one master at a time.
    • Emotes must be preformed within 10' of the puppet. They can be done as motions to reduce chat spam (e.g. /clap motion) and after activating a puppet, you don't have to target it for it to work.
  • By emoting /clap while near the puppet, the master can instruct the puppet to move to where the master is standing.
  • By emoting /goodbye, the puppet will be deactivated and the player is no longer its master.
    • If the puppet is deactivated close to the starting NPC, the puppet's name will turn green and the puppet is considered "returned".
  • By emoting /hurray while near the puppet, the master can instruct the puppet to enter combat mode.
    • While in combat mode, the puppet will automatically engage a nearby target.
    • While in combat mode, the puppet will ignore all other commands until its target is defeated and it returns to normal operation.
  • Occasionally, the puppet will stop responding to all commands and will repeatedly display an emotion. To return the puppet to normal operation, the master must respond with another emote.
Emotion ==> Response
Blushing ==> /doze
Bowing ==> /kneel
Cheering ==> /psych
Confused ==> /slap
Clapping ==> /angry
Dancing ==> /joy
Happy ==> /smile
Pointing ==> /no
Praising ==> /blush
Saluting => /praise
Shocked ==> /comfort
Waving ==> /welcome
  • The puppet will never enter this mode if it is engaged in combat.
  • A good strategy to beat this assault easily is to let the puppet fight a Wight. After the puppet engages, pull the Wight to the starting NPC; the puppet will follow quickly without stopping to emote. Defeat the Wight and quickly /goodbye to capture the puppet. A solo player must do this in order to win in time.
    • You can use /clap and move your character before the motion plays to cancel the animation lock induced. With a maximum distance of 9.9' from the puppet it is possible, though takes significantly longer, to finish solo without engaging the puppet in combat. Therefore, combat is not a must while solo and only serves to ensure completion with time to spare.
  • After 4 puppets are returned to the NPC, the Rune of Release will spawn.
    • Returning additional puppets (up to 6) will increase the points rewarded when the Rune of Release is activated.

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