- Pops from Eschan Phuabo ((G-9), (J-9), (H-9)) on the main island near The Shrine of Ru'Avitau main entrance on either side. Warder of Hope can pop back to back.
- Uses Mighty Strikes once throughout the fight.
- Frequently double attacks.
- Casts high level thunder magic including Thundaga IV and Burst II.
- Always uses Aerial Collision (conal, moderate damage) twice in a row. Aerial Collision applies defense down and strips shadows.
- Aerial Collision's damage is variable, based on number of shadows up. Can do anywhere from 0 to 2.4k with defense down.
- May use Spine Lash twice in a row (single target damage + plague).
- Uses all standard Phuabo TP moves.
- Susceptible to all enfeebling magic (including silence, sleep, gravity, and bind).
- Light skillchains seem to proc blue.