Wild Card (Quest)

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Wild Card (Quest)
Required Fame Windurst Fame Level: 6
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Honoi-Gomoi, Windurst Waters South (E-7)
Pack None
Title Dream Dweller
Repeatable No
Description You have been asked to take apart the Joker Cardian and steal its Mana Orb. But... Where, o where has the Joker gone? O where, o where can he be?
Previous Quest Next Quest
Crying Over Onions The Promise
Toraimarai Coffer Key
8,000 gil


  • Zone after finishing the previous quest.
  • Speak to Honoi-Gomoi to begin the quest.
    • He is upstairs in his house, which is accessed through a back stairway.
  • Speak to Kohlo-Lakolo, Port Windurst (G-5).
  • Head to Windurst Walls (G-3) and check the door at the House of the Hero.
    • Note who you talk to in this cutscene.
  • Head to Toraimarai Canal and open a Coffer there to obtain the Joker card.
  • If you spoke to Joker during the previous cutscene, return to to the House of the Hero for your reward.
  • If you spoke to Apururu, return to the Manustery in Windurst Woods (use Home Point #3).
  • Return to Honoi-Gomoi to complete the quest.