Zeruhn Mines

From FFXI Wiki
Zeruhn Mines
Zeruhn Mines Area.jpg
Japanese ツェールン鉱山
Map Acquisition Map Vendor
Timeline Present
Continent Quon
Region Gustaberg
Zone Type Dungeon
Activities FishingMining
Weather None
Goblin Footprint (I-7)
*You cannot go past the gate at (H-7) without the Rise of the Zilart expansion pack installed and registered.
Zeruhn Mines Connected Zone Zones To
(J-7) Zeruhn Mines.jpg Bastok Mines (D-7) BastokMines.jpg
(F-7) Zeruhn Mines.jpg Korroloka Tunnel (N-7) Korroloka Tunnel-map1.jpg
(H-6) Zeruhn Mines.jpg Palborough Mines
(Enters From Only)
(H-8) Palborough Mines-map3.jpg
Battle Content Location Notes
Grounds of Valor (I-7)
Quick Travel Options Arrives At
Survival Guide
Via Gustaberg
(I-7) Zeruhn Mines.jpgZeruhn Mines.jpg
Zeruhn Mines.jpgZeruhn Mines.jpg
Map 1

Zone Information

Catch Cap Body of Water
Crayfish icon.png Crayfish 7
Moat Carp icon.png Moat Carp 11
Tricolored Carp icon.png Tricolored Carp 27 River
Giant Catfish icon.png Giant Catfish 31
Black Eel icon.png Black Eel 47


Name Map Pos. Notes
Alaric 1 I-6
Balgamirob 1 K-9
Dodoi 1 I-11
Drake Fang 1 H-6
Gavergo 1 H-7
Gildge 1 H-10
Lasthenes 1 H-7
Name Map Pos. Notes
Makarim 1 H-11
Ormr (NPC) 1 H-10
Rasmus 1 I-6
Smoke Breath 1 I-9
Subodh 1 I-9
Vorzill 1 I-6
Zelman 1 I-8


Mission Name Mission Number NPC Storyline
Bastok Mission 1-1
Bastok Mission 6-1 Rise of the Zilart
Bastok Mission 8-2 Rise of the Zilart


Historical Significance

These mines were recently dug out of the large rock formation that lies in the Mines District of Bastok when a vein of Darksteel Ore was discovered within. Zeruhn has since become a reliable source of iron and a small supplier of zinc, silver, and darksteel, and because of its location within the walls of Bastok, Zeruhn Mines is safer for miners than the nearby Palborough Mines.