Zilart Mission 6

From FFXI Wiki
Through the Quicksand Caves
Series Rise of the Zilart
Starting NPC None
Title None
Repeatable No
Description You must hurry to Zepwell's Island's ancient temple.
Previous Mission Next Mission
Headstone Pilgrimage The Chamber of Oracles

Note: You'll need to step on pads that require a certain weight. You'll either need 1 Galka, 3 Tarutaru or any combination of 2 of Hume/Elvaan/Mithra.

  • (Optional: Go to Eastern Altepa Desert, and complete the quest Open Sesame for the Key Item Loadstone key item, allowing you to pass through the doors alone).
  • If other people in your party are progressing with you: ensure everyone is on the mission Through the Quicksand Caves.
    • If not, they have not properly completed the previous mission, check key items to see which is missing.
  • If you're low level and not using Trusts, you'll want a party of level 65+. You will be entering a BCNM fight against 3 Antica NMs, who all have a TP attack that will Silence (Jamming Wave), mages should all bring Echo Drops icon.png Echo Drops.


Western Altepa Desert

Quicksand Caves Map 5

  • Everything here is aggressive to Sound sound, so make sure everyone has Sneak.
    • Using the Unity Warp 125 will locate you in Western Altepa Desert (I-7).
  • Proceed to Western Altepa Desert and head for the tunnel at (C/D-11) south side.
    • Following this tunnel will bring you to an unmarked area of the desert.
  • Head down the ramp to (D-12) and enter Quicksand Caves.
  • Go to (I-9) and step on the weight pad and go through the door.
  • Go west to (H-7) and use another weight pad to pass through a door.
  • In the next room, drop down the hole to a hidden area.
  • Head to (D-4) to zone in to the Chamber of Oracles.

Boss Fight

  • Get ready and enter the BCNM. You'll be facing 3 Antica NMs
    • A dual boxed 75 BLM, 75 WHM and 75 THF/NIN can easily beat this BCNM. THF only took damage from occasional RNG attacks, and Magnetic cloud.
  • Upon clearing the BC, you'll zone in to another area of the Chamber of Oracles, which starts the next mission.
Area Boss Abilities Notes
Chamber of Oracles Centurio V-III (PLD), Triarius V-VIII (BLM), and Princeps V-XI (RNG)
  • Recommended fight order of Centurio V-III (PLD) → Triarius V-VIII (BLM) → Princeps V-XI (RNG).
  • Open with a Sleepga, and then Silence the Paladin and the Black Mage.
  • Defeat the Paladin first, as he can rebuff the others, as well as wake them up.
  • Keep the BLM silenced, to render its Two-Hour ability Manafont useless.
  • Finally, defeat the RNG, but be careful of Two-Hour ability Eagle Eye Shot.