Zo'Khu Blackcloud

From FFXI Wiki

General Notes
  • Placeholder ID is EA (234).
  • NM ID is EC (236).
  • Lottery Spawn from Zircon Quadav (E-11 to F-11) on the upper level.
  • Placeholder respawn time is exactly 12 minutes.
  • 30 Minute-5 Hour respawn.
  • Trial of the Magians: Required objective for the following trials:
Zo'Khu Blackcloud
Family Quadav
Job Black Mage
Class NM
Crystal Water Crystal icon.png Water Crystal
Detects Sound


Listings by Zone
Zone Rewards Abilities Spells
     Lottery spawn off of Zircon Quadav at (F-11)
Level Aggro Link Spawns DB HP MP DEF EVA Susceptible Resists
36-38     FFXIDB Icon v3.png Question Question     Element: Thunder Element: Water
Assisted By Title Absorbs Immune

Ability Information

  • Is able to use Manafont in addition to Quadav special attacks.