22nd Vana'versary Nomad Mog Bonanza

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22nd Vana'versary Nomad Mog Bonanza
Price: 200,000 gil per pearl
Pearl sales period: Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to Saturday, June 15, 2024, at 7:59 a.m.
Winning numbers announced: Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 1:00 a.m. (PDT)
Collection period: Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 7:59 a.m.
Winning Numbers (Last Digits)
Rank 1: 789 (136 winners)
Rank 2: 77 (1,043 winners)
Rank 3: 4 (11,899 winners)
Bonanza Special: 2 Pearls may be purchased per character instead of the one!

See the Seasonal Event Page for a list of all past Mog Bonanzas

Rank 1
Ice Brand Onion Sword III
Air Knife Zanmato +2
Dragon Fangs Malefic Axe
Drastic Axe Artemis's Bow +2
Miracle Cheer Final Sickle
Pandit's Staff Chocobo Knife
Flametongue Diamond Aspis
Hebo's Spear Mutsu-No-Kami Yoshiyuki
Save the Queen III Premium Heart
Brave Blade III Yagyu Darkblade
Exeter Wizard's Rod
Ebisu Fishing Rod Abdhaljs Tome
Copy of "Judgment Day" Kupon AW-Kupo
Coffer (M. Ast.) Coffer (S. Ast.)
Rank 2
Kupon A-OmII Kupon AW-UWIII
Kupon I-AF119 Kupon I-RME
Kupon AW-Vgr Kupon AW-VgrII
Kupon W-Pulse Kupon W-Job
Kupon A-DeII Kupon W-DeIII
Kupon AW-GFIII Wailing Belt
Shaper's Shawl Lu Shang's Fishing Rod
10,000 Byne Bill Ranperre Goldpiece
Rimilala Stripeshell Bayld Crystal
Dense Cluster Cat's Eye
W. Areuhat Balrahn's Eyepatch
Rank 3
Kupon AW-UW Kupon AW-Cos
Mog Pell (Ochre) Aucuba Crown
Curmudgeon's Helmet Retching Helmet
Karakul Cap Gazer's Helmet
Kupon A-Sap Kupon A-Jad
Kupon A-Rub Kupon A-Dia
Kupon A-Eme Onion Sword II
Demonic Axe Hotengeki
Brave Blade II Grudge
Chocobo Torque Chocobo Rope
Pelican Ring Prouesse Ring
Liminus Earring Terminus Earring
Coffer (Pluton) Coffer (Boulder)
Coffer (Beitetsu) Mars Orb
Aurum Coffer Alzadaal Table
Rank 4
Bonanza Biscuit