A Sterling Specimen

From FFXI Wiki
A Sterling Specimen
Required Fame Abyssea - Tahrongi Fame Level: 3
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Ohbiru-Dohbiru (A) (H-7), Abyssea - Tahrongi
Pack Abyssea
Title None
Repeatable Yes
Description Having redirected his efforts to the study of the Abyssean ecosystem, a researcher from the Rhinostery seeks a live sample of a mutant strain of mandragora for hands-on examination. Speak with Kenapa-Keppa outside and make your contribution to science!
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
Dance Shoes icon.png Dance Shoes AugRank.png


Zoning is required to repeat this quest.

Note: This quest may only be completed once per Vana'diel day.


Possible augments on the Dance Shoes icon.png Dance Shoes include the following: