Aero IV

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(Redirected from Aero IV (Scroll))

Were you looking for Aero IV (Blood Pact)?

Aero IV (Scroll) icon.png Spell Information "Pages on this wiki that reference this item"
Description: Deals Wind damage to an enemy.
Type: Black Magic Skill: Elemental Magic
Target: Enemy Element: Element: Wind
Casting Time: 5 seconds Recast Time: 30 seconds
Cost: 115 MP
Range: 21'
Base Damage Values INT Multipliers
ΔINT: 0 480 ΔINT: 0-49 4.2
ΔINT: 50 690 ΔINT: 50-99 3.8
ΔINT: 100 880 ΔINT: 100-199 2.9
Monsters 440 Monsters 2
Cumulative Enmity: - D - Volatile Enmity: - D -
Command: /ma "Aero IV" <t>
Scroll: Aero IV (Scroll) description.png
Scroll Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Usable inside Mog Garden, Can Use, CanSendPOL, NPC tradable
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Scrolls ➞ Black Magic "Find Item on FFXIAH" "Find Aero IV on FFXIDB"
Spell/Job Level Information
Job Level Condition
Black Mage 72 N/A
Scholar 72 Addendum: Black
Geomancer 82 N/A
Red Mage 83 N/A

Note: All drop data from FFXIDB


Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Susu Lower Jeuno - (H-9) 131,750 Gil