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Each spell and ability used by a player generates an amount of enmity, which comes in two forms defined by how they are reduced.

  • Cumulative Enmity (CE): Diminishes as a player takes damage or is the target of certain offensive actions
  • Volatile Enmity (VE): Diminishes as time passes.

Quantitatively, 1 Enmity is defined as the amount of Volatile Enmity that decays in 1/60 of one second (this is the player accumulated enmity term which should not be confused with the "Enmity" statistic present on equipment which is discussed below).

CE and VE are added together to determine the player's Total Enmity (TE). An enemy's target will be the player on the hate list with the highest current TE.

Types of Enmity

  • Cumulative Enmity (CE) is generated when doing damage or using some spells and abilities to a cap of 30,000CE.
    • This form of Enmity is decreased by being the target (direct or indirect) of enemy offensive actions. The primary method of decrease is taking damage, with other methods including evading an attack via Utsusemi, being enfeebled, and by being hit with certain "hate-resetting" monster techniques.
    • Position on the hate list can be affected by doing things such as zoning and logging out; however, unless the hate list is cleared these will be insufficient to reset your CE.
  • Volatile Enmity (VE) is generated when doing damage or using some spells and abilities to a cap of 30,000VE.
    • This form of Enmity decreases over time at a rate of -60VE/second until reaching zero.
    • VE is harder to measure than CE because of this decay, but there are plentiful sources of VE for jobs looking to obtain it. Nearly every job in the game has easy access to high-VE job abilities, spells, or the ever-present option of just hitting the monster.
      • The Provoke job ability, for example, adds 1800 VE, for a temporary enmity spike which fades out over 30 seconds.
  • Total Enmity (TE) is simply a sum of the player's Cumulative Enmity and Volatile Enmity. The cap on total enmity is 60,000 (30,000 each of CE and VE). A monster with hate will target the player on the hate list with the highest total enmity.
    • In the case of identical enmity values between players, a monster will target the player that acted most recently.

Enmity Loss

  • Cumulative Enmity Loss
    • Damage Taken: CE Loss = 1800 × Damage Taken ÷ Maximum HP
      • Taking damage while under the effect of Mana Wall : CE Loss = 180 per hit
    • Utsusemi Shadow Image Lost: CE Loss = 25
    • Being Enfeebled (Including Resists): CE Loss = 80
  • Volatile Enmity Loss
    • Aside from enmity resets, there is no known way to lose VE apart from decay over time. VE decays at a rate of -60 per second.
  • Notes
    • In certain situations, death and changing zones (back and forth), can reduce or reset enmity against a monster.
    • Certain unique monster techniques can reduce or reset enmity against a monster.
    • A number of Job Abilities can affect Enmity
      • Enmity Douse resets both CE (to 1) and VE (to 0).
      • Super Jump resets both CE (to 1) and VE (to 0).
      • High Jump reduces CE/VE by 50% for Dragoon main job, or 30% with Dragoon sub job. This value can be modified by certain equipment.
      • Collaborator and Accomplice steal 25% and 50% respectively (CE and VE) from a friendly target and redirect it to the thief.

Enmity Gain

Enmity from Damage Dealt
Dealing damage gives both CE and VE and depends only on the target's level and the amount of damage dealt. In the terms below, "Standard DMG" is defined as the base DMG rating of a hypothetical 240 delay Sword at the enemy target's level. For example, against a level 99 target, "Standard DMG" is approximately 67. Also, in the case of Magical-type Weapon Skills, the "Damage Dealt" is the damage the weaponskill would do without the dSTAT or multipliers like Magic Attack Bonus, Day/Weather Bonus, Staff Bonus, or Magic Affinity.

At levels 51 and above, the calculated term is multiplied by a Level Scaling Factor to reduce the overall enmity gained. The factor decreases as the target's level increases (levels 1-50 have a 1.0 scaling factor), reducing to 0.3 for targets level 99 and above.

  • CE gained = Level Scaling Factor × 80 × Damage Dealt ÷ "Standard DMG"
  • VE gained = 3 × CE gained

Example: 2500 damage dealt against a level 99 monster will add approximately 900 CE and 2700 VE.
Example 2: A 4500 damage Cataclysm against a level 99 monster will add 900 CE and 2700 VE if it would have done 2500 damage without multiplier terms or dSTAT.

(More info on level-related modifier)

This relationship was adjusted several times in 2014-2016 and it is unclear whether this formula is current.Verification Needed

Enmity from HP Healed
Many forms of healing provide a variable amount of Volatile and Cumulative Enmity, dependent upon the amount of HP Healed and the Healed player's level. In Kaeko's tables, this is denoted with "- C -". At higher levels (75+) CE gain from healing is approximately half the CE gained from dealing the same amount of damage.

  • CE gained = HP Restored × CE Modifier
  • VE gained = 6 × CE gained
  • The CE modifier for a level 99 player is 40/170.
  • Enmity values generated via cures that use this formula are split evenly between all monsters that the caster is on the hate list for and within enmity range of.
    • If the caster is on the hatelist of 5 monsters, divide the result of the formula by 5.
    • This mechanic does not apply to Cures that generate static enmity values, like Cure V.

Other Ways to Gain Enmity

  • Most Job Abilities and magic spells which do not heal or damage HP have fixed CE and/or VE values tied with their usage.
    • Job Abilities that affect multiple party members grant enmity in those values for each party member affected, so long as they have previously placed themself on that enmity table.
  • Having your action intimidated gives you 1 CE.
  • Performing the first offensive action against a monster gains you 200 CE in addition to the enmity associated with the action.
    • Monster has to be passive to get the bonus CE.

Super Tanking
Super tanking or some times referred as idle tanking is an endgame strategy to tank a high number of mobs without risking losing enmity, as long as no one interacts with the mobs to generate enmity. This is usually performed by getting aggro on the enemies by the tank just by their natural aggro behaviours (ex. walking in front of a sight aggressive mob).

  • While it is not possible to interact with the enemies, healers are free to heal the tank without repercussion making this an extremely important strategy for certain endgame NMs (ex. Tumult Curator or Schah), or events (ex. Odyssey segment farms).
  • Any action that tags the mob (by the name changing red/purple) will break super tanking for that mob meaning the normal enmity mechanics will apply.
    • Despite common misconception Reprisal and other spike abilities do not tag the mobs and break supertanking.

Equipment and Abilities that Affect Enmity

Enmity Loss

Enmity Gain

  • Enmity generated can be directly modified by a variety of gear, some Spells, and Job Abilities/Job Traits. In these cases, "Enmity +1" results in +1% Enmity generated, while "Enmity -1" results in -1% Enmity generated.
    • For gear, these effects cap at +200 Enmity+ and 50 Enmity-, so you can triple or halve the Enmity that your actions have, respectively.
    • Job Ability Enmity changes are applied in a separate step from gear, and are not subject to these caps.


  • The "other" Merit category can be merited with Enmity+ and Enmity-, up to 5 times in either direction.


Job Abilities

  • Camouflage (RNG): Reduces enmity generated by ranged attacks while in effect.
  • Caper Emissarius (SCH): Transfers the party's enmity to one party member.
  • Decoy Shot (RNG): Transfers 80% of base enmity generated (prior to enmity reduction) to the party member between the target and player who is closest to the target.
  • Divine Emblem (PLD): Increases the Enmity of the next Divine Magic cast by 50%. Applied in a separate step from other Enmity effects.
  • Fan Dance (DNC): Enmity +15 while in effect.
  • Sentinel (PLD): Enmity +100 while in effect.
  • Stealth Shot (RNG): Next ranged attack or weapon skill: Reduced enmity (-10 per merit level, and an additional -5 per level with augmented Scout's Socks +2).
  • Tranquility / Equanimity (SCH): The next cast white or black magic spell, respectively, will generate less enmity (-10 per merit level).
  • Ventriloquy (PUP): Swaps the enmity of the current target between master and automaton (gives +5% Enmity for the higher Enmity player and -5% Enmity for the lower enmity player per merit level with Pitre Churidars +3 line).

Job Traits

  • Divine Benison (WHM): Status Recovery magic only: Up to Enmity -25 (depends on trait level).
  • Tranquil Heart (WHM/RDM/SCH): Healing Magic only: Up to Enmity -25 (depends on healing skill), applied in a separate step from other Enmity effects
  • Muted Soul (DRK): During Souleater: Up to Enmity -50 (depends on merit level).

Special Enmity Bonus

Special Enmity Bonus refers to an enmity modifier that is applied in a separate term from enmity+ gear. Currently the only members of this category are Sentinel Job points and Divine Emblem.

Examples in applying Special Enmity Bonus.

  • Divine Emblem Flash with +100 in gear enmity.
    • Base * Enmity+ * DE.
    • 180 * 2 * 1.5 = 540 CE
  • Sentinel(20/20 JP) + Flash with no extra enmity+ (still get +100 from Sentinel)
    • Base * Enmity+ * SentinelJP
    • 180 * 2 * 1.2 = 432 CE
  • Divine Emblem + Sentinel + Flash. No extra enmity gear.
    • 180 * 2 * 1.7 = 612 CE
