
From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Ranger
Type Level  
Level Obtained 30
Description Fires multiple shots at once.
Duration 01:00 (or next ranged attack)
Recast 05:00
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 600
Command /ja "Barrage" <me> 
Job Points
Category Barrage Effect Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase ranged attack by 3.


  • Unlike multi-hit weapon skills, Barrage will not fire the next shot once the current hit misses the target; Hence, it requires more accuracy to hit the same number of hit compared to similar multi-hit weapon skills
  • Barrage can fire up to 4 shots at level 30, 5 shots at level 50, 6 shots at level 75, 7 shots at level 90, and 8 shots with the 550 Gift.
    • As of the May 10, 2011 Version Update, "the accuracy calculation will be eased with the maximum number of shots."
    • Total number of shots firable by Barrage is currently 13 (level 99 [7], 550 gift [1], ASA Legs [1], Orion Bracers +3 [3], and Lionsquall/Phineus' Gun/Quelling Bolt [1]), but due to a lack of ilvl stats on ASA legs, using them in most situations isn't applicable on difficult content so in practice a RNG will fire a max of 12 shots on difficult content and non Afterglow Gastraphetes owners 11 shots.
  • Barrage does not work on Throwing weapons
  • Cannot be stacked with Unlimited Shot. Overwrites unlimited shot if used when unlimited shot is active.
  • Barrage is reported in the log as the sum of all fired shots, even if it passes the normal reported damage cap (99,999).
  • The hidden triple damage effect of Yoichinoyumi and Annihilator has a 13% chance to proc, if it procs it affects all hits of Barrage.
  • Gives full TP return for each hit, and also gives full TP as if each hit landed to the enemy it was used upon. Ammunition with additional on hit effects do not proc during barrage, so using high base damage ammunition is preferred.
    • Due to this, after a successful barrage monsters will often perform TP moves and it can in some situations lead to death so caution and communication are advisable in such situations.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Hunter's Bracers icon.png Hunter's Bracers 52 Hands Adds an extra shot to Barrage
Htr. Bracers +1 icon.png Hunter's Bracers +1 74 Hands Adds an extra shot to Barrage
Orion Bracers icon.png Orion Bracers 99 Hands Add 2 extra shots to Barrage
Orion Bracers +1 icon.png Orion Bracers +1 99 Hands Add 2 extra shots to Barrage
Orion Bracers +2 icon.png Orion Bracers +2 99 Hands Add 2 extra shots to Barrage, +22 accuracy during Barrage
Orion Bracers +3 icon.png Orion Bracers +3 99 Hands Add 3 extra shots to Barrage, +32 accuracy during Barrage
Blitzer Poleyn icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Blitzer Poleyn 75 Legs Adds an extra shot to Barrage
Desultor Tassets icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Desultor Tassets 75 Legs Adds an extra shot to Barrage
Tatsu. Sitagoromo icon.pngThis modifier is the result of an augment Tatsumaki Sitagoromo 75 Legs Adds an extra shot to Barrage
Gastraphetes icon.png Gastraphetes 75-99 Ranged Enhances Barrage accuracy +30 to +70
Quelling Bolt icon.png Quelling Bolt 99 Ammo Adds an extra shot to Barrage
Phineus' Gun icon.png Phineus' Gun 90 Ranged Adds an extra shot to Barrage
Lionsquall icon.png Lionsquall 99 Ranged Adds an extra shot to Barrage
Nibiru Gun icon.png Nibiru Gun 99 Ranged Enhances Barrage accuracy +20
Artemis's Bow +2 icon.png Artemis's Bow +2 99 Ranged Reduces Barrage recast by 1 second per Weapon Skill hit.
