Beguiling Radiance

From FFXI Wiki

Battlefield Information
Type: Voidwatch
Entry Item: Kupofried's corundum
Zone: Provenance - (Provenance Crystal)

Participants 18
Time Limit 30 minutes

Monster Information
Name Boss? Family Job Count
Pil Check.gif Caturae N/A 1
Sarbaz Check.gif Caturae N/A 1

Reward Information
Name Class Reward Type
C.Abjuration: Hn. Abjurations Drop or Trove
T.Abjuration: Hn. Abjurations Drop or Trove
L.Abjuration: Hn. Abjurations Drop or Trove
S.Abjuration: Hn. Abjurations Drop or Trove
Strategema Knife Dagger Glimmering Trove R
Pensee Earring Earrings Glimmering Trove VR
Canute's Helm Head Glimmering Trove R
Beguiling petrifact Key Items Battle Completion
Atmacite of the Vanguard Key Items Battle Completion
Atmacite of Assailment Key Items Battle Completion
Dusky periapt of exploration Key Items Battle Completion


  • Kupofried's corundum is consumed upon entry.
  • HP bars are not visible for either NM.
  • Both NMs cast various AoE enfeebles, Comet, Impact, Meteor, and various single target and AoE nukes.
  • Pil - Uses the following TP moves.
    • Tabbiyaa Gambit - Heals, erases debuffs, and occasionally gives a damage shield which is vulnerable to only one type of damage. Shield drops when sufficient damage is dealt or a weakness is triggered (see Pil for more info).
    • Shah Mat - Gains a temporary Terror & 10-count Doom gaze
    • Flank Opening - AoE high damage/knockback & gains Defense Down aura
    • Malign Invocation - High AoE damage and Amnesia.
    • Discordant Gambit - AoE medium damage (through Fanatic's Drink), knockback, and Inhibit TP
  • Sarbaz - Uses the following TP moves:
    • Tabbiyaa Gambit - Heals, erases debuffs, and occasionally gives a damage shield which is vulnerable to only one type of damage. Shield drops when sufficient damage is dealt or a weakness is triggered.
    • Stygian Cyclone - Low AoE magical damage and silence effect.
    • Malign Invocation - High AoE damage and Amnesia.
    • Discordant Gambit - AoE medium damage (through Fanatic's Drink), knockback, and Inhibit TP
    • Pawn's Penumbra - 20' AoE low damage, Dispel and resets all Job Ability timers. (Used under 50%)