- For the Provenance version, See Beguiling Radiance for battle details (the spell and TP move set differs somewhat).
- Casts various AoE enfeebles, tier IV agas, AoE ancient magic
- <50% HP, also casts Comet and AoE Kaustra (high darkness damage and powerful DoT).
- Highly resistant to all types of elemental damage except light-, fire-, thunder-, and wind-based damage.
- Uses the following TP moves:
- Malign Invocation: AoE damage/amnesia
- Tabbiyaa Gambit: Heals Pil (~2200 HP) and removes debuffs
- Tabbiyaa Gambit occasionally grants physical and magical damage immunity (more frequently as HP drops) which can only be removed by hitting any weakness stagger or dealing 1000~2000 damage through the shield (the required amount varies).
- This effect appears as a visible shield around Pil.
- Pil's Magic Damage (including Flank Opening and Malign Invocation damage) is increased by 50% when the shield is up.
- The shield will be randomly penetrable by one of the following types of damage:
- Hand-to-hand
- Non-hand-to-hand blunt (staff, club)
- Slashing
- Melee piercing
- Ranged Attacks
- Magical Damage
- The damage from Twilight Scythe melee attacks, Quick Draw shots, and Requiescat will always penetrate the shield.
- Recommended to 'save' easy triggers such as Job Abilities to remove this quickly.
- This was renamed from Bishop's Gambit in the 3/27/12 Version Update.
- Shah Mat: Pil gains a temporary Terror/Doom gaze
- The gaze effect becomes active a few seconds after use allowing tanks sufficient time to turn.
- Flank Opening: AoE high damage/knockback & Defense Down aura
- Pil has 113 INT, 98 MND, 90 CHR, -12.5% Magic Damage Taken, and 50 Magic Defense Bonus
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