Beyond Infinity

From FFXI Wiki
Beyond Infinity
Required Fame Jeuno Fame Level: Unknown
Level Restriction: Level 91+
Starting NPC Nomad Moogle, Ru'Lude Gardens
Pack None
Title Bushin-Ryu Inheritor
Repeatable No
Description Atori-Tutori has deigned to present you with your final challenge--a sparring match with the smug Taru himself. Acquire a soul gem and soul gem clasp and meet your opponent for the ultimate showdown.


  • After completing the previous quest, the moogle will give you the option to warp to a BCNM.
  • You are about to enter a 6-man Battlefield against Atori-Tutori. The fight is difficult and there is an optional sidequest that you can do for an enfeebling item, see below.
    • The Nomad Moogle will offer to warp you to one of several BC zones once you have given him the stone, which you pick does not matter.
    • Players who have previously completed the quest can assist without restriction but will not be warped to the BCNM.
  • Warp to one of the zones with the rest of your party.
    • There are Home Points outside each destination, if you want to use your free teleport to grab ones you haven't already. **Additionally, Domenic in Lower Jeuno (J-7) will offer to warp you to any of these BCNMs upon completion of this quest.
  • Fight and defeat Atori-Tutori.
  • If you are defeated, you may enter the fight again by paying 1 Merit Point or 5 High Kindred's Crests to the Nomad Moogle.
    • Keep in mind that besides obtaining seals from mobs, two easier ways exist to obtain various seals:
      • Spend Login Campaign points - each seal is only 10 points.
      • Shemo can exchange any other type of seal at a 3:1 ratio.
  • Warp back and talk to the Nomad Moogle to have your level limit increased, and to finish this quest.


  • You can get an enfeebling item (Olde Rarab Tail) from Degenhard in Bastok Markets (I-10).
    • Degenhard will not accept the trade before flagging the quest Beyond Infinity.
      • Select "But of course!" as a response to Accept the challenge? to flag the quest acceptance.
      • You can then choose "Nowhere yet" instead of a destination, and have the required conversation with Maat to learn about Degenhard.
    • NOTICE: Once you have accepted the quest Beyond Infinity don't warp yet, instead talk to Maat (You may need to talk to him several times to get him to bring up 'paying a visit to Degenhard'. If you don't do this step you won't be allowed to trade items to Degenhard for an Olde Rarab Tail.
  • Talk to Degenhard Bastok Markets (I-10) (Home Point #4) at least once to hear about the items he wants (otherwise he won't accept them!).
  • Trade Degenhard a Seasoning Stone, Fossilized Fang, and Fossilized Bone for an Olde Rarab Tail.
    • These items have been available from the Repeat Login Campaign for a measly 10 points for years, with no sign that they will be removed.
    • These items also drop off level 90+ monsters in specific zones.
  • This item will remove Atori-Tutori's damage taken cap and Terrorize him for 2 minutes.
  • At least one is recommended for any party to counteract Hundred Fists, but it is possible to win without one if you have a sufficiently well-geared group.

Fight Strategy

  • Trusts are allowed in this fight. You may also bring actual players as help IF they completed this quest before but they will need to arrive at the burning circle fight location of your choice on their own (they can use Domenic to warp there).
  • Atori-Tutori has a ~100-damage "limit" on the amount of damage he can take.

Below are strategy notes that do not apply to players with 4 trusts and 1 decently geared Master-lvl player assisting. Such players can proceed with confidence an skip the below. If you want the fight to go faster (less than a few min) bring 1 Olde Rarab Tail.