Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle

From FFXI Wiki
Connected Zone Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle Arrives at
Manaclipper ?-? Bibiki Bay-map2.jpg ?-? Manaclipper-map.jpg
Bibiki Bay-map2.jpgBibiki Bay-map2.jpg
Map 2
Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle
Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle header.jpg
Japanese アブダルスの島-プルゴノルゴ
Map Acquisition Ludwig (H-9)
Requires Chains of Promathia
Timeline Present
Continent Mindartia
Region Kolshushu
Zone Type Field
Activities Fishing
Weather None


Name Map Pos. Notes
??? Warmachine 2 H-11 Mission NPC
Noih Tahparawh 2 H-7
Pohka Chichiyowahl 2 H-7 Merchant
Name Map Pos. Notes
Rhalo Davigoh 2 H-7 Quest
Toh Zonikki 2 H-7 Clamming


Mission Name Mission Number NPC Storyline
Promathia Mission 5-3 Chains of Promathia
Promathia Mission 8-4 Chains of Promathia

Notorious Monsters

Notorious Monsters
Lv. Name Genus Drops Map
42-43  Lancet Jagil
   Fished Up
This monster is aggressive. Sound Scent
Pugil Bibiki Bay-map2.jpg
Map 2
50  Serra
   Lottery: Jagil
This monster is aggressive. Sound Scent
Pugil Bibiki Bay-map2.jpg
Map 2
84-86  Shen
   Forced: trade Shrimp Lantern to ???
This monster is aggressive. Sound
Uragnite Bibiki Bay-map2.jpg
Map 2
 Shen's Filtrate
   Pet: assists Shen
This monster is passive.
Elemental Bibiki Bay-map2.jpg
Map 2
   Timed: 1.5-2 Hr.
This monster is passive. Sound
Uragnite Bibiki Bay-map2.jpg
Map 2
48  Peerifool
   Quest: One Good Deed?
This monster is passive. Sound
Mandragora Bibiki Bay-map2.jpg
Map 2
55  Rohemolipaud
   Quest: The Search for Goldmane
This monster is aggressive. Sound HP Links
Fomor Bibiki Bay-map2.jpg
Map 2
   Voidwatch: Key Item Hyacinth stratum abyssite II and Key Item Voidstone
This monster is aggressive.
This monster is aggressive. Aggressive   This monster is passive. Passive   Sight Sight   Sound Sound   Scent Scent   HP HP   Links Links
True Sight True Sight   True Sound True Sound   Magic Magic   JA JA


Reaching: Purgonorgo Isle

One can easily take their nations respective NPC Unity (lvl 119 option in the menu) warp to Bibiki Bay which in turn drops you very close to the Sunset Docks and a Survival Guide. From here you have 2 choices to reach the island, you can take the ferry with the purchase of 1 thru 10 tickets (at a time) from the dock NPC Tswe Panipahr or (so long as you and a friend visit the zone first) if you have a Nexus Cape and a friend with a Custom Top +1 from the summer event (all of the "HQ Swimsuit" top pieces from the summer event have this warp). They can warp themself over to the island & you can follow them with your Nexus Cape despite having never been to the island physically yet! but.. only so long as you've both visited the zone itself first.

Also, the ferry system in Carpenters' Landing does NOT bring you here regardless of which dock you visit over there, you can only use the ferry system from Bibiki Bay Sunset Dock only.

One last thing.. Purgonorgo Isle has no survival guides or home point crystals, but it should be possible to warp directly over IF you have enough progress in Voidwatch with a respective Atmacite Refiner NPC (this is the one with any voidwatch warp options you've "earned").

Historical Significance

This inlet in the southeast of Mindartia looks out on the Gugru Blue. Sheltered by a multitude of tiny islands, its tranquil waters were once used by Tarutaru fisherfolk to farm vast quantities of shellfish and seaweed.

After the Great War, the cultivation of Bibiki Bay was abandoned as the Mithra brought their expertise in fishing to the mainland. However, many of the bay's bounties of aquaculture, including the magically enlarged shellfish known as uragnites, remained untouched.

The Fishermen's Guild, seeing the bay's potential, recently paid for the right to begin fishing in the area. The guild has made its small fishing vessels known as Manaclippers available for use by adventurers.

In order to bring in ordinary sightseers, the Fishermen's Guild gained permission to land on the beautiful beaches of Purgonorgo Isle.


This island, in the middle of the Bibiki Bay, is accessible only via the Manaclipper boat ride, using Voidwatch Teleport or through the enchantment on body pieces obtained during Sunbreeze Festival (see Teleport-Purgonorgo Isle). Many of the bounties of aquaculture, including the magically enlarged shellfish known as uragnite, remained untouched.