Category:Armor Kupons

From FFXI Wiki

This page is for informational purposes only. See Mog Kupons page for the full Bonanza Kupon list.

Armor Specific

The following vouchers have an "A" prefix, thus they are Armor specific.

Kupon A-AEV

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-AEV Mog Kupon A-AEV
Prize Selections
Arrogance Crown Arrogance Platemail
Arrogance Gauntlets Arrogance Brais
Arrogance Sabatons

Kupon A-AGK

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-AGK Mog Kupon A-AGK
Prize Selections
Rage Platemail Rage Gauntlets
Rage Brais Rage Sabatons

Kupon A-AHM

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-AHM Mog Kupon A-AHM
Prize Selections
Apathy Mask Apathy Platemail
Apathy Gauntlets Apathy Brais
Apathy Sabatons

Kupon A-AMR

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-AMR Mog Kupon A-AMR
Prize Selections
Envy Crown Envy Cyclas
Envy Gauntlets Envy Flanchard
Envy Sollerets

Kupon A-ATT

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-ATT Mog Kupon A-ATT
Prize Selections
Cowardice Coat Cowardice Gloves
Cowardice Tonban Cowardice Sabots
Cowardice Petasos

Kupon A-Ab

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following iLevel 119 +1 Abjuration Armor pieces.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-Ab Mog Kupon A-Ab
Prize Selections
Argosy Celata +1 Argosy Hauberk +1
Argosy Mufflers +1 Argosy Breeches +1
Argosy Sollerets +1 Adhemar Bonnet +1
Adhemar Jacket +1 Adhemar Wristbands +1
Adhemar Kecks +1 Adhemar Gamashes +1
Apogee Crown +1 Apogee Dalmatica +1
Apogee Mitts +1 Apogee Slacks +1
Apogee Pumps +1 Amalric Coif +1
Amalric Doublet +1 Amalric Gages +1
Amalric Slops +1 Amalric Nails +1
Emicho Coronet +1 Emicho Haubert +1
Emicho Gauntlets +1 Emicho Hose +1
Emicho Gambieras +1 Carmine Mask +1
Carmine Scale Mail +1 Carmine Finger Gauntlets +1
Carmine Cuisses +1 Carmine Greaves +1
Kaykaus Mitra +1 Kaykaus Bliaut +1
Kaykaus Cuffs +1 Kaykaus Tights +1
Kaykaus Boots +1 Souveran Schaller +1
Souveran Cuirass +1 Souveran Handschuhs +1
Souveran Diechlings +1 Souveran Schuhs +1
Lustratio Cap +1 Lustratio Harness +1
Lustratio Mittens +1 Lustratio Subligar +1
Lustra. Leggings +1 Rao Kabuto +1
Rao Togi +1 Rao Kote +1
Rao Haidate +1 Rao Sune-Ate +1
Ryuo Somen +1 Ryuo Domaru +1
Ryuo Tekko +1 Ryuo Hakama +1
Ryuo Sune-Ate +1

Kupon A-ASYW

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Yorcia Weald Alluvion Skirmish Armor.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-ASYW Mog Kupon A-ASYW
Prize Selections
Yorium Barbuta Yorium Cuirass
Yorium Gauntlets Yorium Cuisses
Yorium Sabatons Acro Helm
Acro Surcoat Acro Gauntlets
Acro Breeches Acro Leggings
Taeon Chapeau Taeon Tabard
Taeon Gloves Taeon Tights
Taeon Boots Telchine Cap
Telchine Chasuble Telchine Gloves
Telchine Braconi Telchine Pigaches
Helios Band Helios Jacket
Helios Gloves Helios Spats
Helios Boots

Kupon A-Dia

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following Bonanza exclusive armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-Dia Mog Kupon A-Dia
Prize Selections
Diamond Somen Diamond Haramaki
Diamond Kote Diamond Hizayoroi
Diamond Sune-Ate

Kupon A-DBcd

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Relic Armor from Dynamis - Beaucedine.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-DBcd Mog Kupon A-DBcd
Prize Selections
Abyss Cuirass Argute Gown
Assassin's Culottes Bard's Justacorps
Cleric's Briault Commodore Frac
Duelist's Tabard Etoile Tights
Koga Chainmail Mirage Jubbah
Melee Cyclas Monster Gaiters
Pantin Tobe Saotome Domaru
Scout's Socks Sorcerer's Coat
Summoner's Doublet Valor Breeches
Warrior's Cuisses Wyrm Mail

Kupon A-De

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

This coupon can be redeemed for one of the Delve boss armor pieces.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-De Mog Kupon A-De
Prize Selections
Prizes include one item from the left column paired with the items listed in the right column.
Mikinaak Helm Airlixir +2 x3
Mikinaak Breastplate Airlixir +2 x3
Mikinaak Gauntlets Airlixir +2 x3
Mikinaak Cuisses Airlixir +2 x3
Mikinaak Greaves Airlixir +2 x3
Manibozho Beret Airlixir +2 x3
Manibozho Jerkin Airlixir +2 x3
Manibozho Gloves Airlixir +2 x3
Manibozho Brais Airlixir +2 x3
Manibozho Boots Airlixir +2 x3
Bokwus Circlet Airlixir +2 x3
Bokwus Robe Airlixir +2 x3
Bokwus Gloves Airlixir +2 x3
Bokwus Slops Airlixir +2 x3
Bokwus Boots Airlixir +2 x3

Kupon A-DeII

This coupon can be redeemed for one of the Delve boss armor pieces.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-DeII Mog Kupon A-DeII
Prize Selections
Yaoyotl Helm Yaoyotl Gloves
Nahtirah Hat Nahtirah Trousers
Ighwa Trousers Ighwa Cap
Whirlpool Mask Whirlpool Greaves
Umbani Cap Umbani Boots
Umuthi Gloves Umuthi Hat

Kupon A-DXar

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Relic Armor from Dynamis - Xarcabard.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-DXar Mog Kupon A-DXar
Prize Selections
Abyss Burgeonet Argute Mortarboard
Assassin's Armlets Bard's Cannions
Cleric's Mitts Commodore Tricorne
Duelist's Chapeau Etoile Casaque
Koga Tekko Mirage Keffiyeh
Melee Crown Monster Gloves
Pantin Taj Saotome Kabuto
Scout's Jerkin Sorcerer's Petasos
Summoner's Horn Valor Surcoat
Warrior's Lorica Wyrm Armet

Kupon A-E +2

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Empyrean Armor +2 sets.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-E+2 Mog Kupon A-E+2
Prize Selections
Ravager's Armor Set +2 Raider's Attire Set +2
Sylvan Attire Set +2 Mavi Attire Set +2
Tantra Attire Set +2 Creed Armor Set +2
Unkai Armor Set +2 Navarch's Attire Set +2
Orison Attire Set +2 Bale Armor Set +2
Iga Garb Set +2 Cirque Attire Set +2
Goetia Attire Set +2 Ferine Armor Set +2
Lancer's Armor Set +2 Charis Attire Set +2
Estoqueur's Attire Set +2 Aoidos' Attire Set +2
Caller's Attire Set +2 Savant's Attire Set +2

Kupon A-Eme

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following Bonanza exclusive armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-Eme Mog Kupon A-Eme
Prize Selections
Emerald Tiara Emerald Jubbah
Emerald Dastanas Emerald Shalwar
Emerald Crackows

Kupon A-EMI

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following item level 117 Records of Eminence armor.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-EMI Mog Kupon A-EMI
Prize Selections
Outrider Mask Outrider Mail
Outrider Mittens Outrider Hose
Outrider Greaves Espial Cap
Espial Gambison Espial Bracers
Espial Hose Espial Socks
Wayfarer Circlet Wayfarer Robe
Wayfarer Cuffs Wayfarer Slops
Wayfarer Clogs

Kupon A-Jad

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following Bonanza exclusive armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-Jad Mog Kupon A-Jad
Prize Selections
Jadeite Visor Jadeite Cuirie
Jadeite Gloves Jadeite Chausses
Jadeite Jambeaux

Kupon A-Lum

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Items from the Sea NM System.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-Lum Mog Kupon A-Lum
Prize Selections
Merciful Cape Altruistic Cape
Astute Cape Justice Torque
Hope Torque Prudence Torque
Fortitude Torque Faith Torque
Temperance Torque Love Torque

Kupon A-Nyz

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey rewards.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-Nyz Mog Kupon A-Nyz
Prize Selections
Phorcys Salade Phorcys Korazin
Phorcys Mitts Phorcys Dirs
Phorcys Schuhs Thaumas Hat
Thaumas Coat Thaumas Gloves
Thaumas Kecks Thaumas Nails
Nares Cap Nares Saio
Nares Cuffs Nares Trews
Nares Clogs

Kupon A-OmII

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following body pieces from Omen bosses.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-OmII Mog Kupon A-OmII
Prize Selections
Dagon Breastplate Ashera Harness
Shamash Robe Udug Jacket
Nisroch Jerkin

Kupon A-PK109

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Item Level 109 Peacekeeper Coalition Armor.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-PK109 Mog Kupon A-PK109
Prize Selections
Karieyh Morion +1 Karieyh Haubert +1
Karieyh Moufles +1 Karieyh Brayettes +1
Karieyh Sollerets +1 Thurandaut Chapeau +1
Thurandaut Tabard +1 Thurandaut Gloves +1
Thurandaut Tights +1 Thurandaut Boots +1
Orvail Corona +1 Orvail Robe +1
Orvail Cuffs +1 Orvail Pants +1
Orvail Souliers +1

Kupon A-RJob

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Level 70 Relic Armor Accessory.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-RJob Mog Kupon A-RJob
Prize Selections
Abyss Cape Assassin's Cape
Argute Belt Bard's Cape
Cleric's Belt Commodore Belt
Duelist's Belt Etoile Cape
Koga Sarashi Mirage Mantle
Melee Cape Monster Belt
Pantin Cape Saotome Koshi-Ate
Scout's Belt Sorcerer's Belt
Summoner's Cape Valor Cape
Warrior's Stone Wyrm Belt

Kupon A-Rub

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following Bonanza exclusive armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-Rub Mog Kupon A-Rub
Prize Selections
Ruby Coronal Ruby Robe
Ruby Cuffs Ruby Slops
Ruby Pigaches

Kupon A-Sal

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following armor pieces from Salvage II.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-Sal Mog Kupon A-Sal
Prize Selections
Ares' Mask +1 Ares' Cuirass +1
Ares' Gauntlets +1 Ares' Flanchard +1
Ares' Sollerets +1 Skadi's Visor +1
Skadi's Cuirie +1 Skadi's Bazubands +1
Skadi's Chausses +1 Skadi's Jambeaux +1
Usukane Somen +1 Usukane Haramaki +1
Usukane Gote +1 Usukane Hizayoroi +1
Usukane Sune-Ate +1 Marduk's Tiara +1
Marduk's Jubbah +1 Marduk's Dastanas +1
Marduk's Shalwar +1 Marduk's Crackows +1
Morrigan's Coronal +1 Morrigan's Robe +1
Morrigan's Cuffs +1 Morrigan's Slops +1
Morrigan's Pigaches +1

Kupon A-Sap

This Kupon can be redeemed for all of the following Bonanza exclusive armor, granting the entire set.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-Sap Mog Kupon A-Sap
Prize Selections
Sapphire Mask Sapphire Platemail
Sapphire Gauntlets Sapphire Trousers
Sapphire Leggings

Kupon A-SYW

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Yorcia Weald Skirmish Armor +1.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon A-SYW Mog Kupon A-SYW
Prize Selections
Cizin Helm +1 Cizin Mail +1
Cizin Mufflers +1 Cizin Breeches +1
Cizin Greaves +1 Gendewitha Caubeen +1
Gendewitha Bliaut +1 Gendewitha Gages +1
Gendewitha Spats +1 Gendewitha Galoshes +1
Hagondes Hat +1 Hagondes Coat +1
Hagondes Cuffs +1 Hagondes Pants +1
Hagondes Sabots +1 Iuitl Headgear +1
Iuitl Vest +1 Iuitl Wristbands +1
Iuitl Tights +1 Iuitl Gaiters +1
Otronif Mask +1 Otronif Harness +1
Otronif Gloves +1 Otronif Brais +1
Otronif Boots +1 Beatific Shield +1

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