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Enthunder GUI.png A series of spells unique to Red Mage, Paladin, and Dark Knight. Despite the in game description which often refers to these as "sword enhancement spells," these spells grant an additional effect of elemental damage to successful physical melee strikes of any weapon type. The Enspells of the six ascendant elements (fire, ice, wind, earth, thunder, water) are available exclusively to Red Mage, while the light elemental versions are available only to Paladin and the dark elemental versions are available only to Dark Knight.

Spell Level MP Cost Element
Enthunder 16 12 Lightning-WHM-Icon.gif
Enstone 18 12 Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
Enaero 20 12 Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
Enblizzard 22 12 Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
Enfire 24 12 Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
Enwater 27 12 Water-WHM-Icon.gif
Enthunder II 50 24 Lightning-WHM-Icon.gif
Enstone II 52 24 Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
Enaero II 54 24 Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
Enblizzard II 56 24 Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
Enfire II 58 24 Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
Enwater II 60 24 Water-WHM-Icon.gif
Enlight (PLD) 85 24 Light-WHM-Icon.gif
Endark (DRK) 85 24 Dark-WHM-Icon.gif
Enlight II (PLD) 99 (JP) 36 Light-WHM-Icon.gif
Endark II (DRK) 99 (JP) 36 Dark-WHM-Icon.gif

Damage from the additional effect granted by Enspells does not generate additional enmity, nor does it give additional TP to the target.

  • Note: The additional effect granted by Enspells overwrites and does not stack with other additional effects such as Sambas or the Additional Effects found on many weapons.

Calculating Enspell damage (RDM)

The base damage for tier I and tier II Enspells available to Red Mage is based solely on the caster's Enhancing Magic Skill and calculated via the following formulas:

Enhancing Skill Formula
< 180 Floor(Enhancing Skill / 9) + 5
> 180 Floor((Enhancing Skill - 180) / 8) + 25

Damage is subject to rounding errors (1024/1000, or about ~2.4% increase in expected damage)

To calculate full Enspell damage, use the following formula:

(((Base Enspell damage + RDM Group 2 Merit Points + RDM Enspell Job Point Gifts + Sword Enhancement Spell Damage +n) × (Composure + Sword Enhancement Spell Damage +n% AugRank.png)) × (Staff) × (Affinity) × (Resist) × (Resistance Rank Reduction) × (Day & Weather) × (TMDA)) × (Potency Multipliers)

  • Enspells are not affected by the Magic Damage statistic or Magic Attack Bonus/Magic Defense Bonus.
  • Enspells cannot Magic Burst, but will still benefit from the temporary change in a monster's Resistance Rank during a Skillchain.
  • "Sword enhancement spell damage" gear applies during melee attacks and must be equipped during each attack round to take effect.
  • The "Sword enhancement spell damage +n" statistic behaves differently depending on whether it is listed on a weapon or non-weapon piece of equipment.
    • Instances of the "Sword enhancement spell damage +n" statistic and the "Sword enhancement spell damage +n%" AugRank.png found on weapons only applies to the weapon on which it is listed when performing Enspell damage calculations.
    • "Sword enhancement spell damage +n" found on any non-weapon equipment applies to both main and off-hand weapons.
  • Magic Accuracy and Resist state calculations are performed on a per-hit basis.
  • Enspells, while normally classified as magic damage, are able to bypass Magic Shield abilities such as Spectral Barrier used by Magic Pots, Magic Barrier used by Ahriman, and Pyric Bulwark used by Hydra.

While base damage is derived from Enhancing Magic Skill in the same manner for both tiers of Enspell, the way in which they actually apply damage is wildly different.

Tier I Enspells

The base damage of the first tier of Enspells is determined only by the caster's total Enhancing Magic Skill at the time of cast.

  • Once the cast has been completed, base Enspell damage remains static for the duration of the effect.
  • Any changes in the caster's Enhancing Magic Skill made afterwards will not affect the base damage previously set by the initial cast.
    • This allows the caster to change equipment without affecting their base Enspell damage.
  • For players that receive an Enspell effect via the Accession job ability, their base Enspell damage is determined by the caster's Enhancing Magic Skill.

The additional effect damage of tier I Enspells is applied to all physical melee strikes of an attack round.

  • This property allows tier I Enspell damage to outperform their tier II counterparts when combined with large amounts of triple-attack granted by Temper II.
  • This also makes tier I Enspells incompatible with other additional effects such as Sambas.
  • Tier I Enspells can overwrite themselves, but cannot overwrite tier II Enspells.

Tier II Enspells

Tier II Enspells follow the same formula as their tier I counterparts to calculate base damage with some major differences in how damage is applied.

  • Tier II base Enspell damage is calculated dynamically using the caster's Enhancing Magic Skill during each attack round.
    • Each subsequent attack round beyond the first adds one point to a hidden counter that begins when the spell is cast.
    • Each point added to this counter modifies base Enspell damage by +1.
    • This modification of base Enspell damage will continue in increments of an additional +1 per successful attack round until it has reached a cap equal to double the base Enspell damage based on your current Enhancing Magic Skill.
      • The counter will continue to accumulate points during each successful attack round even after base Enspell damage has been doubled.
      • This counter is referenced each attack round and will apply towards any changes in base Enspell damage as a result of increasing/decreasing Enhancing Magic Skill during subsequent attack rounds.
      • This counter will only reset when the effect wears off or is recast.

Below are some examples of how this counter works in practice:

  • Example 1: You engage a monster equipped with 500 Enhancing Magic Skill which grants a base Enspell damage of 65. Base Enspell damage will increase by 1 point per attack round beyond the first over the course of 65 successful attack rounds until a cap of 130 modified base Enspell damage is reached.
  • Example 2: You engage a monster equipped with 500 Enhancing Magic Skill which grants a base Enspell damage of 65. You perform 70 successful attack rounds beyond the first. Attack rounds 66-70 do not increase your modified base Enspell damage at 500 skill but continue to add to the hidden counter. You then increase your Enhancing Magic Skill to 650 granting you a base Enspell damage of 83. Attack round 71 will raise your modified base Enspell damage to 154. Subsequent attack rounds will continue to increase your modified base Enspell damage until the new cap of 166 is reached at attack round 83.
  • Example 3: You engage a monster equipped with 650 Enhancing Magic Skill which grants a base Enspell damage of 83. You perform 79 successful attack rounds beyond the first which grants you a modified base Enspell damage of 162. You then decrease your Enhancing Magic Skill to 500 which grants a base Enspell damage of 65. During attack round 80 the hidden counter is referenced and your modified base Enspell damage will be capped at 130. You then revert to 650 Enhancing Magic Skill. At attack round 81 the counter is referenced and your new modified base Enspell damage is 164.

While tier I Enspells apply to every hit, tier II Enspells only apply to the first hit of an attack round.

  • Main-hand multi-attack hits do not receive any additional effect damage.
  • Off-hand hits also do not receive any additional effect damage.
  • While tier II Enspells will overwrite any additional effects on the first hit of an attack round, they can be combined with other additional effects such as Sambas which will take effect on any main-hand multi-attack hits or any off-hand hits.

In addition to their additional effect damage, tier II Enspells also temporarily reduce the target's elemental resistance to the element ascendant to the current Enspell in use by -10.

  • For example, Enblizzard II strikes inflict -10 Element: Fire resistance.
  • Tier II Enspells can overwrite themselves as well as any lower tier of Enspell.

Endark / Enlight

Endark and Enlight are different from their Red Mage Enspell counterparts. Unlike other Enspells, Endark/Enlight have a set initial potency that decays over time until they wear off. Their starting potency (and indirectly duration) are based on Dark Magic Skill and Divine Magic Skill, respectively. As an additional bonus, as long as they are active these spells also give an Attack (Endark) or Accuracy (Enlight) bonus equal to their current potency, respectively. For example, an Endark additional effect that would deal 35 points of darkness damage would also grant +35 Attack to the caster.

The starting potency for tier I Enlight/Endark follows this equation, substituting the relevant magic skill where appropriate:

12 + floor( Magic Skill ÷ 20 )×3 - floor( Magic Skill ÷ 40 )

Subsequently, the total damage they deal (assuming no resists) follows this equation:

Total Damage = (Starting Potency2 + Starting Potency)÷2

So an Enlight cast with 400 Divine Magic Skill would do 62 damage initially and 1953 damage ultimately (not considering the accuracy bonus).

Endark II / Enlight II

Endark II and Enlight II follow the same conventions as their tier I counterparts with the only difference being higher additional effect base damage and attack/accuracy bonus. The following are the starting damage/effect potency equations for Enlight II/Endark II:

Dark/Divine Skill Formula
< 501 2 × floor((Magic Skill + 85) ÷ 13) + floor((Divine Magic Skill + 85) ÷ 26) + Endark/Enlight Job Points
501 and above 2 × floor((Divine Magic skill + 400) ÷ 20) + floor((Divine Magic skill + 400) ÷ 40) + Enlight Job Points


Modified by Following Equipment
Item Type Effect
Lycopodium Earring Earring Sword enhancement spell damage +2
Buzzard Tuck Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +2
Sword enhancement spell duration +5
Oberon's Rapier Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +2~6 AugRank.png
Hollow Earring Earring Sword enhancement spell damage +3
Enhancing Sword Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +5
Ghostfyre Cape Back Sword enhancement spell damage +5
Fencer's Ring Ring Latent effect Sword enhancement spell damage +5
Latent effect active when the player's HP is under 75% and has less than 100% TP.
Chimeric Fleuret Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +7
Secespita Dagger Sword enhancement spell damage +8
Umuthi Hat Head Sword enhancement spell damage +8
Egeking Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +10
Ayanmo Manopolas Hands Sword enhancement spell damage +10
Pukulatmuj Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +10
Pukulatmuj +1 Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +11
Sword Enhancement Spell Damage +150% AugRank.png
Ayanmo Manopolas +1 Hands Sword enhancement spell damage +15
Ayanmo Manopolas +2 Hands Sword enhancement spell damage +17
Enriching Sword Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +30
Enriching Sword +1 Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +35
Demersal Degen +1 Sword Sword Enhancement Spell Damage +50% AugRank.png
Duelist's Sword Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +300%, Path C AugRank.png
Vitiation Sword Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +400%, Path C AugRank.png
Crocea Mors Sword Sword enhancement spell damage +500%, Path C AugRank.png
Honorbound Sword Enlight damage +7
Brilliance Sword Enlight damage +15
Woeborn Scythe Endark damage +5
Deacon Scythe Scythe Endark damage +20
Malfeasance Great Sword Endark damage +20
Dark Elemental Magic Attack +15
Malfeasance +1 Great Sword Endark damage +21
Dark Elemental Magic Attack +16


Pages in category "Enspell"

The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.