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Category:High-Tier Mission Battlefields/MaidenOfTheDusk
Very Difficult
Battle Information
This post is for clarity on the battlefield, despite the similarities to Bleak's DRK strategy below.
- In the first phase she has the same TP move set as the lower difficulties.
- On her 2nd TP move and beyond she will get adds (up to 3) that hit hard and (afaik) don't depop even after the first phase ends.
- She takes great damage from Light skillchains here.
- In the second phase, if you let her get a TP move off with a name based off Ancient Magic it will set a stat to 1. (For example, if you have INT 153 and she uses Dark Flare, it will be -152).
- TP denial via Absorb-TP or DRK SP2 Soul Enslavement is best to avoid any TP moves from happening at all.
- She heals from Light damage and skillchains are a part of this.
--Ikariiiii (talk) 14:36, 6 January 2025 (UTC)
SCH Strategies
SCH solo video(Japanese)
Trio: DRK/SAM, COR/DRK, BRD/DRK (Insert Your healer trusts here) DRK: Used a hybrid DT/Melee set, essentially Sakpata's + DD accessories. Start w/ Caladbolg for Phase 1, before pull use Last Resort, Hasso, Scarlet Delirium and food (I used Popo. con Queso +1 for ATT, and MEVA), on pull pop your SP2 (Soul Enslavement) and then just Torcleaver spam for Light Skillchains. Once Lilith dies, immediately swap to Scythe. I used Anguta for Cross Reaper Spam for phase 2, I have all the Scythes and this is just my preference for short zergs b/c of low maintenance. That's about it for Drk. COR/DRK: CC SAM + Chaos. Once the fight starts just spam Absorb-TP to help keep Lilith from getting any nastiness off. Do NOT engage. Phase 2, Savage Blade zerg with the DRK and BRD. You can pop Last Resort for some extra attack at any point once the fight starts, it'll last the full fight. Grape Daifuku BRD/DRK: CC SV NITRO Honor March, Victory March (I don't trust trusts to haste me), Blade Madrigal (Missing WS's can really kill a zerg, was probably overcapped), Minuet V + IV. Same as COR for phase 1, just absorb-TP and do NOT engage. For phase 2, pop on that Naegling and Savage Blade to victory. Grape Daifuku Trusts: Monbereaux, Apururu, Koru-Moru.
(Extras) Honestly, with a rdm / whm / sch added to this, you can do VD. Add a SMN for extra protection with Alexander SP on phase 2. Add a THF for TH and Savage Blade/Rudras on phase 2. DRK can be replaced by MNK (Victory Smite spam on Phase 1, Tornado Kick (w/ Footwork) on phase 2), or SAM (4 step Light phase 1, Rana > Fudo for phase 2). Reset SP w/ Wildcard after the fight or MMM/Abyssea Altepa Cactuar. Rinse, repeat.
--1:15, 03 August 2022 Bleak
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DPS Strategies
Easy solo with any DPS job. I prefer MNK post October update but was using SAM before that. Dispel trust are a must for solo. Koru-Moru and Ajido combo works fine.
All her attacks are magic, a solid Hybrid build makes her very tame, with the long queue times on Asura I recommend playing it safe.
Dark Thorns requires an immediate dispel (dread spikes), Moonlight veil gives her a big Matt boost, I recommend letting that dispel as well.
Keep her in the middle of the zone but move her and your trust out of the circles as needed. Light based SCs only. I do not recommend capped haste until you are very familiar with the fight. Dark Thorns plus a melee crit can wipe you quickly. --21:31, 19 October 2019 User:Taint
Easy: Very simple solo on ML30 Cor/drg. Amuchu, ark ev, selh', king of hearts, apururu UC. Run in to middle, smack to trusts attack, move away, tag with ranged TH gear, lightshot, tripleshot, then spam Last Stand for Light sc, when you pull hate, high jump, then continue, if pull hate again superjump(otherwise backface till hate changes) 2min fight after buffs. Chaosta (talk) 03:54, 14 September 2024 (UTC)
SCH Strategies
Easily solo'd by SCH/RDM or duo by SCH/RDM + GEO/WHM with Trusts: Iroha / August / Apururu OR Ygnas / Monberaux or Sylvie
Skillchain: Fusion/Liquifaction (MB Fire)
--16:10, 06 August 2020 User:Kuroganashi
Very safe and simple SCH/RDM solo with decent gear, 1/3 of JP gifts. Summon Amchuchu, Ajido-Marujido, Cherukiki, Kupipi, and Selh'teus. Put up Light Arts, then Accession/Perpetuence Regen V, Phalanx II, Firestorm II. Hopefully you have some Duration+ gear. Pop over to Dark Arts, Addendum: Black. Put up Klimaform and Haste. Wait for 2+ charges to be available.
Run towards Lilith and whack her with your Treasure Hunter gear on to sic your trusts on her. Now maneuver to just over 10 yalms away from her and face your character away for the remainder of the fight. Do a Fusion self-skillchain, magic burst Pyrohelix. Pyrohelix will do most of the damage unless you want to actively nuke the whole time. Now apply Dia, Paralyze, Slow, Blind... anything you can land on her depending on your gear. This reduces the chance she will heal the Pyrohelix off of herself. Keep an eye on the chatlog, looking for Pyrohelix to wear, which you will want to MB and re-apply again.
Now you are free to use spare stratagems to do more Fusion-> Fire magic bursts to speed up the fight. Always keep 2 charges ready to re-apply bursted Pyrohelix.
She will die and you'll get whatever you get. If you have difficulties executing this, do Very Easy difficulty until your Scholar's gear improves. - Lusiphur (talk) 06:04, 5 February 2022 (EST)
BST Strategies
Call out Alluring Honey and two tank trusts, two healer trusts, and a red mage trust for Dia III. I used AA EV, Amchuchu, Apururu, Monberaux, and Koru-moru. Engage to activate trusts, face away from Lilith, put your pet on her, pop Run Wild > Spur, spam Tickling Tendrils, and she'll go down pretty quickly. You do not need to dispel spikes or worry about Charm, just use Tendrils and Reward if needed. Honey will take very little damage from Lilith's attacks, which are darkness damage. The only danger with this fight is back-to-back Subjugating Slash killing Honey when Reward is down, so have another jug ready like Randy to finish her off in case this happens. Other than that the snapweed pet can tank Lilith if the tank trusts die and she pulls hate.
--Safiyyah (talk) 21:46, 8 September 2021 (EDT)
PUP Strategies
I see a lot of VE/VE strats but I've been able to run them much faster with sharpshot frame, valoredge head with the following attachments, AR kit 4, optic fiber 1+2, strobe 2, steam jacket, turbo charger 1+2, truesights, attuner, magniplug 1+2, and flame holder. Maneuvers are fire/fire/light to force Arcuballista, our strongest hitting WS. Arcuballista also doesn't chain into gravitation like armor shatterer so your pet will only occasionally make fusion. Trusts used were Koru-Moru, Ajido-Marujido, and two white mages, any that don't melee will do. Monbreaux is nice for dragon shield but I got all my malignance before I got him. Subjob is irrelevant I've used /thf for treasure hunter, /whm for stoneskin, and /cor for buffs (before I leveled a cor mule).
The fight breaks down like this. Buff up, including maneuvers, run in and engage Lilith. Your pet will provoke. Once you hit Lilith once and your pet provokes retrieve your pet and run to the other side of the arena and then deploy your pet again. This will put some distance between Lilith and the mages. After that, stay engaged but out of range, repair when needed, maintenance if she uses impact.
BahamutDajjal (talk) 08:55, 3 October 2021 (EDT)
BLU Strategies
Soloable consistently as BLU/THF with some difficulty. Trusts were Yoran, Kupipi, Ulmia, Joachim, Koru-Moru. Gear is full empy+2, defending + shadow ring (shadow ring is a must), no 1200 JP gift nor REMA. Start in one corner and move around clockwise as gyres spawn (don't stand in them). Keep unlocked so you can turn for Fatal Allure charm. Use Geist Wall to dispel Dark Thorns dread spikes (she resists blank gaze). Let trusts heal you - initially hate will be wonky so Diffusion + MG, Nat Meditation, Saline Coat to get hate. Magic barrier is helpful (very MP efficient). Susceptible to MP Drainkiss for 100 or so MP if you're lacking, but provided trusts don't die you should be okay. Spammed CDC. Kegsay (talk) 19:41, 10 August 2024 (UTC)
Very Easy
Gyves Method. It is possible to melee the Gyves and WS only on Lilith. This method is very easy, albeit a bit frustrating with knock backs.
-- 08:02, 4 February 2020 Drayco
Gyves Method. As BLU/RUN (could have done as /THF too) No REMA weapon, only 200 JP I've used Yoran Oran, Sel'Theus, and others trust, i think it should be easy with 2 Heal Trust, Sel'Theus helped a lot, and a BRD / COR
-- 25 February 2020 Maestrel
THF/RUN solo
- This is likely only a viable strategy if you have a max -DT set, plus the exact listed trusts (RDM trust can vary)
TP Set | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Head, Body, Ring2, both earrings, offhand, and the belt can be whatever you have on hand.
Ate Popo. Con Queso, and used Cornelia, Selh'Teus, Monberaux, King of Hearts (can also use Koru-Moru, but not Arciela [she deals darkness damage]), and Cherukiki (in that order.) I've tested with other healers, and different orderings of trusts, this is the only one I've found to work reliably (and I've only tested it during Alter Ego Expo - Plus!)
Walk past both small pillars on the left side of the arena, set up 2xLux (and I like Aquaveil) then step into the middle, turn her around, and step just outside the gyves as they spawn. Use Collaborator and Flash to maintain enmity, and press Vallation on cooldown. Evisceration at 1kTP, repeat until the boss is dead. Arkevorkhat (talk) 01:22, 12 October 2024 (UTC)
- This is just a baseline so people have something to go off of.
Attempted this as Blu/Dnc, average(probably lower end) gear. Set magic barrier/barrier tusk/Plasma Charge for some defenses.
Called trusts, AAEV, Apururu, Iroha II, Shantotto II and King of Hearts. Wasn't sure what to expect.
Her attacks being AOE, she wiped Iroha and Shantotto within seconds, so only had the other 3 for majority of the fight, which didn't help. AAEV had trouble holding hate, and due to the large amount of healing needed, had to face away several times to drop hate and heal myself.
Lilith spawned an Add, a gate of some kind, didn't summon anything and took either minimal damage or has a decent amount of HP, and either has a slow tick regen or Lilith's moves give it health back. After about 3 minutes of attacking it, and it only dropping to 89% then shooting back up to 95% I switched back to her.
The other "gates" around the room will attack you if you are close to them. Eventually wiped after all 3 trusts had no MP, and King went down, followed by Apururu, then AAEV and finally myself due to the knockback on her attacks killing my casts.
Died with 18% left, and the targetable gate was still up. Not sure what other mechanics happen with that.
Didn't eat food, and not sure if her attacks were physical or magical. Definitely recommend a solid tank to soak the hits and let others do ranged damage. -- 13:41, 13 September 2019 Dmhlucky
Tried again a few times, successfully. Same/similar trusts, ate some acc food just for kicks.
Main focus here is repositioning her away from any gates that she spawns. And Stay within the circle. If you move outside you do 0 damage with anything.
Can also confirm she absorbs Dark damage at Least when you/she is outside the main circle, at an enhanced rate, ran with a trial group, as Smn, my normal Dmg BPs were ~2-3k, tried a lunar bay and she cured for over 11k.
Since we were hitting her for 0, tried AF Odin, he cured for around 110k. Although both times the messages read that the summoner avatar restores HP.
Just stay away from the gates, stay away from the front conal range and take her down. Overall relativly easy fight once trusts aren't being chunked by the gates. -- 15:59; 8 October 2019 Dmhlucky Dmhlucky
THF SCH duo.
Treasure Hunter highly increases chance of drops in this fight, I've had a 50-60% drop rate on VE when TH is taken in the fight. I've had less Success on drops from N with no TH.
--Faites 13:13, 31 October 2019 (GMT)
Thf/War solo w/ Trusts
I've been doing the Gyves method with Thf/War with great success. Trusts - Amchuchu, Apapuru, Koro-Moru, Brygid, Arcecia II Using Tauret and a hybrid DT/HP+/Melee set. Loading up on HP+ gear really helps a lot when MaxHPDown hits. Go in, SA+Feint start then TA+Evisceration tank. Collaborator on healer often and TA tank often. Can ride out Berserk without fear because of magical attacks. When Gyves spawns, switch target to that and TP off it, only doing Evisceration on Lilith. Fight typically takes 3-6mins this way.
NIN/WAR solo w/ trusts Apururu, Koru-Moru, Ulmia, Joachim, King of Hearts
Fought in the middle, melee'd Lilith, Moved lilith to keep trusts out of Gyves. Phalanx from King of hearts is very helpful here. I tp'd in a mdt hybrid set (currently -36%mdt and 1229 primary accuracy without food) since Lilith does all magic damage. Top priority is keeping shadows up. I was able to just stick with ni and san with an occasional ichi. Very easy and straight forward fight. --Twitchington 20:29, 2 November 2020 (EST)
BLU/NIN solo w/ trusts Gessho, Amchuchu, Apururu, Sel'teus, King of Hearts
Modeled after testimonials above. Achievable without GS with some skill(lua broken at time of writing this), mixture of -mdt, haste%, and spell int rate down. Did not use Gyve to tp; attempted this way and took too long and she heals herself. CDC'd her face off with some Sinker Drills for good measure. Gessho was surprisingly efficient at keeping hate. Bouncing two tanks kept it from getting too hairy. Should not be a problem for any career BLU, if a dusty, rusty old BLU like me can do it. 0/4 so far. Good luck! ~Anbuakira of Asura 4 November 2020
THF/WAR solo w/ trusts She has approximately 200.000 HP, so about 20 Savage Blades will do it. She does not hit hard, so just take the blows and keep smashing her. Make sure you didn't kill too fast, i.e. still got TH9-11 on her. -- 20:23, 30 September 2021 User:Arundo
BLU/RUN Naegling with trusts. Double Ignis + BarBlizzard to resist bind. Used the Tongy method (Tongy FFXIAH Forum comment) on Very Easy with trusts Valaineral, Koru-Moru, Ajido-Marujido, Cherukiki, Yoran-Oran (In this order). Ambuscade+2 gears, Fast Cast, Spell Interruption set and TH3 (BLU trait + 2 from gear) only. I did 60-70 run and got all the 5 body parts + 2 weapons. Got stronger when I got more Malignance part and ended up doing zerg Savage Blade on her most of the time. I would recommend TH4 but I ran the instance from time to time when I got full on merit points and ended up with all gears before I got time to get my hand on last TH4 gear. See ya Lilith ! This comment here is mostly to report that running VE with TH3 was much more quicker than I expected to get all 5/5 armor + 2 weapon :) -- Atilas 14 November 2023 (EST)
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