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Legion is an alliance-scale event designed for level 99 players.
Groups ranging from one to 36 characters level 75 or over may enter; groups with characters that are lower than 75 will be unable to enter.
Trusts may be called at anytime inside Legion, regardless of enmity.
To gain access to Legion:
- One player must first speak to Saarlan in Rolanberry Fields (J-5) to purchase a Legion tome page key item for the desired battle:
- Legion tome page: minimus (18-man battle) for 180,000 gil (The price is cut to 1,000 gil if the player possesses the "Rhapsody in Mauve" reward from Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission progression.)
- Legion tome page: maximus (36-man battle) for 360,000 gil (The price is cut to 2,000 gil if the player possesses the "Rhapsody in Mauve" reward from Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission progression.)
- The purchasing member must then speak to Mayuyu in Rolanberry Fields to select the hall. Mayuyu will give the player either one or two Legion Passes depending on the capacity set for the fight. If the player is not the alliance leader, they must trade the pass to the leader of their alliance, and the second pass to the second alliance leader if applicable. Since entry is restricted by the passes, players must enter as one alliance for the 18-man battle and as no more than two alliances for the 36-man battle.
- The Legion pass is valid for 5 minutes (the timer is printed directly on the item) and will transport the leader's entire alliance to the battlefield antechamber upon trading to the Legion Tome. The battle will automatically begin once five minutes have passed from the time the Legion pass was obtained or can be started manually when ready by examining the "Legion Portal." Players may remain in the antechamber as long as they would like, but the 30-minute battle timer will begin after the five minutes have ended. The Legion Libretto inside the antechamber can be used to set the background music prior to entering the battlefield.
Once the group has entered the battlefield, after a brief time the first wave of three monsters will spawn. Monsters automatically link and cannot be pulled individually, so the group must be prepared to hold all three at once. Shortly after defeating all three, the second wave of three monsters will spawn. 30 minutes are allotted to defeat as many monsters as possible, once this period has expired the group will be transported back to the antechamber for five minutes in order to distribute any loot that may remain in the treasure pool. The antechamber can be exited before the five minutes are up via the Legion Tome.
The HP of Legion monsters is adjusted based on the chosen size of the group, 18 or 36 members. Types and quantities do not scale at all, while monster HP is doubled for two alliances; however, a trophy is obtained after defeating the last monster in the first wave, so not all waves need to be defeated to gain access to Hall of Mul. These trophies can be traded to Mayuyu for the four key items required to enter Hall of Mul. The drop rates and Legion points accumulated increase for each defeated monster, and drops are specific to each of the halls (with the exception of Hall of Mul, which shares some drops with each of the other four halls). Additionally, the item drop rates, but not Legion points accumulated, are higher in the two alliance version.
Titles associated with hall clears are granted after defeating the "boss" of each area. The titles increase the amount of items purchasable with Legion Points.
- Hall of An: Lofty Harpeia (Subjugator of the Lofty)
- Hall of Ki: Mired Mantis (Subjugator of the Mired)
- Hall of Im: Soaring Naraka (Subjugator of the Soaring)
- Hall of Muru: Veiled Ironclad (Subjugator of the Veiled)
- Hall of Mul: Paramount Botulus or Paramount Gallu (Legendary Legionnaire)
Monsters in Legion are aggressive and have area-wide hate once they become aggressive, but DO NOT regen when passive. If a group wipes and successfully reraises and recovers without aggro (Tractor is effective), they can continue the battle from where they left off if sufficient time remains.
Legion is split up into five "halls." In the first four halls, you will receive a trophy for completing the first wave. The trophy must be traded by a leader to Mayuyu to receive a key item corresponding to the trophy. Once the leader possesses all four key items, they may enter their group into the Hall of Mul (only one person needs to have the four key items).
In addition to the set lists of monsters for each hall, elemental-type Auspicious Entity monsters will randomly spawn for brief periods of time. If defeated, the player who lands the killing blow will receive one or two temporary items associated with the element(s) of the Auspicious Entity (see the monster page for a specific list).
See the Legion Rewards page for all items that are known to be drops from Legion.
There are two separate and distinct reward systems in Legion:
- Direct drops from individual NMs
- Legion Points from all NMs which are accumulated and may be used to purchase additional items.
Items are not shared across the two methods (items purchased for Legion Points will not drop directly off NMs, and vice versa).
Drops in Legion are specific to each hall, with some further specified to higher waves or individual monsters. Items will drop into an area-wide treasure pool, similar to Einherjar, so that all players in the battlefield may cast lots. Each individual NM may drop one or more of the possible items in their pools, and can drop up to two of the same item. In addition to the treasure below, all NMs in Legion may drop one or more Abdhaljs on War, an item that grants a small amount of EXP to the user, and various scrolls and high level crafting materials. Area clear titles are given to all group members in the area once the boss monster from the third wave is defeated (the entire third wave does not need to be defeated, just the boss monster).
In the first four halls, drops are cumulative. The first wave has two possible drops which can drop from any of the monsters, the second wave adds three or four additional possible monster specific equipment drops as well as head and feet abjurations. The final wave contains the area boss which adds its own unique drops in addition to potential abjurations or wave one armor. In the Hall of Mul, the first wave consists of the zone bosses from the previous four halls, which have identical drops to the bosses in those halls. The second wave consists of powered up versions of zone bosses with unique drops, and the final wave consists of the two Legion bosses with large unique drop pools including powerful weapons and armor, unique scrolls, body abjurations, and Abdhaljs's Honor required for level 99 abjuration armor augmentation (Abdhaljs's Honor Synergy).
Note: that the drop rate indicators below are based on the 18-man version of Legion. Drop rates are boosted to some extent in the 36-man version battles.
Legion Points
In addition to the potential direct drops from NMs in the various halls, players will receive Legion Points for each monster defeated. The amount of Legion Points will increase for each monster defeated.
In the Halls of An, Ki, Im, and Muru, the first monster defeated is worth 10 points, and each additional monster defeated is worth 10 points more than the previous (10, 20, 30...).
In the Hall of Mul, the first monster defeated is worth 100 points, and each additional monster defeated is worth 10 points more than the previous (100, 110, 120...).
Players may use their Legion Points to obtain items from Saarlan, and acquiring the titles from each of the halls will progressively expand the available selection of items.
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