Legion Rewards

From FFXI Wiki

Legion Rewards

Items in the tables below are known to be rewards associated with Legion, including both points acquisition and direct drop items.

See the Legion main page for the locations of known drops.


Name Icon Level Slot Description Jobs Obtained From
Pugiunculus Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Pugiunculus icon.png 99 Dagger DMG:37 Delay:150 "Triple Attack"+5% THF / BRD / DNC Hall of Ki/Mul: Mired Mantis
Shara's Fists Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Shara's Fists icon.png 99 Hand-to-Hand DMG:+34 Delay:+60 STR+5 DEX+5 "Counter"+3 MNK / PUP Hall of Mul: Paramount Gallu
Girru Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Girru icon.png 99 Hand-to-Hand DMG:+35 Delay:+51 STR+10 DEX+10 "Counter"+5 Occasionally deals severe counter damage MNK / PUP Hall of Mul: Paramount Gallu
Janamaraka Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Janamaraka icon.png 99 Dagger DMG:49 Delay:195 AGI+10 Element: Wind+10 Haste+2% THF / BRD / DNC Hall of An/Mul: Lofty Harpeia
Irasya Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Irasya icon.png 99 Great Sword DMG:132 Delay:480 Attack+30 Latent effect: Damage taken +2% Enmity+10 DRK Hall of Mul: Paramount Ironclad
Void Scythe Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Void Scythe icon.png 99 Scythe DMG:145 Delay:513 MP+30 Dark magic skill +10 Enhances effect of "Absorb" spells DRK Hall of Ki/Mul: Mired Mantis
Kawasemi Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Kawasemi icon.png 99 Katana DMG:56 Delay:227 DEX+5 Evasion+5 NIN Hall of Mul: Paramount Botulus
Ikarigiri Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Ikarigiri icon.png 99 Katana DMG:58 Delay:222 DEX+10 Evasion+10 Additional effect: Reduces enemy TP NIN Hall of Mul: Paramount Botulus
Heshikiri-Hasebe Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Heshikiri-hasebe icon.png 99 Great Katana DMG:117 Delay:450 STR+5 Attack+10 "Save TP"+25 SAM Hall of Im/Mul: Soaring Naraka
Kagotsurube Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Kagotsurube icon.png 99 Great Katana DMG:118 Delay:464 "Store TP"+5 Enhances effect of skillchain bonuses SAM Hall of Mul: Paramount Naraka
Luckitoo Rare-Icon.gif Luckitoo icon.png 97 Club DMG:75 Delay:340 STR+6 MND-10 Haste+3% WHM / PLD Hall of An: Lofty Ferromantoise
Eluder's Sachet Rare-Icon.gif Eluder's Sachet icon.png 96 Ammo Damage taken +2% Enemy critical hit rate -5% All Hall of Muru: All
Iron Gobbet Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Iron Gobbet icon.png 99 Ammo VIT+5 Enmity+2 Enemy critical hit rate -2% All Hall of Mul: Paramount Ironclad
Duplus Grip Rare-Icon.gif Duplus Grip icon.png 99 Grips "Double Attack"+3 All Hall of Mul: Paramount Naraka


Name Icon Level Slot Description Jobs Obtained From
Calma Armet Rare-Icon.gif Calma Armet icon.png 96 Head DEF:43 STR+7 Attack+15 Haste+4% Set: Haste+6% WAR / PLD / DRK / BST / DRG Lofty: 4,500 Legion Points
Magavan Beret Rare-Icon.gif Magavan Beret icon.png 96 Head DEF:30 HP+30 STR+8 INT+8 MND+8 Magic Accuracy+5 Set: Magic Accuracy+5 WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / BLU / SCH Lofty: 4,500 Legion Points
Mustela Mask Rare-Icon.gif Mustela Mask icon.png 96 Head DEF:37 STR+5 DEX+5 Attack+10 Haste+5% Set: Increases rate of critical hits MNK / THF / RNG / SAM / NIN / COR / PUP / DNC Lofty: 4,500 Legion Points
Palnatoke's Cap Rare-Icon.gif Palnatoke's Cap icon.png 97 Head DEF:25 AGI+5 Ranged Accuracy+17 THF / RNG / COR Hall of Im: Soaring Strigoi
Prodigy's Circlet Rare-Icon.gif Prodigy's Circlet icon.png 97 Head DEF:30 INT+9 MND+9 CHR+9 Magic Accuracy+2 Enmity-5 WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / SCH Hall of Ki: Mired Khrysokhimaira
Striga Crown Rare-Icon.gif Striga Crown icon.png 97 Head DEF:33 Dark magic skill +15 Enhances the effect of "Drain" and "Aspir" BLM / DRK / SCH Hall of Im: Soaring Kumakatok
A'as Circlet Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif A'as Circlet icon.png
This code and information has been copied verbatim from the BlueGartr Wiki.
99 Head DEF:30 INT+5 MND+5 CHR+5 Magic Accuracy+10 "Magic Attack Bonus"+6 Magic critical hit rate +10% WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / BLU / PUP / SCH Hall of Mul: Paramount Gallu
Inquisitor's Chain Rare-Icon.gif Inquisitor's Chain icon.png 96 Neck Club skill +8 Divine magic skill +5 Healing magic skill +5 All Hall of Ki: All
Calma Breastplate Rare-Icon.gif Calma Breastplate icon.png 96 Body DEF:70 HP+40 MP+40 STR+10 DEX+10 AGI+10 Accuracy+10 Haste+4% Set: Haste+6% WAR / PLD / DRK / BST / DRG Legendary: 10,000 Legion Points
Magavan Frock Rare-Icon.gif Magavan Frock icon.png 96 Body DEF:52 HP+40 MP+40 INT+10 MND+10 CHR+10 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+7 "Magic Defense Bonus"+5 Set: Magic Accuracy+5 WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / BLU / SCH Legendary: 10,000 Legion Points
Mustela Harness Rare-Icon.gif Mustela Harness icon.png 96 Body DEF:65 HP+30 STR+9 DEX+9 AGI+9 MND+9 Accuracy+10 Ranged Accuracy+10 Haste+4% Set: Increases rate of critical hits MNK / THF / RNG / SAM / NIN / COR / PUP / DNC Legendary: 10,000 Legion Points
Fulad-Zereh Rare-Icon.gif Fulad-Zereh icon.png 97 Body DEF:67 STR+15 DEX+15 Accuracy+15 Attack+15 Evasion-15 "Double Attack"+3% WAR / PLD / DRK / BST / SAM / NIN Hall of An: Lofty Zilant
Gunman Gambison Rare-Icon.gif Gunman Gambison icon.png 97 Body DEF:60 STR+5 AGI+10 Ranged Accuracy+15 Ranged Attack+15 Enmity-3 RNG / COR Hall of Ki: Mired Alfard
Eirene's Manteel Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Eirene's Manteel icon.png 99 Body DEF:55 Magic Accuracy+7 "Magic Attack Bonus"+13 Enhances "Fast Cast" effect Enmity-10 WHM / BLM / RDM / SMN / SCH Hall of Mul: Paramount Botulus
Kumarbi's Akar Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Kumarbi's Akar icon.png 99 Body DEF:70 HP+100 MP+100 Accuracy+20 Attack+20 Critical hit rate +5% Adds "Regen" effect WAR / PLD / DRK / BST / SAM / DRG Hall of Mul: Paramount Gallu
Pharmakeia Robe Rare-Icon.gif Pharmakeia Robe icon.png 99 Body DEF:55 INT+15 Magic Accuracy+5 "Magic Attack Bonus"+8 Adds "Refresh" effect WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / SCH Hall of Mul: Paramount Harpeia
Calma Gauntlets Rare-Icon.gif Calma Gauntlets icon.png 96 Hands DEF:32 DEX+6 Attack+15 Haste+2% Set: Haste+6% WAR / PLD / DRK / BST / DRG Mired: 3,000 Legion Points
Magavan Mitts Rare-Icon.gif Magavan Mitts icon.png 96 Hands DEF:24 MP+30 Magic Accuracy+10 Enhances "Fast Cast" effect Enmity-2 Set: Magic Accuracy+5 WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / BLU / SCH Mired: 3,000 Legion Points
Mustela Gloves Rare-Icon.gif Mustela Gloves icon.png 96 Hands DEF:29 STR+10 DEX+6 AGI+6 "Double Attack"+2% Set: Increases rate of critical hits MNK / THF / RNG / SAM / NIN / COR / PUP / DNC Mired: 3,000 Legion Points
Antias Mitts Rare-Icon.gif Antias Mitts icon.png 97 Hands DEF:28 Accuracy+7 Attack+7 Haste+3% Enhances "Zanshin" effect MNK / SAM / PUP Hall of Im: Soaring Dweorg
Miodio Gloves Rare-Icon.gif Miodio Gloves icon.png 97 Hands DEF:28 HP+20 STR+6 Attack+9 Haste+4% MNK / THF / BST / RNG / NIN / BLU / COR / PUP / DNC Hall of An: Lofty Elasmoth
Ayao's Gages Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Ayao's Gages icon.png 99 Hands DEF:29 Magic Accuracy+10 Healing magic skill +15 Enhancing magic skill +10 Enfeebling magic skill +15 Blue magic skill +5 WHM / BLM / RDM / SMN / BLU / SCH Hall of Mul: Paramount Botulus
Repartie Gloves Rare-Icon.gif Repartie Gloves icon.png 99 Hands DEF:25 Magic Accuracy+15 Enhances "Fast Cast" effect WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / SCH Hall of Mul: Paramount Mantis
Carrier's Sash Rare-Icon.gif Carrier's Sash icon.png 96 Waist DEF:5 HP+20 Element: Fire+15 Element: Ice+15 Element: Wind+15 Element: Earth+15 Element: Thunder+15 Element: Water+15 Element: Light+15 Element: Dark+15 All Hall of Im: All
Paewr Belt Rare-Icon.gif Paewr Belt icon.png 96 Waist DEF:14 Element: Fire+25 Attack+10 Haste+4% All Hall of Ki: All
Maniacus Sash Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Maniacus Sash icon.png 99 Waist DEF:7 Magic Accuracy-10 "Magic Attack Bonus"+7 Magic critical hit rate +10% WHM / BLM / BRD / SMN / PUP / SCH Hall of Im/Mul: Soaring Naraka
Vassal's Mantle Rare-Icon.gif Vassal's Mantle icon.png 96 Back DEF:17 Attack+25 Evasion+5 WAR / MNK / RDM / THF / PLD / DRK / BST / BRD / RNG / SAM / NIN / DRG / BLU / COR / DNC Hall of An: All
Chuparrosa Mantle Rare-Icon.gif Chuparrosa Mantle icon.png 97 Back DEF:10 Magic Accuracy+5 Augments "Absorb" spells Enhances "Absorb" effects DRK Hall of Muru: Veiled Gigaworm
Drachenblut Cape Rare-Icon.gif Drachenblut Cape icon.png 97 Back DEF:18 HP+30 Element: Fire+30 Occasionally absorbs fire damage taken All Hall of An: Lofty Zilant
Ambuscade Ring Rare-Icon.gif Ambuscade Ring icon.png 96 Rings "Double Attack"+1% Legion: Accuracy+8 "Double Attack"+2% All 1000 Legion Points
Asklepian Ring Rare-Icon.gif Asklepian Ring icon.png 96 Rings Potency of "Cure" and "Waltz" effects received +3% All Hall of An: All
Caloussu Ring Rare-Icon.gif Caloussu Ring icon.png 96 Rings VIT+5 Enchantment: DEF+30

<5/5 0:15/[5:00, 0:15]>

All 1000 Legion Points
Cynosure Ring Rare-Icon.gif Cynosure Ring icon.png 96 Rings CHR+5 Enchantment: Magic Accuracy+5

<5/5 0:15/[5:00, 0:15]>

All 1000 Legion Points
Gaiardas Ring Rare-Icon.gif Gaiardas Ring icon.png 96 Rings STR+5 Enchantment: Attack+10

<5/5 0:15/[5:00, 0:15]>

All 1000 Legion Points
Gaubious Ring Rare-Icon.gif Gaubious Ring icon.png 96 Rings DEX+5 Enchantment: Accuracy+10

<5/5 0:15/[5:00, 0:15]>

All 1000 Legion Points
Nanger Ring Rare-Icon.gif Nanger Ring icon.png 96 Rings AGI+5 Enchantment: Evasion+10

<5/5 0:15/[5:00, 0:15]>

All 1000 Legion Points
Quies Ring Rare-Icon.gif Quies Ring icon.png 96 Rings MND+5 Enchantment: "Magic Defense Bonus"+3

<5/5 0:15/[5:00, 0:15]>

All 1000 Legion Points
Sophia Ring Rare-Icon.gif Sophia Ring icon.png 96 Rings INT+5 Enchantment: "Magic Attack Bonus"+3

<5/5 0:15/[5:00, 0:15]>

All 1000 Legion Points
Veneficium Ring Rare-Icon.gif Veneficium Ring icon.png 96 Rings Occ. quickens spellcasting +1% Legion: Magic Accuracy+4 Occ. quickens spellcasting +2% All 1000 Legion Points
Maquette Ring Rare-Icon.gif Maquette Ring icon.png 97 Rings Magic Accuracy+5 Legion: "Magic Attack Bonus"+5 Adds "Refresh" effect WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / SCH Hall of Muru: Veiled Alicorn
Dhanurveda Ring Rare-Icon.gif Dhanurveda Ring icon.png 99 Rings Accuracy+5 Ranged Attack+5 "Subtle Blow"+8 All Legendary: 6,000 Legion Points
Mediator's Ring Rare-Icon.gif Mediator's Ring icon.png 99 Rings MP+25 Magic Accuracy+4 Enmity-5 All Legendary: 6,000 Legion Points
Provocare Ring Rare-Icon.gif Provocare Ring icon.png 99 Rings DEF:15 VIT+3 Enmity+5 All Legendary: 6,000 Legion Points
Belatz Pearl Rare-Icon.gif Belatz Pearl icon.png 96 Earrings DEX+2 Accuracy+3 Legion: Haste+2% All Soaring: 3,000 Legion Points
Corybant Pearl Rare-Icon.gif Corybant Pearl icon.png 96 Earrings STR+2 Attack+4 Legion: Potency of "Cure" effect received +10% All Lofty: 3,000 Legion Points
Cytherea Pearl Rare-Icon.gif Cytherea Pearl icon.png 96 Earrings CHR+2 Enmity-4 Legion: Enmity-20 All Veiled: 3,000 Legion Points
Hearty Earring Rare-Icon.gif Hearty Earring icon.png 96 Earrings Increases resistance to all status ailments All Hall of Im: All
Myrddin Pearl Rare-Icon.gif Myrddin Pearl icon.png 96 Earrings MND+2 Magic Accuracy+2 Legion: MP recovered while healing +10 All Veiled: 3,000 Legion Points
Ouesk Pearl Rare-Icon.gif Ouesk Pearl icon.png 96 Earrings AGI+2 Evasion+3 Legion: "Subtle Blow"+10 All Soaring: 3,000 Legion Points
Puissant Pearl Rare-Icon.gif Puissant Pearl icon.png 96 Earrings DEF:7 VIT+2 Legion: Physical damage taken -2% All Veiled: 3,000 Legion Points
Saviesa Pearl Rare-Icon.gif Saviesa Pearl icon.png
This code and information has been copied verbatim from the BlueGartr Wiki.
96 Earrings INT+2 Magic Accuracy+2 Legion: Magic Accuracy+5 All Mired: 3,000 Legion Points
Choleric Earring Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Choleric Earring icon.png 99 Earrings Magic Accuracy+2 Magic critical hit rate +10% Increases magic critical hit damage Enmity-3 All Hall of Mul: Paramount Mantis
Esper Earring Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Esper Earring icon.png 99 Earrings "Blood Pact" ability delay +5 Avatar: Increases "Blood Pact" damage SMN Hall of Muru/Mul: Veiled Ironclad
Calma Hose Rare-Icon.gif Calma Hose icon.png 96 Legs DEF:52 DEX+7 AGI+7 Attack+10 Evasion+5 Haste+3% Set: Haste+6% WAR / PLD / DRK / BST / DRG Soaring: 4,500 Legion Points
Magavan Slops Rare-Icon.gif Magavan Slops icon.png 96 Legs DEF:43 INT+8 MND+8 Summoning magic skill +6 "Cure" potency +4% "Blood Pact" ability delay -2 Set: Magic Accuracy+5 WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / BLU / SCH Soaring: 4,500 Legion Points
Mustela Brais Rare-Icon.gif Mustela Brais icon.png 96 Legs DEF:50 STR+5 AGI+5 "Store TP"+5 Enhances "Snapshot" effect Set: Increases rate of critical hits MNK / THF / RNG / SAM / NIN / COR / PUP / DNC Soaring: 4,500 Legion Points
Triplus Subligar Rare-Icon.gif Triplus Subligar icon.png 96 Legs DEF:40 Accuracy-20 Attack-10 "Subtle Blow"+10 "Triple Attack"+5% WAR / RDM / THF / PLD / DRK / BST / BRD / RNG / SAM / NIN / DRG / BLU / COR / DNC Hall of Muru: All
Induro Cuisses Rare-Icon.gif Induro Cuisses icon.png 97 Legs DEF:43 VIT+5 Physical damage taken -2% Enmity+10 WAR / PLD / DRK Hall of Ki: Mired Orthrus
Tussle Breeches Rare-Icon.gif Tussle Breeches icon.png 97 Legs DEF:50 STR+8 VIT+8 Accuracy+10 Attack+10 Evasion-10 "Conserve TP" +8 WAR / PLD / DRK / BST / SAM / NIN Hall of Ki: Mired Orthrus
Mystagog Slacks Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Mystagog Slacks icon.png 99 Legs DEF:30 Divine magic skill +15 Enfeebling magic skill +15 Summoning magic skill +8 Haste+3% WHM / BLM / RDM / SMN / BLU Hall of Mul: Paramount Harpeia
Ngen Seraweels Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Ngen Seraweels icon.png 99 Legs DEF:45 Summoning magic skill +10 Avatar: Adds "Regen" effect Increases "Blood Pact" damage WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / BLU / SCH Hall of Mul: Paramount Botulus
Calma Leggings Rare-Icon.gif Calma Leggings icon.png 96 Feet DEF:26 STR+8 DEX+5 Enmity+4 Haste+2% Set: Haste+6% WAR / PLD / DRK / BST / DRG Veiled: 3,000 Legion Points
Magavan Clogs Rare-Icon.gif Magavan Clogs icon.png 96 Feet DEF:19 MND+9 CHR+9 "Magic Attack Bonus"+5 "Magic Defense Bonus"+5 Enmity-7 Set: Magic Accuracy+5 WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / BLU / SCH Veiled: 3,000 Legion Points
Mustela Boots Rare-Icon.gif Mustela Boots icon.png 96 Feet DEF:23 STR+6 DEX+6 Evasion+5 Haste+2% "Subtle Blow"+5 Set: Increases rate of critical hits MNK / THF / RNG / SAM / NIN / COR / PUP / DNC Veiled: 3,000 Legion Points
Wrathwing Nails Rare-Icon.gif Wrathwing Nails icon.png 97 Feet DEF:28 STR+6 VIT+6 Accuracy+7 "Store TP"+4 Haste+3% WAR / THF / PLD / DRK / BST / BRD / DRG Hall of Muru: Veiled Sanguiptere
Muddle Pumps Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Muddle Pumps icon.png 99 Feet DEF:23 MP-20 STR+5 Accuracy+8 Evasion+8 Addle +5% WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / PUP / SCH Hall of An/Mul: Lofty Harpeia
Wurrukatte Boots Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Wurrukatte Boots icon.png 99 Feet DEF:24 DEX+6 AGI+6 Critical hit rate +3% Haste+3% Enhances "Snapshot" effect MNK / THF / RNG / NIN / BLU / COR / DNC Hall of Mul: Paramount Gallu
Panzer Shield Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Panzer Shield icon.png 99 Shields DEF:35 VIT+10 Physical damage taken -7% "Slow"+2% WAR / PLD Hall of Muru/Mul: Veiled Ironclad

General Items

  • Head and Feet abjurations can be obtained in wave 2 or higher of the first four halls of Legion, and waves 1 and 2 of Hall of Mul. Each of the first four halls drop a subset that includes five of the ten head/feet abjurations, while monsters in Hall of Mul drop abjurations corresponding to the original hall they are from.
  • Abdhaljs's Honor and Body abjurations are obtained only from wave 3 and higher in Hall of Mul (Paramount Botulus and Paramount Gallu).
Name Icon Stack Description Obtained From
Abdhaljs's Honor Abdhaljs's Honor icon.png 12 This brilliantly glowing orb pulsates to the touch. In a flowing runic script, it bears the message: "To you, who outbraved my greatest challenge, I present the greatest reward in my power to offer." Paramount Botulus, Paramount Gallu
Corvine Abjuration: Head Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif C.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png 1 "May the corvine spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed coronet. Hall of Ki, Hall of Im
Corvine Abjuration: Body Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif C.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png 1 "May the corvine spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed haubert. Paramount Botulus, Paramount Gallu
Corvine Abjuration: Feet Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif C.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png 1 "May the corvine spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of hexed gambieras. Hall of An, Hall of Muru
Supernal Abjuration: Head Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif S.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png 1 "May the supernal spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed somen. Hall of Ki, Hall of Muru
Supernal Abjuration: Body Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif S.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png 1 "May the supernal spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed domaru. Paramount Botulus, Paramount Gallu
Supernal Abjuration: Feet Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif S.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png 1 "May the supernal spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of hexed sune-ate. Hall of An, Hall of Im
Transitory Abjuration: Head Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif T.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png 1 "May the transitory spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed bonnet. Hall of Ki, Hall of Im
Transitory Abjuration: Body Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif T.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png 1 "May the transitory spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed jacket. Paramount Botulus, Paramount Gallu
Transitory Abjuration: Feet Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif T.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png 1 "May the transitory spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of hexed gamashes. Hall of An, Hall of Muru
Foreboding Abjuration: Head Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif F.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png 1 "May the foreboding spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed coif. Hall of An, Hall of Muru
Foreboding Abjuration: Body Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif F.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png 1 "May the foreboding spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed doublet. Paramount Botulus, Paramount Gallu
Foreboding Abjuration: Feet Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif F.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png 1 "May the foreboding spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of hexed nails. Hall of Ki, Hall of Im
Lenitive Abjuration: Head Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif L.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png 1 "May the lenitive spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed mitra. Hall of An, Hall of Muru
Lenitive Abjuration: Body Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif L.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png 1 "May the lenitive spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of a hexed bliaut. Paramount Botulus, Paramount Gallu
Lenitive Abjuration: Feet Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif L.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png 1 "May the lenitive spirits of antiquity favor thee, that thine artifact may be freed from its baleful curse." This prayer is used in the purifying of hexed boots. Hall of Ki, Hall of Im

Other Usable Items

Name Icon Stack Description Obtained From
Page From Abdhaljs On War Rare-Icon.gifEx-Icon.gif Abdhaljs on War icon.png 1 A page taken from a lengthy treatise on battle tactics penned by the archmage Abdhaljs. Lv.75 All Jobs All Legion NMs