
From FFXI Wiki

Minuets are songs that enhance Attack and Ranged Attack. After Marches, these are typically seen as Bard's best DD-enhancing spell.

  • Every Minuet +1 given through equipment increases song duration and potency by 10%.
    • The maximum Minuet bonus available from equipment is +8.
  • Merit Points Bard Group 1 can be increased by 5 levels for a maximum of +5 Attack per Minuet applied after the percentage bonus from +song. The tables below do not reflect this potential bonus.
  • Job Points Potency can be increased up to 20 levels for a maximum of +20 Attack per Minuet applied after the percentage bonus from +song. The tables below do not reflect this potential bonus.
  • Soul Voice Icon.png Soul Voice doubles the potency of this type of song after Merit Point and Job Point bonuses.
  • Marcato Icon.png Marcato's effect on this type of song increases potency by 50% after Merit Point and Job Point bonuses.
    • In the case of Valor Minuet V: This results in a bonus of +372 Attack if you have 5/5 Merit Point Upgrades, 20/20 Job Point Upgrades, +8 in Equipment Modifiers, and <900 skill.
  • Casting a Minuet song on yourself or a party member activates additional bonuses on the following equipment if a player has one equipped:

Skill Caps per Spell
Spell Skill Cap Potency Cap
Valor Minuet 163 32
Valor Minuet II 309~310 64
Valor Minuet III 455 96
Valor Minuet IV 560~570 112
Valor Minuet V 871~874 124

Equipment Modifiers


LoughnashadeLoughnashade (Level 119) description.png Song +4
GjallarhornGjallarhorn (Level 99) description.png Song +2~4
Apollo's FluteApollo's Flute description.png Song +3
LinosLinos description.png AugRank.png Song +1~3
Nibiru HarpNibiru Harp description.png AugRank.png Song +2
Blurred Harp +1Blurred Harp +1 description.png Song +2
Cornette +2Cornette +2 description.png Song +2
Cornette +1Cornette +1 description.png Song +2
Eminent FluteEminent Flute description.png Song +2
Blurred HarpBlurred Harp description.png Song +1
CornetteCornette description.png Song +1
Millennium HornMillennium Horn description.png In Dynamis: Song +2
Homestead FluteHomestead Flute description.png In Reives: Song +2
Forefront FluteForefront Flute description.png In Reives: Song +2


Moonbow Whistle +1Mnbw. Whistle +1 description.png Song +3
Moonbow WhistleMoonbow Whistle description.png Song +2
Brioso WhistleBrioso Whistle description.png Song +1
Fili Hongreline +3Fili Hongreline +3 description.png Song +1
Fili Hongreline +2Fili Hongreline +2 description.png Song +1
Fili Hongreline +1Fili Hongreline +1 description.png Song +1
Fili HongrelineFili Hongreline description.png Song +1
Aoidos' Hongreline +2Aoidos' Hngrln. +2 description.png Song +1

Song Potency per Bonus

Valor Minuet

Minuet Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
Attack & Ranged Attack: 32 35 38 41 44 48 51 54 57

Valor Minuet II

Minuet Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
Attack & Ranged Attack: 64 70 76 83 89 96 102 108 115

Valor Minuet III

Minuet Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
Attack & Ranged Attack: 96 105 115 124 134 144 153 163 172

Valor Minuet IV

Minuet Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
Attack & Ranged Attack: 112 123 134 145 156 168 179 190 201

Valor Minuet V

Minuet Icon.png Potency per equipment bonus
Bonus Amount: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
Attack & Ranged Attack: 124 136 148 161 173 186 198 210 223

Pages in category "Minuet"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.