Peace for the Spirit

From FFXI Wiki
Peace for the Spirit
Required Fame San d'Oria Fame Level: 1
Level Restriction: Level 50+ Red Mage
Starting NPC Curilla, Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9)
Pack None
Title Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
Repeatable Yes, after Memory reset
Description The spirit of Curilla's father Rainemard seems to be trying to say something.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Enveloped in Darkness None
Ability to access Chateau d'Oraguille
Warlock's Chapeau icon.png Warlock's Chapeau



  • Trade the coin to the Dry Fountain at (H-8) for a cutscene.
  • Head to Southern San d'Oria and speak to Sharzalion and then speak with Daggao who is in the bar as well.
  • Go to Garlaige Citadel (G-8) behind the first banishing gate (map 2) click the Oaken Box in the first room to the left. This will spawn the Guardian Statue.
    • If you get the message "Something feels wrong, but nothing happens.", click off Sneak.

Garlaige Citadel-map2.jpg