Monk / Warrior
Weapon Skills
Blank Gaze (Conal paralysis) , Antiphase (AoE silence) , Uppercut / , Blow (Damage + Stun)
- Trade the Cipher: Abenzio item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses HP+20%
- Abenzio's job is Monk unlike most Goobbue which are Warriors.
- He has the normal MNK/WAR traits, but he does Kick Attacks with his arm vines because Goobbue don't have a kick animation.
- Possesses a monstrous Max HP Boost among other Job Traits, but doesn't use Job Abilities.
- As a Plantoid, he intimidates beasts, is intimidated by vermin, and is subject to Plantoid Killer.
- Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
- Summoning, Dismiss and death text can only be understood if summoner is wearing (or lockstyled) mandragora costume gear (Mandragora Suit and Mansque, etc).