
From FFXI Wiki
Abbreviation MNK
Japanese モンク (モ)
Japanese Romaji Monku (Mo)
French Moine
German Mönch
Expansion Pack Final Fantasy XI
Quest None

Abilities and Traits

Job Traits
Lvl. Name
1 Martial Arts I
5 Subtle Blow I
10 Counter I
15 Max HP Boost I
16 Martial Arts II
20 Subtle Blow II
25 Max HP Boost II
30 Damage Limit+ I
31 Martial Arts III
35 Max HP Boost III
40 Subtle Blow III
40 Smite I
45 Max HP Boost IV
46 Martial Arts IV
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
51 Kick Attacks I
55 Max HP Boost V
Main Job Only
60 Damage Limit+ II
61 Martial Arts V
65 Subtle Blow IV
65 Max HP Boost VI
71 Kick Attacks II
75 Martial Arts VI
75 Max HP Boost II I
75 Merit Points Invigorate
75 Merit Points Penance
76 Kick Attacks III
77 Tactical Guard I
80 Smite II
81 Counter II
82 Martial Arts VII
85 Skillchain Bonus I
85 Max HP Boost II II
87 Tactical Guard II
90 Damage Limit+ III
91 Subtle Blow V
95 Skillchain Bonus II
95 Max HP Boost II III
97 Tactical Guard III
Job Ability
Lvl. Name
1 Hundred Fists
Sub-Job Accessible
5 Boost
15 Dodge
25 Focus
35 Chakra
41 Chi Blast
45 Counterstance
Sub-Job Accessible
65 Footwork
75 Merit Points Mantra
75 Merit Points Formless Strikes
79 Perfect Counter
88 Impetus
96 Inner Strength

Combat Skills

Combat Skills
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Hand-to-Hand A+ 150 424 474
Staff B 144 398 448
Club C+ 139 378 428
Throwing E 124 300 350
Skill Rank 49 99 Master ML50
Evasion B+ 144 404 404 454
Guard A 150 417 453 503
Parrying E 124 300 300 350
No innate magic skills.
See Also: Level-by-level Skill Cap Chart


Group 1
Name Description
Focus Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
Dodge Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
Chakra Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
Counter Rate Increase counter attack rate by 1 percent.
Kick Attack Rate Increase kick attack rate by 1 percent.
Group 2
Name Description
Mantra Increases the max. HP of party members within area of effect. Recast: 10min. Increase effect by 4 percent.
Formless Strikes While in effect, melee attacks will not be considered physical damage. No effect on weapon skills. Recast: 10min. Increase effect by 5 percent.
Invigorate Adds a Regen effect when using Chakra. Increase duration of effect by 24 seconds.
Penance Adds an effect to Chi Blast that inhibits an enemy's TP accumulation. Increase duration of effect by 20 seconds.

Job Points

Job Points
Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Hundred Fists Effect Increases physical accuracy while under the effects of Hundred Fists. Increase physical accuracy by 2.
Inner Strength Effect Increases the amount of HP recovered while under the effects of Inner Strength. Increase amount of HP recovered by 2 percent.
Dodge Effect Increases evasion while under the effects of Dodge. Increase evasion by 2.
Focus Effect Increases accuracy while under the effects of Focus. Increase accuracy by 1.
Chakra Effect Increases the amount of HP recovered when Chakra is activated. Increase amount of HP recovered by 10.
Counterstance Effect Increases attack power of counterattacks while under the effects of Counterstance. Increase DEX bonus by 2 percent.
Footwork Effect Increases the damage of kick attacks while under the effects of Footwork. Increase damage by 1.
Perfect Counter Effect Increases the VIT bonus of Perfect Counter. Increase VIT bonus by 1.
Impetus Effect Increases the maximum damage of physical attacks while under the effects of Impetus. Increase maximum physical attack by 2.
Kick Attacks Effect Increases the physical attack and accuracy of kick attacks. Increase physical attack by 2 and accuracy by 1.

Job-Specific Equipment

Artifact Armor
Temple Attire Set Temple Attire Set +1 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
AF MNK.png
52 Temple Gaiters 74 Temple Gaiters +1
54 Temple Gloves 74 Temple Gloves +1
56 Temple Crown 74 Temple Crown +1
58 Temple Cyclas 74 Temple Cyclas +1
60 Temple Hose 74 Temple Hose +1
Anchorite's Attire Set Anchorite's Attire Set +1 Anchorite's Attire Set +2 Anchorite's Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Anchorite's Crown 119 Anchorite's Crown +1 119 Anchorite's Crown +2 119 Anchorite's Crown +3
109 Anchorite's Cyclas 119 Anchorite's Cyclas +1 119 Anchorite's Cyclas +2 119 Anchorite's Cyclas +3
109 Anchorite's Gloves 119 Anchorite's Gloves +1 119 Anchorite's Gloves +2 119 Anchorite's Gloves +3
109 Anchorite's Hose 119 Anchorite's Hose +1 119 Anchorite's Hose +2 119 Anchorite's Hose +3
109 Anchorite's Gaiters 119 Anchorite's Gaiters +1 119 Anchorite's Gaiters +2 119 Anchorite's Gaiters +3
42 Beat Cesti

Relic Armor
Melee Attire Set Melee Attire Set +1 Melee Attire Set +2 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
Relic MNK.png
71 Melee Gaiters 75 Melee Gaiters +1 90 Melee Gaiters +2
72 Melee Hose 75 Melee Hose +1 90 Melee Hose +2
73 Melee Gloves 75 Melee Gloves +1 90 Melee Gloves +2
74 Melee Cyclas 75 Melee Cyclas +1 90 Melee Cyclas +2
75 Melee Crown 75 Melee Crown +1 90 Melee Crown +2
Hesychast's Attire Set Hesychast's Attire Set +1 Hesychast's Attire Set +2 Hesychast's Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Hesychast's Crown 119 Hesychast's Crown +1 119 Hesychast's Crown +2 119 Hesychast's Crown +3
109 Hesychast's Cyclas 119 Hesychast's Cyclas +1 119 Hesychast's Cyclas +2 119 Hesychast's Cyclas +3
109 Hesychast's Gloves 119 Hesychast's Gloves +1 119 Hesychast's Gloves +2 119 Hesychast's Gloves +3
109 Hesychast's Hose 119 Hesychast's Hose +1 119 Hesychast's Hose +2 119 Hesychast's Hose +3
109 Hesychast's Gaiters 119 Hesychast's Gaiters +1 119 Hesychast's Gaiters +2 119 Hesychast's Gaiters +3
70 Melee Cape
JSE Neck
99 Monk's Nodowa 99 Monk's Nodowa +1 99 Monk's Nodowa +2
Divergence Weapon
Su4 NQ Melee Fists Su4 HQ Hesychast's Fists Su5 Sagitta

Empyrean Armor
Tantra Attire Set Tantra Attire Set +1 Tantra Attire Set +2 Set Image
Lvl. Name Lvl. Name Lvl. Name
Emp MNK.png
81 Tantra Gaiters 81 Tantra Gaiters +1 81 Tantra Gaiters +2
83 Tantra Hose 83 Tantra Hose +1 83 Tantra Hose +2
85 Tantra Crown 85 Tantra Crown +1 85 Tantra Crown +2
87 Tantra Gloves 87 Tantra Gloves +1 87 Tantra Gloves +2
89 Tantra Cyclas 89 Tantra Cyclas +1 89 Tantra Cyclas +2
Bhikku Attire Set Bhikku Attire Set +1 Bhikku Attire Set +2 Bhikku Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Bhikku Crown 119 Bhikku Crown +1 119 Bhikku Crown +2 119 Bhikku Crown +3
109 Bhikku Cyclas 119 Bhikku Cyclas +1 119 Bhikku Cyclas +2 119 Bhikku Cyclas +3
109 Bhikku Gloves 119 Bhikku Gloves +1 119 Bhikku Gloves +2 119 Bhikku Gloves +3
109 Bhikku Hose 119 Bhikku Hose +1 119 Bhikku Hose +2 119 Bhikku Hose +3
109 Bhikku Gaiters 119 Bhikku Gaiters +1 119 Bhikku Gaiters +2 119 Bhikku Gaiters +3
80 Tantra Necklace 84 Tantra Tathlum 90 Tantra Earring
99 Bhikku Earring 99 Bhikku Earring +1 99 Bhikku Earring +2


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