Warrior / Monk
Berserk, Warcry, Restraint
Weapon Skills
Combo , Backhand Blow , Salaheem Spirit
Special Features
- Salaheem Spirit
- All nearby party members receive a +24 bonus to all base attributes, i.e.: STR, DEX, etc. (Bonuses degrade over time: about a rate of -1 per tock. Usually +13 to +16 left when the effect ends based on initial duration).
- Duration is based on TP (~70 seconds @1500 TP, ~90 seconds @2000 TP, 120 seconds @3000 TP)
- Salaheem Spirit's attribute bonus seems to be determined on your level ÷ 4 (+18 @ level 72, +24 @ level 99)
- Holds up to 1500 TP to try to close skillchains.
- When not able to close a skillchain, uses Berserk + Warcry + random weapon skill.
- Without any conditions to increase Salaheem Spirit usage: maintaining the bonus is up to luck. External TP Bonuses (
) and TP gain rate increases (Regain/Haste/Store TP/Double Attack) can help.