Paladin / Warrior
Cure I - IV, Flash, Holy II, Reprisal
Sentinel, Provoke, Divine Emblem, Palisade, Daybreak (Wings)
Weapon Skills
- Trade the Cipher: August item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses HP+10%
- Uses Divine Emblem to enhance Holy II.
- August's attacks are not affected by Sambas.
- August wears the Founder's Gear and has accordingly all Killer Effects and high resistance to Terror.
- August can switch weapons at will while auto attacking and performing weapon skills, it is unknown if this changes his damage type or is merely cosmetic.
- He has been observed wielding H2H, Dagger and Axe, Bow (Auto Attacks), Great Axe and Scythe (Alabaster Burst), Great Sword (Tartaric Sigil), Dual Katanas and Great Katana (Noble Frenzy) Club and Staff (Fulminous Fury), All Weapons combined (No Quarter), and Flute (Daybreak) in addition to his default Sword and Shield.
- August is considered to be wielding a Great Sword for the purposes of Damage Limit+ and Inundation. [Reference:Patch Notes]
- Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP and does not try to skillchain.
- Daybreak (~3 min cooldown, ~1 min 30 sec duration)
- When August's HP drops below a certain threshold (~66%), he uses Daybreak if it's available which partially restores some HP and MP, resets his TP, and activates an aura with wings of light
- Daybreak is a -50% PDT effect, full Erase, Stats boost, Regen, and Store TP
- During Daybreak, August's next weapon skill will be Fulminous Fury or Noble Frenzy, followed by No Quarter
- Daybreak is removed after the use of No Quarter.
- Daybreak's cooldown may start when No Quarter is used (meaning it's about a 1.5min cooldown)
