Dancer / Warrior
Drain Samba I - III, Haste Samba, Feather Step, Saber Dance, Climactic Flourish
Weapon Skills
Coming Up Roses / , Fast Blade , Swift Blade , Vorpal Blade /
- Trade the Cipher: Mayakov item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses 5/5 Haste Samba Effect merits (10% job ability Haste).
- Uses Saber Dance upon engaging and refreshes it as often as possible.
- Uses Haste Samba when another party member is on a main job with access to Cure (WHM,RDM,SCH,PLD) or when the enemy is undead, otherwise uses Drain Samba.
- Debuffs enemies using Feather Step while building Finishing moves to perform Climactic Flourish.
- Tends not to weapon skill very frequently due to spending TP on Feather Step as often as possible.
- Weapon skills more frequently once Feather Step's Daze reaches level 10; only occasionally using Feather Step to maintain the Daze effect.
- If he has enough TP for a weapon skill, uses Climactic Flourish first.
- Holds up to 2000 TP to wait for Climactic Flourish recast: does not try to skillchain.