Shantotto II
Black Mage / White Mage
Single-target elemental nukes I
Weapon Skills
(5)Lesson in Pain / , (25)Empirical Research / , (50)Final Exam / , (60)Doctor’s Orders /
- Trade the Cipher: Shantotto II item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses HP-10%, BLM/WHM traits with additional Magic Burst Bonus+30, Elemental Magic Damage+ based on lvl
- Auto-attacks are magic damage of all elements, damage type is the element with the lowest resistance.
- Shantotto only uses tier 1 spells; however, she possesses extremely high Elemental Magic Damage+.
- This Elemental Magic Damage+ only affects spells, unlike the Magic Damage (Statistic) which would affect Weapon Skill and Skillchain Damage.
- Elemental Magic Damage+ varies by level: +784 at ilvl 120 (total of +979 with the standard Magic Damage+195 that caster trusts receive at ilvl)
- Magic Attack Bonus is the standard amount: BLM Trait value, with an additional +25 at ilvl which may require
Rhapsody in Fuchsia for total of +65.
- Shantotto's tier 1 magic spells are comparable in power to spells appropriate to her actual level.
- As a result of only using tier 1 magic she will almost never run out of MP regardless of the duration of a battle.
- Shantotto will magic burst any skillchains, and she often double bursts for massive damage in a very short period of time.
- Due to all of these factors Shantotto is widely regarded as the absolute best trust available for magic damage and magic bursting.
- However, she has relatively low HP and defenses making her very fragile and susceptible to dying from enemy AoE attacks.
- When aiming for magic burst and casting normally, avoids casting spells based on enemy resistances but doesn't accurately target weaknesses if multiple elements meet a certain magic accuracy threshold.
- Shantotto will hold up to 2500 TP to close skillchains.
- Lesson in Pain -
Damage and Magic Evasion Down.
- Empirical Research -
Damage and 25 Magic Defense Down.
- Final Exam -
- Doctor's Orders -