- Found past Diaphanous Gadget #D in Sortie. Need a Ra'Kaznar Shard #D to access.
- Enrages after fighting for 3 minutes, after which point he takes 1/4 damage and only uses Vivisection.
- Rage is not removed by regenning back to 100% HP.
- Changes elemental weakness based on which TP move is used. Heals to current element, casting magic of opposing element triggers and appears to cause Vivisection to be used a period of time after its intended time of 3 minute (about 30 seconds).
- Icy Grasp --> weak to Fire
- Flaming Kick --> weak to Water
- Flashflood --> weak to Thunder
- Fulminous Smash --> weak to Earth
- Eroding Flesh --> weak to Wind
- Any appropriate magic will trigger . Even using Threnody or Elemental Magic from a subjob will do the job.
- Gains Damage Resistance for each 30 seconds of time he remains unprocced after changing elements. For example if he uses Flaming Kick he will gain -5% DT (exact percentage unclear) if he is not procced with a water spell or skillchain. If he changes again he will retain the -5% DT.
- Vivisection seems to be used every 3 minutes, by healing Degei with either the wrong Elemental Magic or skillchain and failing to proc in time. Higher heal amounts may need more to prevent Vivisection.
- After he uses Vivisection it will retain the Damage taken - from not proccing and will have no weakness, you will have to quickly feed it tp so it uses one of the above 5 again.
- In the event of a wipe and recover. The first move used by Degei will be Vivisection.
- Wrong skillchains heal Degei. It is best practice to avoid using skillchains entirely in a melee zerg, removes the risk of an accidental wipe.