Dho Gates

From FFXI Wiki
Connected Zone Dho Gates Arrives at
Cirdas Caverns K-4 Dho Gates Map v2.png E-14 Cirdas Caverns Map.png
Foret de Hennetiel L-6 Dho Gates Map v2.png E-4 Foret-de-hennetiel-labeled-map.jpg
Foret de Hennetiel K-9 Dho Gates Map v2.png D-10 Foret-de-hennetiel-labeled-map.jpg
Marjami Ravine F-6 Dho Gates Map v2.png M-5 Marjami Ravine Map.png
Foret de Hennetiel Escape Dho Gates Map v2.png D-10 Foret-de-hennetiel-labeled-map.jpg
Ergon Locus Location Notes
Saliferous Spring (G-12) Behind a Colonization Reive
Prominence of the Ripple (E-10) Requires Climbing
Battle Content Location Notes
Colonization Reive
KI: Logging

Map 1
Map 1

Updated marked map dho gates map 1.jpegUpdated marked map dho gates map 1.jpeg
Map 1
Updated marked map dho gates map 2.jpegUpdated marked map dho gates map 2.jpeg
Map 2
Dho Gates
Dho Gates Zone 2.png
Japanese ドーの門
Map Acquisition Sifa Alani
Requires Onward to Adoulin
Timeline Present
Continent Ulbuka
Region East Ulbuka Territory
Zone Type Dungeon
Activities None
Weather None

Zone Information

Catch Cap Body of Water
Tusoteuthis Longa icon.png Tusoteuthis Longa 110+ Lake (F-12/G-12)
Adoulinian Kelp icon.png Adoulinian Kelp 0
Blindfish icon.png Blindfish 28 Ponds
Deademoiselle icon.png Deademoiselle 31
Crayfish icon.png Crayfish 7 River (H-8/H-9)
Dark Bass icon.png Dark Bass 33
Cave Cherax icon.png Cave Cherax 110+


Name Map Pos. Notes
Name Map Pos. Notes

Notorious Monsters

Notorious Monsters
Lv. Name Genus Drops Map
126  Dreadpincer
   Forced: Trade Wrecked Pincer to ???
This monster is passive.
Craklaw Updated marked map dho gates map 2.jpeg
Map 2
This monster is aggressive. Aggressive   This monster is passive. Passive   Sight Sight   Sound Sound   Scent Scent   HP HP   Links Links
True Sight True Sight   True Sound True Sound   Magic Magic   JA JA


Historical Significance

Being connected to Cirdas Caverns as well as Marjami Ravine and Foret de Hennetiel, it is surprising that the Dho Gates do not cause a larger number of pioneers to lose their way and eventually perish than is currently reported.

The saving grace of this harsh underground passage is its abundance of water. Rainwater from Marjami Ravine gathers to form rivers and plummets from sheer cliffs, creating stunning waterfalls. Water from the Senroh Sea even finds its way into the Dho Gates, giving birth to a subterranean lake.

The Gates are also home to hordes of Velkk, who have scattered both outposts and tunnels throughout the area.
