Marjami Ravine

From FFXI Wiki
Marjami Ravine
Japanese マリアミ渓谷
Map Acquisition
Requires Onward to Adoulin
Timeline Present
Continent Ulbuka
Region East Ulbuka Territory
Zone Type Field
Activities None
Weather None
Goblin Footprint (M-5)
Marjami Ravine Connected Zone Zones To
(M-5) Marjami Ravine Map.png Dho Gates (F-6) Dho Gates Map v2.png
(B-5) Marjami Ravine Map.png Woh Gates (G-10) Woh Gates Map.png
Ergon Locus Location Notes
Whitewater Arbor (H-11) Requires Climbing
Bud of the Fragrant Breeze (K-5) Requires Climbing
Crag of the Triumvirate (C-8) Requires Climbing
Quick Travel Options Arrives At
Via Marjami Ravine
(M-8) Updated marked map marjami ravine.jpegUpdated marked map marjami ravine.jpeg
Battle Content Location Notes
Colonization Reive
KI: Demolishing
Lair Reive (C-7)
Updated marked map marjami ravine.jpegUpdated marked map marjami ravine.jpeg
Map 1

Zone Information

Catch Cap Body of Water
King Perch icon.png King Perch 65 All
Black Ghost icon.png Black Ghost 88
Apkallufa icon.png Apkallufa 75 Base of Waterfall (I-8)
Gavial Fish icon.png Gavial Fish 81


Notorious Monsters


Historical Significance

Many ridges meander back and forth across this natural terrace adjoining the Dho Gates, but the swift-flowing river that runs from north to south cleaves the land the deepest by far.

A veritable aviary, the ravine serves as the habitat for birds of all types of plumage. Though there may be few natural impediments in the area, filthy Velkk encampments sully the leafy green color emitted by the grasses, shrubs, and even the occasional tree that brighten the rocky ridges there.
