Donar Gun

From FFXI Wiki
Donar Gun icon.png Donar gun
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Description: DMG:103 Delay:548 DEX+5 AGI+5 Ranged Accuracy+27 Marksmanship skill +228 Enmity-3 "Recycle"+10 Lightning elemental "Magic Atk. Bonus"+15
Image: Donar Gun description.png
Type: Weapon
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, CanSendPOL, Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Donar Gun on FFXIAH" "Find Donar Gun on FFXIDB"
Weapon Information
Races: All Races Skill: Marksmanship
Damage: 103 Delay: 548
DPS: 11.28 TP/Hit:


Level: 99
Item Level: 119
Jobs: Thief / Ranger / Ninja / Corsair

Obtained from Instance...
Battle Name Level Cap Entry Item(s) Zone
Avatar Prime II Uncapped Avatar Phantom Gem Cloister of Storms


  • The "Lightning Elemental" is a special type of Affinity, used in magic calculation for magic damage. For more information see Magic Damage#Affinity.