Dynamis - Qufim

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Dynamis - Qufim
Japanese デュナミス-クフィム
Map Acquisition None
Requires Key Item Prismatic hourglass
CoP 3-5+
Timeline Dynamis
Continent Quon
Region Dynamis
Zone Type Instance
Activities None
Weather Element: Dark Element: Dark
Upon entry, you will be given the option to lock your Support Jobs or not. Support Jobs can be re-enabled at will by examining the Somnial Threshold. Having subjobs disabled gives about a 1% chance to proc a White stagger, which makes the monster drop a 100-currency.
Dynamis - Qufim Connected Zone Zones To
(H-7) Dynamis-Qufim-NMs.gif Qufim Island (H-7) Qufim Island-map.jpg
Dynamis-Qufim Monsters.jpgDynamis-Qufim Monsters.jpg
NMs and TEs
Dynamis Dreamland Navigation
Beastman Iconv2.png Buburimu
O. Bronzepiece icon.png 1 Byne Bill icon.png T. Whiteshell icon.png All
Beastman Iconv2.png Valkurm
O. Bronzepiece icon.png 1 Byne Bill icon.png T. Whiteshell icon.png All
Beastman Iconv2.png Qufim
O. Bronzepiece icon.png 1 Byne Bill icon.png T. Whiteshell icon.png All
Forgotten Step icon.png Step
Forgotten Touch icon.png Touch
Frgtn. Journey icon.png Journey
Tavnazia-Flag.jpg Tavnazia
O. Bronzepiece icon.png 1 Byne Bill icon.png T. Whiteshell icon.png All Currencies
Frgtn. Thought icon.png Thought (Head) & Forgotten Hope icon.png Hope (Body)
Starting NPC: Hieroglyphics - Qufim Island (H-7)
Requirements: Vial of Shrouded Sand Key Item
Rank 6, Level 65.
CoP 3-5 Darkness Named cleared.
Reward: Dynamis - Qufim sliver Key Item
Title: Dynamis-Qufim Interloper
Currency: 1 Byne Bill icon.png One Byne Bill (Quadav/Goblin)
100 Byne Bill icon.png One Hundred Byne Bill
O. Bronzepiece icon.png Ordelle Bronzepiece(Orc/Goblin)
M. Silverpiece icon.png Montiont Silverpiece
T. Whiteshell icon.png Tukuku Whiteshell(Yagudo/Goblin)
L. Jadeshell icon.png Lungo-Nango Jadeshell
AF2 Upgrade: Frgtn. Journey icon.png Forgotten Journey (Legs)
Relic Armor
Abyss Flanchard icon.png Abyss Flanchard DRK Argute Pants icon.png Argute Pants SCH
Assassin's Pouln. icon.png Assassin's Pouln. THF Bard's Cuffs icon.png Bard's Cuffs BRD
Cleric's Pantaln. icon.png Cleric's Pantaloons WHM Comm. Bottes icon.png Comm. Bottes COR
Duelist's Tights icon.png Duelist's Tights RDM Etoile Toe Shoes icon.png Etoile Toe Shoes DNC
Koga Hatsuburi icon.png Koga Hatsuburi NIN Mirage Bazubands icon.png Mrg. Bazubands BLU
Melee Gloves icon.png Melee Gloves MNK Monster Trousers icon.png Monster Trousers BST
Pantin Dastanas icon.png Pantin Dastanas PUP Saotome Kote icon.png Saotome Kote SAM
Scout's Beret icon.png Scout's Beret RNG Sorcerer's Tonban icon.png Sorcerer's Tonban BLM
Summoner's Pgch. icon.png Summoner's Pgch. SMN Valor Coronet icon.png Valor Coronet PLD
Warrior's Mask icon.png Warrior's Mask WAR Wyrm Fng.Gnt. icon.png Wyrm Fng.Gnt. DRG
Relic Armor -1
Abs. Sollerets -1 icon.png Abs. Sollerets -1 DRK Argute Loafers -1 icon.png Argute Loafers -1 SCH
Asn. Poulaines -1 icon.png Asn. Poulaines -1 THF Brd. Slippers -1 icon.png Brd. Slippers -1 BRD
Clr. Duckbills -1 icon.png Clr. Duckbills -1 WHM Comm. Bottes -1 icon.png Comm. Bottes -1 COR
Dls. Boots -1 icon.png Dls. Boots -1 RDM Etoile Shoes -1 icon.png Etoile Shoes -1 DNC
Kog. Kyahan -1 icon.png Kog. Kyahan -1 NIN Mel. Gaiters -1 icon.png Mel. Gaiters -1 MNK
Mirage Charuqs -1 icon.png Mirage Charuqs -1 BLU Mst. Gaiters -1 icon.png Mst. Gaiters -1 BST
Ptn. Babouches -1 icon.png Ptn. Babouches -1 PUP Sao. Sune-Ate -1 icon.png Sao. Sune-Ate -1 SAM
Sct. Socks -1 icon.png Sct. Socks -1 RNG Src. Sabots -1 icon.png Src. Sabots -1 BLM
Smn. Pigaches -1 icon.png Smn. Pigaches -1 SMN Vlr. Leggings -1 icon.png Vlr. Leggings -1 PLD
War. Calligae -1 icon.png War. Calligae -1 WAR Wym. Greaves -1 icon.png Wyrm Greaves -1 DRG
Abyss Cape icon.png Abyss Cape DRK Argute Belt icon.png Argute Belt SCH
Assassin's Cape icon.png Assassin's Cape THF Cleric's Belt icon.png Cleric's Belt WHM
Commodore Belt icon.png Commodore Belt COR Duelist's Belt icon.png Duelist's Belt RDM
Melee Cape icon.png Melee Cape MNK Monster Belt icon.png Monster Belt BST
Pantin Cape icon.png Pantin Cape PUP Sao. Koshi-Ate icon.png Saotome Koshi-Ate SAM
Scout's Belt icon.png Scout's Belt RNG Summoner's Cape icon.png Summoner's Cape SMN
Wyrm Belt icon.png Wyrm Belt DRG
Type 0:00~8:00 8:00~16:00 16:00~0:00 Currency Accessories
Diremite WS MA JA T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell SCH, COR, PUP, SAM, SMN
Gaylas JA WS MA 1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill DRK, THF, RDM, RNG
Snoll MA JA WS O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece WHM, BST, MNK, DRG

Farming Flowchart

Notorious Monsters

Notorious Monsters
Lv. Name Genus Drops Map
~80  Goblin Statue
   Timed: short
This monster is aggressive. Sight
  • Time Extension (10 min.)
Map 1
~80  Avatar Idol
   Timed: short
This monster is aggressive. Sight
  • Time Extension (10 min.)
Map 1
~80  Adamantking Image
   Timed: short
This monster is aggressive. Sight
  • Time Extension (10 min.)
Map 1
~80  Warchief Tombstone
   Timed: short
This monster is aggressive. Sight
  • Time Extension (10 min.)
Map 1
~80  Stringes
   Timed: 20 min.
This monster is aggressive. Sound
Bat Dynamis-Qufim-NMs.gif
Map 1
~80  Scolopendra
   Timed: 20 min.
This monster is aggressive. Sound
Sea Monk Dynamis-Qufim-NMs.gif
Map 1
~80  Suttung
   Timed: 20 min.
This monster is aggressive. Sight Magic
Golem Dynamis-Qufim-NMs.gif
Map 1
~80  Antaeus
   Forced: trade Undying Juju to ???
This monster is aggressive. Sight
Gigas Dynamis-Qufim-NMs.gif
Map 1
~80  Lost Stringes
   Forced: trade Nightmare Blood to ???
This monster is aggressive. Sound
Bat Dynamis-Qufim-NMs.gif
Map 1
~80  Lost Scolopendra
   Forced: trade Nightmare Shell to ???
This monster is aggressive. Sound
Sea Monk Dynamis-Qufim-NMs.gif
Map 1
~80  Lost Suttung
   Forced: trade Nightmare Shard to ???
This monster is aggressive. Sight Magic
Golem Dynamis-Qufim-NMs.gif
Map 1
~80  Arch Antaeus
   Forced: trade Fnd. Tome II (10) Fnd. Tome II (11) Fnd. Tome II (12) and Fnd. Tome II (13) to ???
This monster is aggressive. Sight
Gigas Dynamis-Qufim-NMs.gif
Map 1
This monster is aggressive. Aggressive   This monster is passive. Passive   Sight Sight   Sound Sound   Scent Scent   HP HP   Links Links
True Sight True Sight   True Sound True Sound   Magic Magic   JA JA


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