
From FFXI Wiki

General Notes
Japanese ヤグード
Type Beastmen
Typical Job Temple Crown icon.png Monk
Healer's Cap icon.png White Mage
Wizard's Petasos icon.png Black Mage
Choral Roundlet icon.png Bard
Myochin Kabuto icon.png Samurai
Ninja Hatsuburi icon.png Ninja
Evoker's Horn icon.png Summoner
Crystal Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal
Detects Sight
Yagudo Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
130% 100% 130% 130% 150% 100% 130% 130%
Dark Yagudo (Dynamis) Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
115% 85% 115% 115% 130% 85% 115% 115%
Armored Yagudo [S] Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
100% 70% 100% 100% 115% 70% 100% 100%
Campaign NMs/White Yagudo [S] Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
70% 50% 70% 70% 85% 50% 70% 70%
Tzee Xicu the Manifest Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
100% 50% 100% 100% 130% 50% 100% 100%
A: Absorbs · S: Susceptible · R: Resists
During battle some monsters may change resistances.

100% denotates that a monster takes full damage.
Tiers of 50% or less guarantee a spell resist.


Ability Y' Area Target Type Copy Image.png Condition
Howl Self AoE Question
Gains Warcry.
Parry Single Target Question
Gains Defense Bonus.
Double Kick Single Target Question
Deals physical damage + Stun + Knockback.
Feather Storm Single Target Question
Deals physical damage + Poison. Deals increased damage the further away the target is.
Sweep 10' AoE Monster Physical Damage
Damage and Stun.
(Dynamis NM and Campaign NM only)
Single Target Question
Inflicts Doom.
Feathered Furore
(WotG and Campaign only)
Frontal Question
Removes a random piece of visible equipment.
Dark Invocation
(WotG and Campaign NM only)
Single Target Question
Deals Element: Dark damage.
(Certain NM and Campaign only)
Single Target Question
Deals physical damage + Bind + Knockback.
Area: 1P, AoE, Gaze, Conal · Target: Player or Monster
Type: Physical-Magical-Breath-Buff · Element or Damage Type
Copy Image.png: Utsusemi shadows consumed (#), B Bypasses, but does not remove shadows, R Removes all shadows.


Notorious Monster


Event Appearances

Name Event Zone
Aa Nawu the Thunderblade
Cuu Doko the Blizzard
Yoo Mihi the Haze
Voo Tolu the Ghostfist
Gii Jaha the Racous
Zuu Xowu the Darksmoke
Divine Punishers Balga's Dais
Yagudo Avatar
Duu Masa the Onecut
Fee Jugu the Ramfist
Goo Pake the Bloodhound
Kee Taw the Nightingale
Laa Yaku the Austere
Poo Yozo the Babbler
A Moral Manifest? Altar Room
Vaa Huja the Erudite Dark Legacy Giddeus
Laa Yaku the Austere
Yagudo Interrogator
Yagudo Herald
Yagudo Votary
Yagudo Theologist
Yagudo Priest
A Manifest Problem Ghoyu's Reverie
Gessho (monster) Aht Urhgan Mission 35 Talacca Cove
Yagudo Stormer Granite Rose I (W)
Granite Rose II (W)
Granite Rose III (W)
Ghoyu's Reverie
Yagudo Transporter
Yagudo Guard
Search and Seizure I (W) Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Garlaige Citadel (S)
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Pee Qoho the Python
Yagudo Archpriest
Yagudo Discipilnant
Yagudo Eradicator
Yagudo Kapellmeister
Yagudo Knight Templar
Yagudo Prelatess
Limbus Central Temenos - 3rd Floor
Dee Wapa the Desolator
Yagudo Archpriest
Yagudo Discipilnant
Yagudo Eradicator
Yagudo Kapellmeister
Yagudo Knight Templar
Yagudo Prelatess
Limbus CS Apollyon
Haa Pevi the Stentorian
Loo Hepe the Eyepiercer
Muu Febi the Steadfast
Wuu Qoho the Razorclaw
Xoo Kaza the Solemn
Dynamis Dynamis - Windurst
Baa Dava the Bibliophage
Doo Peku the Fleetfoot
Koo Rahi the Levinblade
Ree Nata the Melomanic
Dynamis Dynamis - Buburimu
Kazan the Peerless
Plenilune Ronin
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Garlaige Citadel (S)
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Windurst Waters (S)
Muu Buxu the Elusive
Divine Assassin
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Garlaige Citadel (S)
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Windurst Waters (S)
Vee Qiqa the Decreer
Divine Templar
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Garlaige Citadel (S)
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Windurst Waters (S)
Yaa Haqa the Pious
Divine Liturgist
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
Vee Seju the Consumed
Divine Martyr
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Garlaige Citadel (S)
Yagudo Genja Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Garlaige Citadel (S)
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Windurst Waters (S)
Yagudo Parivir Howl from the Heavens West Sarutabaruta (S)
Note: See the respective event/zone page. Mob names not listed here due to excess cases (ex: Campaign).
Name Event Zone
Tzee Xicu the Manifest A Malicious Manifest Castle Oztroja (S)
Huu Xalmo the Savage True Strength Castle Oztroja
Yagudo Muralist Picture Perfect Castle Oztroja
Buu Xolo the Bloodfaced
Chaa Paqa the Profound
Juu Zeni the Poisonmist
Nuu Kofu the Gentle
Windurst Mission 6-2 Balga's Dais
Yagudo Missionary
Yagudo Abbot
Yagudo Prelate
A Nation on the Brink Everbloom Hollow
Yagudo Carrier
Yagudo Guard
Pit Spider I (W)
Pit Spider II (W)
Pit Spider III (W)
Ghoyu's Reverie
Jii Xai the Rimebladed
Roo Beju the Eulogizer
Soo Luma the Ascended
Zjaa Bao the Wrathherald
Plucking Wings (W) Castle Oztroja (S)
Koo Buzu the Theomanic Limbus Central Temenos - 4th Floor
Vanguard Assassin
Vanguard Chanter
Vanguard Exemplar
Vanguard Inciter
Vanguard Liberator
Vanguard Ogresoother
Vanguard Oracle
Vanguard Partisan
Vanguard Persecutor
Vanguard Prelate
Vanguard Priest
Vanguard Salvager
Vanguard Sentinel
Vanguard Skirmisher
Vanguard Visionary
Dynamis Dynamis - Windurst
Dynamis - Beaucedine
Dynamis - Buburimu
Dynamis - Qufim
Dynamis - Valkurm
Bhuu Wjato the Firepool
Caa Xaza the Madpiercer
Foo Peku the Bloodcloak
Guu Waji the Preacher
Hee Mida the Meticulous
Knii Hoqo the Bisector
Koo Saxu the Everfast
Kuu Xuka the Nimble
Maa Zaua the Wyrmkeeper
Nee Huxa the Judgmental
Puu Timu the Phantasmal
Ryy Qihi the Idolrobber
Soo Jopo the Fiendking
Xaa Chau the Roctalon
Xhoo Fuza the Sublime
Dynamis Dynamis - Beaucedine
Dee Xalmo the Grim
Divine Ascetic
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Garlaige Citadel (S)
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Windurst Waters (S)
Moo Ouzi the Swiftblade
Divine Disseminator
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Garlaige Citadel (S)
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Windurst Waters (S)
Vaa Oozu the Redolent
Divine Inciter
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Vuu Puqu the Beguiler
Divine Inspirer
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Yuu Mjuu the Awakened
Divine Sentinel
Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Divine Pilgrim Campaign Castle Oztroja (S)
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Garlaige Citadel (S)
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
West Sarutabaruta (S)
Windurst Waters (S)
Yii Haqi the Threnodist
Nuu Gazo the Dirgerimer
Succor to the Sidhe Meriphataud Mountains (S)
Note: See the respective event/zone page. Mob names not listed here due to excess cases (ex: Campaign).

Pages in category "Yagudo"

The following 181 pages are in this category, out of 181 total.