Getting There
- This route requires one
Lamian Fang Key.
- Take the Ilrusi Atoll Staging Point, which arrives at Arrapago Reef Map 2 and proceed to (D-10) and cross over to Map 3.
- Proceed to (F-9) to use your
Lamian Fang Key and then hang a right.
- Head down the ramp at the boat and follow the outside of the map up to (F-6) and zone into Caedarva Mire.
- The Survival Guide will be near the zone upon entering.
- The spawn location is then at (F-7), after dropping down one ledge.
The Fight
- Spawns three helpers: 2 Merrow Typhoondancer (Samurai) and a Merrow Bladedancer (Red Mage) around 75% HP, or possibly with her first TP move.
- The helpers may use Meikyo Shisui and Chainspell, respectively.
- Recommended to have the alliance zone after she spawns the adds, and have one person disband and re-pull her while the alliance kills the adds.
- Can use all Lamia TP moves, including Belly Dance (sight-based Charm).
- Always follows Tail Slap with Arrow Deluge.
- Her ranged attacks always take shadows if shadows are up.