Feast of Swords 2008/Guide

From FFXI Wiki

Festival Schedule

The festivities begin at 01:00 on April 28, 2008 (PDT) and are scheduled to continue until 01:00 on May 7.

City Moogle Locations

Southern San d'Oria / Northern San d'Oria
Bastok Mines - (I-9) / Bastok Markets - (G-8)
Windurst Waters / Port Windurst

Outdoor Moogle Locations

West Ronfaure / East Ronfaure / La Theine Plateau - (J-8) / Jugner Forest - (I-8) / Batallia Downs - (K-8)
North Gustaberg (L-8) / South Gustaberg - (L-8) / Konschtat Highlands - (I-6) / Pashhow Marshlands - (K-6) / Rolanberry Fields - (K-5)
West Sarutabaruta / East Sarutabaruta / Tahrongi Canyon - (I-6) / Meriphataud Mountains - (E-5) / Sauromugue Champaign - (E-5)


Basic information

  • Speak to a Moogle in one of the cities to receive a Ibushi Shinai.
  • With the Ibushi Shinai equipped, speak to a Moogle at any of the outdoor areas to receive a level cap.
    • While under the effect of the level cap, you will have boosted movement speed.
    • You cannot attack monsters while level capped, nor will they aggro you.
    • Effects of enhancing magic will not wear when you get the level cap.
  • Attack the various Armors with Ibushi Shinai to absorb malice. When the Armor falls, it will leave a ??? on the ground. Trade the Ibushi Shinai, with enough malice you will receive a reward.
