Flint Stone

From FFXI Wiki
Flint Stone icon.png Flint stone
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Description: Stones perfect for starting fires. Easy to process, flint stones are popular throughout Vana'diel.
Image: Flint Stone description.png
Type: Item Counterfeit Gil icon.png NPC Resale: 5 Gil
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Materials ➞ Goldsmithing
"Find Flint Stone on FFXIAH" "Find Flint Stone on FFXIDB"

Used to spawn the following Notorious Monsters
Monster Name Notes
Skull of Envy/Gluttony/Greed/Lust/Pride/Sloth/Wrath Eldieme Necropolis. Trade a Flint Stone to each of the 7 tallow candles at the same time.

Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Glass Fiber Mini-Alchemy.png Alchemy 61
Cuffs Mini-Clothcraft.png Clothcraft 12
Used in the following Synthesis & Synergy Recipes
Item Main Craft Level
Pebble Soup Mini-Cooking.png Cooking 5
Stone Arrowhd. Mini-Goldsmithing.png Goldsmithing 2