- Has Double Attack and Triple Attack.
- If any Magic Damage is dealt, Skillchains, Magic WS, Reprisal Effects, En-spell Effects, Dia or Bio, It will immediately use Riddle (Lowers and locks MP to 0) followed by Heat Breath (Easily 10~20k+).
- Will use Mighty Strikes Multiple times during the fight.
- During Mighty Strikes, timing a WS on him while he is using a WS/Readying a WS has a chance to proc Blue , inflicting Terror for several seconds.
- Gains a cumulative Attack boost throughout the fight, may be linked to dispelled effects or Mighty Strikes usage.
- Procing will reset this attack boost.
- If Glazemane is procced, any magic damage dealt while he is stunned will NOT cause him to enrage.
- Possesses En-Dispel.
- See the Discussion page for strategies.