
From FFXI Wiki
  • Beaten using NIN THF GEO WHM with Ulmia trust. Frailty/Fury/entrust Haste. Keep haste 1 on NIN and THF incase ulmia switches songs. THF builds TP and only trick attacks the NIN. NIN must have very good haste for keeping up both miga and shadows. One move is magical and will clear shadows and miga both, this is when NIN is vulnerable to critical hits for high dmg to kill him. If NIN is quick enough can reapply shadows but dying still will happen. Fight can be made quicker with more THF. SAing him will always result in THF stealing hate. Make sure never to skillchain and either space out WS or use them at the same time as skillchain damage is magical and will cause him to use heat breath and set mages mp to zero. Farmed him over 20 kills this method can bring up to 3 THF. Other DD will steal hate. RNG with decoy shot and coronach also probably an option for the same reasons as long as no skillchains. I've heard other DD beat it by subbing NIN and bouncing hate around but is not as reliable a win. AtrixWolfe (talk) 02:31, 6 June 2016 (UTC)

  • Doable with just Trusts on NIN, but there's really no room for error. You have to make sure you don't use any trusts that can potentially cause magic damage and probably shouldn't even use anything that can WS at all. I personally used Apururu, Joachim, Ulmia, Kupipi, and Moogle, with a Chaos and Fighter's rolls applied by Qultada beforehand. Yoran and Sylvie would also work just as well or better.--Kyte (talk) 19:57, 26 August 2016 (UTC)

  • BRD, BLU, THF trio, with a WHM trust. GEO or COR would be nice.

Easy as long as you are prepared, otherwise you will get dumped on.

Scherzo is likely to be of use, but the TP moved don't wipe shadows or Occultation. Keep Cocoon and Barrier Tusk up.

CDC, Expiacion, and Rudras do not skillchain with each other so have the BLU and THF WS between each other. Otherwise, Shark Bite, Resolution, Shoha, and Savage Blade all won't SC with each other. --Spicyryan (talk) 01:47, 21 July 2017 (EDT)

Trio'd easily and quickly with BLU BLU GEO. GEO did fury/frailty, BLUs spammed Savage Blade. Recast Occultation as soon as it's ready. Don't wait for shadows to wear. Trusts were Yoran, Cherukiki, and Joachim. -- 11:18 User:‎Crescens

2022 solo update

Compared to 2016 this one's pretty soloable on RDM/NIN with relative ease. Slow II, para II, blind II utterly disables the sphinx. Blue Proc then apply Dia III so you deal damage. Just don't get hit by Mighty Strikes Deadly Hold, or you'll be sorry. --Nattack (talk) 18:27, 24 January 2022 (EST)

Soloed NIN/WAR with trusts. Used 5/5 Malignance gear with DD accessories, trusts used were Monberaux, Ulmia, Joachim, Cherukiki and Sylvie (UC). Tried this guy as RDM, as BLU, as MNK, even RUN, no finally found a consistent way to beat him as NIN. Unlike any other fight you'll ever do on NIN, for this guy you do NOT want to SC/MB. Heishi Shorinken with Ternion Dagger +1 offhand, popped Yonin, Kakka, Myoshu, Issekigan, Berserk, etc. Make sure to keep shadows up at all times and trust your Malignance gear! The only WS you'll use is Blade: Ten because it does not SC with itself. He won't go down super fast, you'll have to whittle his HP down. but this way is safe and consistent. --Kronikx (talk) 04:38, 10 October 2024 (EST)