
From FFXI Wiki

Harvesting requires the use of a Sickle icon.png Sickle on a "Harvest Point" in order to potentially gain items from it. The result of the harvest will either be an item or nothing at all. In either instance the sickle may either be reused or will break with a corresponding message informing of it.

  • Players may simplify the process of harvesting with a macro of "/item "Sickle" <t>".
  • The Field Attire Set reduces the instances of breaks.

Original Areas

Rise of the Zilart

Aht Urhgan

Wings of The Goddess



Item Rarity
Burdock icon.png Burdock U
Grain Seeds icon.png Grain Seeds U
Grauberg Greens icon.png Grauberg Greens U
Herb Seeds icon.png Herb Seeds U
Lesser Chigoe icon.png Lesser Chigoe U
Moko Grass icon.png Moko Grass U
Red Moko Grass icon.png Red Moko Grass U
Vegetable Seeds icon.png Vegetable Seeds U


Rhapsodies of Vana'diel