Healing Ruby II

From FFXI Wiki
Blood Pact Information
Avatar: Light-SMN-Icon.gifCarbuncleCarbuncle
Level Obtained: 65
Description: Restores HP for party members within area of effect.
Blood Pact Type: Blood Pact: Ward
MP Cost: 124
Duration: Instant
Range ?
Command: /pet "Healing Ruby II" <me>


  • Potency is based on Carbuncle's Max HP and Carbuncle's TP.
    • Max HP of an Avatar is most directly affected by things like Apogee Gear, which directly boosts Avatar HP. Avatar level also has an effect, though is a more minor contribution.
    • Has very large default range and the highest potency AoE healing pact even at zero TP. It is also the only AoE Healing pact that scales with TP, Avatar TP Bonus does effect this.
