Howl from the Heavens

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Howl from the Heavens
Required Fame Unknown
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Robel-Akbel, Windurst Waters (S)
Pack Wings of the Goddess
Title The Moon's Companion
Repeatable No
Description As the battered Federation forces prepare to defend their city from the approaching hordes, the inscrutable Robel-Akbel schemes in his dark chambers. What terrible secrets lie behind his mask? Deliver the magicite he seeks, and long-sought truths just may be revealed...
Previous Quest Next Quest
Sins of the Mothers Manifest Destiny
Cobra Staff


Magicite Locations
  • Make your way to Davoi.
  • Head to (G-7) and click on the Wall of Dark Arts.
  • Walk down the path into a large room and inspect the Magicite for the Key ItemShard of optistone.
Castle Oztroja
  • Castle Oztroja is located at (L-8) in Meriphataud Mountains.
  • Enter and head to the door at (I-8). You will see a lever at either side of the door. One lever will open the door and the other will open a trap in the floor and cause you to fall into a pit. There is a very easy way to open this door.
    • Stand between the two levers in front of the door.
    • Trigger one of the levers and immediately run into the door. If done correctly, you should remain on the small edge in front of the door, even if the trapdoor opens. If that happens, just wait until it's closed again and try again with the other lever.
  • On the second floor, head to (G-7) where you will exit into a courtyard.
  • On this map, head north (without falling off) to a the corridor leading into the next map at (I-7).
  • Here follow the right wall until you reach a door at (H-9).
    • The mobs in this area are much higher level than the ones previously encountered.
  • At the door light the torch and you will be taken through.
  • Head South and take a right to another door. Click on the brass door to open it. The zone is just ahead.
  • Inside you will be in an area with no mobs. Examine the Magicite for the Key ItemShard of orastone.
  • Once you have all three Magicite, return to Windurst Waters (S) and speak to Velda-Galda (K-9) for a cutscene.
  • Zone into West Sarutabaruta (S) from Windurst Waters (S) for another cutscene.
  • Examine the Windurstian Bulwark (J-8), located just ahead for a cutscene.
  • Examine the Windurstian Bulwark to start a fight.
    • This fight begins immediately and takes place on the field. Buff before examining.
    • The time limit for this fight is 30 minutes and you are allowed to bring a full alliance of 18 people to this fight.
    • Only the person initiating this fight needs to have the quest active.
    • Killing the Tiny Lycopodiums before the fight makes targetting easier as they tend to follow you around.
    • Clearing the Lycopodiums out with Area of Effect damage is recommended.
    • Four waves of monsters will spawn and attempt to destroy the 3 Magical Barriers.
    • Both Romaa Mihgo and at least one of the three Protective Wards must be kept alive.
      • The Protective Wards cannot be Cured and they also take damage from AoE's.
    • If you fail the fight, you can zone and reinspect the Windurstian Bulwark to try again.
  • Once you have finished the fight, before zoning examine the Windurstian Bulwark again for a long cutscene or you'll have to do the fight again.
  • Zone into Windurst Waters (S) for the final cutscene and your reward.

If you are working on missions then return to Fate in Haze.