
From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Scholar
Type Level  
Level Obtained 87
Description Makes it possible for your next elemental magic spell to be used in a skillchain, but not a magic burst.
Duration 00:01:00 or first black magic cast, whichever first
Recast Depends on Stratagem charges
Cumulative Enmity 1 Volatile Enmity 80
Command /ja "Immanence" <me>


  • Allows spells to interact and Skillchain as if they each had their own level 1 Skillchain properties.
    • Only single-target elemental families that SCH natively has access to (Does not wear off for ineligible spells)
    • Example: Immanence -> Blizzard IV -> Immanence -> Water IV -> Fragmentation
    • Closing a skillchain with an Immanence Helix will make the magic burst window two seconds longer than normal.


Equipment Modifying Ability
Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier
Svnt. Bracers +1 icon.png Savant's Bracers +1 87 Hands +5 Skillchain Bonus
Svnt. Bracers +2 icon.png Savant's Bracers +2 87 Hands +10 Skillchain Bonus
Arbatel Bracers icon.png Arbatel Bracers 99 Hands +10 Skillchain Bonus
Arbatel Bracers +1 icon.png Arbatel Bracers +1 99 Hands +11 Skillchain Bonus
Arbatel Bracers +2 icon.png Arbatel Bracers +2 99 Hands +12 Skillchain Bonus
Arbatel Bracers +3 icon.png Arbatel Bracers +3 99 Hands +13 Skillchain Bonus
