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All instruments are restricted to Bard. Instruments are equipped in the ranged weapon slot.

For bard, instruments are fundamentally divided into two categories, String and Wind, that rely on the C-ranked String Instrument and Wind Instrument skill respectively. String Instruments have a larger AoE range (based on skill) and less magic accuracy, while Wind instruments have more magic accuracy and a shorter AoE range.

String Instruments

Weapon Name R E Level Item Level Sup Level Damage Delay DPS Additional Effects Jobs
Maple Harp 1 - - - - BRD
Maple Harp +1 1 - - - - "Minne"+1 BRD
Harp 14 - - - - "Minne"+1 BRD
Harp +1 14 - - - - "Minne"+2 BRD
Military Harp 33 - - - - "Finale"+2 BRD
Rose Harp 36 - - - - "Etude"+1 BRD
Rose Harp +1 36 - - - - "Etude"+2 BRD
Lamia Harp 44 - - - - BRD
Ebony Harp 60 - - - - "Paeon"+1 BRD
Ebony Harp +1 60 - - - - "Paeon"+2 BRD
Ebony Harp +2 60 - - - - Accuracy+1 "Paeon"+2 BRD
Nursemaid's Harp 60 - - - - "Lullaby"+2 BRD
Mythic Harp 70 - - - - Element: Dark+15 "Etude"+1 BRD
Mythic Harp +1 70 - - - - Element: Dark+20 "Etude"+2 BRD
Sorrowful Harp 70 - - - - "Threnody"+3 BRD
Angel Lyre Rare-Icon.gif 71 - - - - "Hymnus"+2 Haste+2% BRD
Cythara Anglica +1 75 - - - - CHR+3 Element: Light+6 "Virelai"+2 BRD
Cythara Anglica 75 - - - - CHR+2 Element: Light+5 "Virelai"+1 BRD
Vihuela Rare-Icon.gif 81 - - - - "Mambo"+3 "Mazurka"+3 BRD
Crooner's Cithara Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 85 - - - - "Ballad"+1 BRD
Daurdabla Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 85 - - - - Singing skill +5 String instrument skill +5 BRD
Pyf Harp Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 85 - - - - String instrument skill +1 BRD
Oneiros Harp Rare-Icon.gif 88 - - - - Adds "Regen" effect "Paeon"+3 BRD
Daurdabla Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 90 - - - - Singing skill +20 String instrument skill +20 Increases song effect duration Grants an additional song effect BRD
Langeleik Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 90 - - - - "March"+3 "Etude"+3 BRD
Daurdabla Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 95 - - - - Singing skill +20 String instrument skill +20 Increases song effect duration Grants an additional song effect BRD
Blurred Harp 99 - 2 - - Grants one additional song effect All songs +1 "Lullaby"+2 BRD
Blurred Harp +1 99 - 2 - - Grants one additional song effect All songs +2 "Ballad"+2 "Lullaby"+2 BRD
Camaraderie Harp Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - String instrument skill +10 Reives: Grants one additional song effect BRD
Daurdabla Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - Singing skill +20 String instrument skill +20 Increases song effect duration Grants two additional song effects BRD
Daurdabla Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - Singing skill +20 String instrument skill +20 Increases song effect duration Grants two additional song effects BRD
Nibiru Harp Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - CHR+7 Magic Accuracy+10 "Carol"+2 BRD
Terpander Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - Grants an additional song effect BRD

Wind Instruments

Weapon Name R E Level Item Level Sup Level Damage Delay DPS Additional Effects Jobs
Flute 1 - - - - BRD
Flute +1 1 - - - - "Requiem"+1 BRD
Flute +2 1 - - - - HP+5 "Requiem"+1 BRD
Marvelous Cheer Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 1 - - - - All
Cornette 4 - - - - "Minuet"+1 BRD
Cornette +1 4 - - - - "Minuet"+2 BRD
Cornette +2 4 - - - - AGI+1 "Minuet"+2 BRD
Piccolo 9 - - - - "Threnody"+1 BRD
Piccolo +1 9 - - - - "Threnody"+2 BRD
Mary's Horn Rare-Icon.gif 14 - - - - "Lullaby"+1 BRD
Gemshorn 19 - - - - "Mambo"+1 BRD
Gemshorn +1 19 - - - - "Mambo"+2 BRD
Royal Spearman's Horn 20 - - - - CHR+3 "March"+1 BRD
Siren Flute 23 - - - - "Requiem"+2 BRD
Kingdom Horn 25 - - - - HP+4 MP+4 CHR+3 "March"+1 BRD
San d'Orian Horn 25 - - - - HP+3 MP+3 CHR+3 "March"+1 BRD
Traversiere 32 - - - - "Madrigal"+1 BRD
Traversiere +1 32 - - - - "Madrigal"+2 BRD
Traversiere +2 32 - - - - MP+10 "Madrigal"+2 BRD
Faerie Piccolo 36 - - - - "March"+2 BRD
Horn 40 - - - - "Elegy"+1 BRD
Horn +1 40 - - - - "Elegy"+2 BRD
Oliphant Rare-Icon.gif 40 - - - - Accuracy+3 Attack+3 In areas outside own nation's control: Wind instrument skill +3 BRD
Angel's Flute 48 - - - - "Prelude"+1 BRD
Angel's Flute +1 48 - - - - "Prelude"+2 BRD
Storm Fife Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 50 - - - - Assault: "Ballad"+1 BRD
Crumhorn 56 - - - - "Carol"+1 BRD
Crumhorn +1 56 - - - - "Carol"+2 BRD
Crumhorn +2 56 - - - - INT+1 "Carol"+2 BRD
Hamelin Flute Rare-Icon.gif 58 - - - - CHR+2 Evasion+3 "Requiem"+2 BRD
Iron Ram Horn Rare-Icon.gif 60 - - - - CHR+4 "March"+2 BRD
Frenzy Fife Rare-Icon.gif 66 - - - - STR+2 INT-4 CHR-4 Latent effect: STR+4 BRD
Hellish Bugle 68 - - - - Attack+3 Evasion+3 "Mambo"+1 BRD
Hellish Bugle +1 68 - - - - Attack+4 Evasion+4 "Mambo"+2 BRD
Shofar 68 - - - - HP+15 "Requiem"+2 BRD
Shofar +1 68 - - - - HP+20 "Requiem"+3 BRD
Cradle Horn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 70 - - - - CHR+1 "Lullaby"+2 BRD
Harlequin's Horn Rare-Icon.gif 70 - - - - "Mazurka"+2 BRD
Requiem Flute 72 - - - - "Requiem"+4 BRD
Dynamis Horn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 75 - - - - In Dynamis: CHR+2 Element: Ice+9 BRD
Gjallarhorn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 75 - - - - CHR+4 Singing skill +10 Wind instrument skill +10 All songs +2 BRD
Millennium Horn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 75 - - - - In Dynamis: CHR+3 All songs +2 BRD
Pyrrhic Horn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 75 - - - - In Dynamis: CHR+1 Element: Ice+7 BRD
Relic Horn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 75 - - - - BRD
Gjallarhorn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 80 - - - - CHR+6 Singing skill +15 Wind instrument skill +15 All songs +2 BRD
Cantabank's Horn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 82 - - - - "Madrigal"+3 "Prelude"+3 BRD
Ney Rare-Icon.gif 82 - - - - Element: Light+5 "Finale"+2 BRD
Apollo's Flute Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 83 - - - - "Minuet"+3 BRD
Syrinx Rare-Icon.gif 83 - - - - "Elegy"+3 "Minne"+3 BRD
Gjallarhorn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 85 - - - - CHR+8 Singing skill +20 Wind instrument skill +20 All songs +2 BRD
Pan's Horn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 86 - - - - CHR+3 "Finale"+3 "Lullaby"+3 BRD
Gjallarhorn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 90 - - - - CHR+8 Singing skill +20 Wind instrument skill +20 All songs +3 BRD
Gjallarhorn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 95 - - - - CHR+10 Singing skill +25 Wind instrument skill +25 All songs +3 BRD
Damani Horn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - MP+20 Wind instrument skill +3 "Lullaby"+2 BRD
Damani Horn +1 Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - MP+25 Wind instrument skill +4 "Lullaby"+3 BRD
Eminent Flute Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - All songs +2 BRD
Forefront Flute Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - Wind instrument skill +10 Reives: All songs +2 BRD
Gjallarhorn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - CHR+10 Singing skill +25 Wind instrument skill +25 All songs +4 BRD
Gjallarhorn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - CHR+10 Singing skill +25 Wind instrument skill +25 All songs +4 BRD
Homestead Flute Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - Reives: Singing skill +10 All songs +2 Song effect duration +20% BRD
Linos Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - All songs +1 BRD
Loughnashade Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - CHR+3 Slowly devours your soul BRD
Loughnashade Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - CHR+10 All songs +2 Sortie: Aria of Passion BRD
Loughnashade Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - CHR+15 Grants an additional song effect All songs +3 Aria of Passion BRD
Loughnashade Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - CHR+20 Grants two additional song effects All songs +4 Aria of Passion BRD
Marsyas Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - Song effect duration +50% Able to use Honor March BRD
Mass Chalemie Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - "Hymnus"+3 "Scherzo"+1 BRD
Miracle Cheer Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - All songs +3 Grants an additional song effect Sets the song effect duration for party members to 15 minutes BRD
Prime Horn Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif 99 - - - - CHR+3 Slowly devours your soul BRD