Kupo Mission 10

From FFXI Wiki
Roar! A Cat Burglar Bares Her Fangs
Series None
Starting NPC N/A
Title None
Repeatable No
Description What's this!? Toto has enlisted the services of the formidable feline filcher Nanaa Mihgo to guard his prize catch! Can you declaw the Cat Burglar, or will you end up as cat food?
Previous Mission Next Mission
Rescue! A Moogle's Labor of Love Relief! A Triumphant Return


  • In the Chamber of Oracles, examine the Shimmering Circle to enter the battlefield with the same name as the mission.
    • Home Point #1 is the fastest way.
  • In the battlefield, you will fight the following mobs:
  • All of the mobs in the battlefield are susceptible to Sleep and Repose. As Nanaa Mihgo is much stronger than the Goblins, it would be a wise strategy to sleep her while taking out the lesser threats.
    • You only need to defeat Nanaa Mihgo to complete the battlefield
    • Trust Magic can be used in this battlefield.
  • Once completed you will receive a Key Item Red coral key and a cutscene and the next mission will begin.

"A Moogle Kupo d'Etat" Key